Was the Green's "Mr Clean", a Marxist-Leninist?
The Green Party will choose a male co-leader at its national conference in June. In a speech to Green Party members Whangarei on the 28th of January, Greens' co-leader, Jeanette Fitzsimons "sent a strong signal to the party's grassroot members that they should consider looking outside the current crop of MPs for a new male co-leader."
This has been interpreted as a clear signal that the Greens will go past their two male MPs, Keith Locke and Nandor Tanczos.
Both MPs would be electoral liabilities in a leadership role. Locke is widely regarded as a loony leftist, while Tanczos' dreadlocks, dope smoking and anarchist background do not endear him to middle class voters.
Many eyes are on Russell Norman, number 10 on the Green Party List and the Party's campaign manager in 2005.

Norman's Green Party website bio states that he came to NZ in 1997 after being active in the Australian Green's for two years. It also states that in his youth (he was born in 1967) "I was involved in many environmental and social justice campaigns in Australia eg. student fees, union issues, Aboriginal land rights, peace, and native forest logging."
On November 14th 2005, Brisbane based, leftwing Blog, "Larvatus Prodeo" speculated that Russell Norman might replace the late Rod Donald as Green co-leader. Larvatus Prodeo contributor "Naomi" quoted NZ's "Independent"
"The Greens' newly appointed commander of artillery - otherwise known as the party's campaign manager - is a lanky, young, Australian-born activist by the name of Russell Norman. A staunch Green Party member for more than 10 years, Norman also has close personal ties to former Alliance power-couple Laila Harre and Barry Gribben. One of several left leaning shareholders in Gribben's Waiheke Island vineyard... the Greens' new strategist is as comfortable among Gribben's rough reds as he is among the organic wine drinkers of his own party."
There were two interesting replies to this post
Mark 10 November 2005 at 3:00 pm
"Comrade Norman has travelled a long way since his condemnations of reformists on the parliamentary road as an SWP activist. Perhaps it’s the good vintages?"
Lefty Elitist 10 November 2005 at 10:34 pm
"Cripes. I know Russell from an extremely brief, late 80s DSP interludette (I know… but im tellin ya, they had the best parties in Brisbane). Hadn’t realised he’d got the big campaign job. Last I heard he was out on the Bay of Islands."
The SWP referred to, was almost certainly the Socialist Workers Party. The SWP was a Marxist-Leninist party, originally affiliated to the "Fourth International", as its name suggests, an international grouping of Trotskyite parties.
In 1984, the entire SWP infiltrated the fledgling Nuclear Disarmament Party, led by "Midnight Oil" vocalist, Peter Garrett. The resulting publicity virtually destroyed the new organisation.
In the late 80s the SWP failed in merger attempts with two other Marxist-Leninist parties, the Communist Party of Australia and the Socialist Party of Australia.
In 1990, the SWP changed its name to the Democratic Socialist Party and began to work closely with the environmental movement. It published a paper called "Green Left Weekly", but maintained both its Marxist-Leninist philosophy, tactics and extensive links with Marxist-Leninist parties in Australia and abroad. It was also extremely close to NZ's Alliance Party.
The post by "Lefty Elitist", mentions Norman as being involved in the "DSP" in the "late 80s". At that time the DSP was still the SWP, but it is quite common for leftist commentators to interchange the names. Incidentally, The DSP now stands for "Democratic Socialist Perspective" as the party is now part of the Australian Socialist Alliance.
I have already documented the extremely close ties Keith Locke has had to the DSP. I have also documented Jeanette Fitzsimon's attendance at a DSP organised international communist conference (She told Green Left Weekly number 147 "If socialism is to survive as a relevant political movement in the 21st century, it must develop a response to the ecological crisis and a socialist strategy to build a sustainable future.")
The links between the Greens and a Marxist-Leinist Party like the DSP are a cause for concern.
How serious would it be if it were proven that the Green's potential new co-leader was once a member of this organisation? What if he were still in contact with his old comrades until recent years? That would make three leading Greens involved with one of the most vigorous Marxist-Leninist parties in our region.
The conclusive evidence that Norman has had some DSP connection were several articles he wrote for Green left Weekly in the late '90s. They included;
1996 Article in GLW No 248 A Divided NZ Heads for the Polls"
1996 Article in GLW No 249 NZ's Politics of Hate and Fear
1997 Article in GLW No 288 Winston's Winebox Empty
1999 Article in GLW 363 NZ Labour Sinks GE Bill
Was Russell Norman the DSP's NZ correspondent? The Green Party needs to answer some questions. They claim not to be a socialist party, but several of their leading people have easily documentable Marxist-Leninist connections.
Is the Green Party willing to explain this connection? Is it willing to shed more light on Russell Norman's possible SWP/DSP background?
This has been interpreted as a clear signal that the Greens will go past their two male MPs, Keith Locke and Nandor Tanczos.
