I Have Seen ACT's Future and it is Phat

Had a great day yesterday as an observer at the ACT on Campus retreat in Wellington.
There was a good turnout, with reps from Auckland, Waikato, Victoria, Canterbury, Lincoln and Otago.
On Saturday, the debate centred on AOC's direction, widening the organisation to cater for non campus based activists and relations with the ACT Party.
A new President and Vice President were elected as Mike Collins and David Seymour have both finished university.
In the afternoon we had a very good presentation on VSM-voluntary student membership of student's associations, from Rick Marshall of Student Choice.
The mood was upbeat and the debate was wide ranging and good natured. I was bloody impressed with the calibre of the people. I was also very heartened that two of the AOCer's are putting their names forward for the upcoming board elections.
Jordan King from Wellington summed up the mood with an "isn't capitalsm GREE-A-A-A-T?
Keep up the good work.
"Jordan King from Wellington summed up the mood with an "isn't capitalsm GREE-A-A-A-T?"
Well yeah unless you're a starving Central African woman forced to work in a dangerous dirty diamond mine by wealth hungry child soldiers who will sell their cut of the diamonds off to some nice multinationals, who'll then sell them to rich Americans and Europeans for a small fortune. Later she'll probably be gang raped by some of the rebels.
The person in this situation who has done the most work at the highest cost to herself (ie the African slave miner) will receive the least amount of benefits from this transaction. Meanwhile those who've done the least work (the stockholders, board members, CEO etc of the multinational) will receive the most rewards.
Tony...where in all that spiel was actual capitalism? You described force and injustice, neither of which are tolerated in a free market.Examine your post agan and you will see the signs of big govenment,crime,and the absense of any protection for that womens natural rights which are the cornerstone of the Capitalist system in its true form.In fact what you described had more in common with life under the Soviets than any Westen nation.
Jordan King still believes that capitalism is GREE-A-A-A-T.
He'll now stop talking in third person and say that James hit the nail on the head..
James Hit the nail on the Head.
Capitalism is based on the non-initiation of force principle - ie the principle that individuals own themselves and the fruits of their labour, and have no right to force others to do their bidding in any way, shape or for.
Rebel gang rape, forced labour, and dangerous dingy diamond mines are not what capitalism creates, but rather what the abscence of capitalism creates.
Morality ends where the gun begins. (Had to be a good randian and add that :) )
Ha ha ha. Act's future is fat. Ha ha ha pre-middle aged obesity. They use their freedom of choice for poor life style choices. Deep fried grease balls anyone? Mmmm I will get utilty from those says Rodney.
People make poor lifestyle choices anyway. At least in a society of personal freedom and personal responsibility, they will pay the consequences for their actions, rather than the rest of society being forced to.
I wouldn't waste my time with Anon posters anyway. They are the kind of people too scared to show their lack of knowledge and only get their kicks by harrassing others.
Was my humour not PC enough for you heine?
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