Both MPs would be electoral liabilities in a leadership role. Locke is widely regarded as a loony leftist, while Tanczos' dreadlocks, dope smoking and anarchist background do not endear him to middle class voters.
Many eyes are on Russell Norman, number 10 on the Green Party List and the Party's campaign manager in 2005.

Norman's Green Party website bio states that he came to NZ in 1997 after being active in the Australian Green's for two years. It also states that in his youth (he was born in 1967) "I was involved in many environmental and social justice campaigns in Australia eg. student fees, union issues, Aboriginal land rights, peace, and native forest logging."
On November 14th 2005, Brisbane based, leftwing Blog, "Larvatus Prodeo" speculated that Russell Norman might replace the late Rod Donald as Green co-leader. Larvatus Prodeo contributor "Naomi" quoted NZ's "Independent"
"The Greens' newly appointed commander of artillery - otherwise known as the party's campaign manager - is a lanky, young, Australian-born activist by the name of Russell Norman. A staunch Green Party member for more than 10 years, Norman also has close personal ties to former Alliance power-couple Laila Harre and Barry Gribben. One of several left leaning shareholders in Gribben's Waiheke Island vineyard... the Greens' new strategist is as comfortable among Gribben's rough reds as he is among the organic wine drinkers of his own party."
There were two interesting replies to this post
Mark 10 November 2005 at 3:00 pm
"Comrade Norman has travelled a long way since his condemnations of reformists on the parliamentary road as an SWP activist. Perhaps it’s the good vintages?"
Lefty Elitist 10 November 2005 at 10:34 pm
"Cripes. I know Russell from an extremely brief, late 80s DSP interludette (I know… but im tellin ya, they had the best parties in Brisbane). Hadn’t realised he’d got the big campaign job. Last I heard he was out on the Bay of Islands."
The SWP referred to, was almost certainly the Socialist Workers Party. The SWP was a Marxist-Leninist party, originally affiliated to the "Fourth International", as its name suggests, an international grouping of Trotskyite parties.
In 1984, the entire SWP infiltrated the fledgling Nuclear Disarmament Party, led by "Midnight Oil" vocalist, Peter Garrett. The resulting publicity virtually destroyed the new organisation.
In the late 80s the SWP failed in merger attempts with two other Marxist-Leninist parties, the Communist Party of Australia and the Socialist Party of Australia.
In 1990, the SWP changed its name to the Democratic Socialist Party and began to work closely with the environmental movement. It published a paper called "Green Left Weekly", but maintained both its Marxist-Leninist philosophy, tactics and extensive links with Marxist-Leninist parties in Australia and abroad. It was also extremely close to NZ's Alliance Party.
The post by "Lefty Elitist", mentions Norman as being involved in the "DSP" in the "late 80s". At that time the DSP was still the SWP, but it is quite common for leftist commentators to interchange the names. Incidentally, The DSP now stands for "Democratic Socialist Perspective" as the party is now part of the Australian Socialist Alliance.
I have already documented the extremely close ties Keith Locke has had to the DSP. I have also documented Jeanette Fitzsimon's attendance at a DSP organised international communist conference (She told Green Left Weekly number 147 "If socialism is to survive as a relevant political movement in the 21st century, it must develop a response to the ecological crisis and a socialist strategy to build a sustainable future.")
The links between the Greens and a Marxist-Leinist Party like the DSP are a cause for concern.
How serious would it be if it were proven that the Green's potential new co-leader was once a member of this organisation? What if he were still in contact with his old comrades until recent years? That would make three leading Greens involved with one of the most vigorous Marxist-Leninist parties in our region.
The conclusive evidence that Norman has had some DSP connection were several articles he wrote for Green left Weekly in the late '90s. They included;
1996 Article in GLW No 248 A Divided NZ Heads for the Polls"
1996 Article in GLW No 249 NZ's Politics of Hate and Fear
1997 Article in GLW No 288 Winston's Winebox Empty
1999 Article in GLW 363 NZ Labour Sinks GE Bill
Was Russell Norman the DSP's NZ correspondent? The Green Party needs to answer some questions. They claim not to be a socialist party, but several of their leading people have easily documentable Marxist-Leninist connections.
Is the Green Party willing to explain this connection? Is it willing to shed more light on Russell Norman's possible SWP/DSP background?
Whats Socialism coming to when Left leaning peole have shares in vineyards on Waiheke? How does that work? ;-)
That's right 76. This is not a Green Party with the odd commie hiding in the bushes. Its a commie party with the odd stupid tree cuddler for camouflage.
what is this blog, an online "Introduction to Lefties no-one cares about 101" course?
Stan is like that sometimes :)
Keep up the good work Trevor!
well the thing is when i met Trevor he seemed like an interesting guy, but when i come to his blog all i see is all this information overload about Lefties, i mean seriously, does anyone actually care about their life background? it's boring as
I certainly do. Just remember, this Norman guy could potentially be in Cabinet one day. And that is a truly scary thought.
Big heads up Trevor, makes winston peters last man standing act look laughable!
I think its great that Trevor outs these leftists.
If you don't like it Stan, change the channel.
Given your past links to ZAP'ers and Neo-Nazis (not that there's much of a difference) in Christchurch, Trevor, I don't think you really have much right to talk!
That is a wild assertion Asher. Please provide us with evidence backing this up.
Just had a look further, Asher is one of the members of the Aotearoa Revolutionary Clown Army, who were in protests against the New Zealand Defence lately.
I'm serious! Check out his blog.
jeez Asher if you think Trev a nazi you need to hear from me, with a little effort we can put Green to bed for good this term, Rod Donald is dead, they have nothing there in the way of political charisma, we should extingish the frog things for good with violets, I get to bag the Australian one, and take over green imperatives in ACT.
Start with City Green things which will go down with Rodney's Epsom, and then get into Didymo and Rivers, farmers, and environment vote.
then, align with Maori property rights.
Any body actually doing anything green takes the environmental prize.
It can not be the Greens lead by Norman, they are not Green they are red socialists, and they will be defeated by nature, because they beieve in things that are unreal, and unworkable, like
regressive taxation.
heine/AL - I am referring to Trevor's links to a group called Zenith Applied Philosophy, a fascist cult popular in Christchurch until the early 90's. ZAP was for a time a part of the Nationalist Workers Party, which was run by New Zealand's premier Neo-Nazi Kerry Bolton. Bolton later expelled ZAP from the NWP because they were too extreme!
"Russel" picked up what I was referring to on Frog Blog and posted the following questions, which Trevor is yet to answer.
"Russel's questions for Trev:
Have you ever been a member of, or associated with, ZAP - Zenith Applied Philosophy? What was your involvement?
Were you aware of the association between ZAP and the fascist Nationalist Workers Party?
When did you last have contact with the people associated with ZAP?
Do you think that fascism had something postive to offer the world?
Do you believe that the holocaust happened?
Is your blog “New Zeal” named after the magazine of the same name published in the late 1980s by the Campaign for a Soviet Free New Zealand? What was your invovlement in the New Zeal magazine?
Did you agree with the New Zeal editorial of April 1989 connecting Ron Trotter, the Todds and the Business Roundtable with pro-Soviet and pro-Stalinist activities such as leading business delegations to the USSR, and having other business connections such as selling “Stalinist oil”? Do you still think that the Business Roundtable is a communist front group?
Did you agree with the July 1989 edition of New Zeal when it accused the Young Nats of being “Marxianised” because they were addressed by a member of NZ Planning Council?
Do you still believe that being a member of the NZ Planning Council made you a Marxist, and if so does that mean that Don Brash is a closet marxist because he was a member of the Planning Council?
If Ron Trotter, Don Brash, the Todds and the Business Roundtable are all part of the communist conspiracy, then what the hell planet are you on?"
And heine, the protests were against the NZDIA - the New Zealand Defence Industry Association, a network of NZ arms manufacturers that supply armies such as those of China, Israel, New Zealand and the United States. If you're going to attempt to criticise me, at least get your facts right.
Was hat jeder, das sonst �ber dieses geh�rt wird?Truly, Jackie safeway and edi
Hell Trevor you say you believe in personal responsibilty, well start doing it!!!
You also believe John (fatboy) Dalhoff was at the Ultimate despite the facts speaking for themselves.He told you a pack of lies.He was a master conman and you know it!Yet you continue to deny. Shame on you.
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I have somewhat belatedly come across smears against Trevor Loudon emanating from Asher Goldman and Co. who specialise in disinformation against all and sundry who don't share their world-view, to say the least.
I'm the Bolton referred to in Mr Goldman's typically tenuous guilt by association techniques, which if used by anyone else would draw howls of McCarthyism. Mr Goldman & co. refer to me routinely as the "leader" of any group they dislike, in this instance the long defunct Nationalist Workers Party.
What I can say about this re. Mr Loudon, is that the NWP at no time had any contact with him in any capacity, nor have I ever heard of Mr Loudon prior to coming across the postings of Mr Goldman & Co. ZAP was never a part of the NWP, as Mr Goldman asserts, the assertion being rather stupid.
Mr Goldman is referring to nothing more than a reference by the NWP at the time to its opposition to free market doctrines, which were then being most avidly promoted by ZAP and TRIM, and the NWP making it clear to a couple of pro-free market members that its policy did not share anything in common with ZAP. That Mr Goldman referrs to me as having personally expelled ZAP from the NWP as the party's supposed leader is just the type of garbage Mr Goldman & Co have been perpetrating for several years.
Considering Mr Goldman's mentality, I am sure that he will use this posting itself as supposed "evidence" of association betweem Mr Loudon and myself. Such is his methodology.
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