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Monday, March 27, 2006

Dump This Dodgy Deal Mayor Moore.

So far, Cristcthurch City Council's plan to sell a part share in the Lyttelton Port Company to a subsidiary Hutchison-Whampoa has not gone smoothly.

So far, several letters to the editor and blog posts have revealed Hutchison's links to the Chinese Government and Peoples Liberation Army.

Otago Port Company has swooped on Lyttelton Port Company shares, taking a 10% stake and at least temporarily blocking the sale.

Investigate magazine has published an extensive article on H-W's links to China and the PLA, emphasising the negative securiy implications.

Keep Our Ports Private has been founded. This is a coalition of leftist groups and port unions opposing the sale on sovereignty and SECURITY grounds.

In this morning's Press, National deputy leader, Gerry Brownlee questioned the proposed deal over concerns about the secrecy surrounding it.

From what I gather, support for the deal is far from unanimous inside council.

Give it up Gary, You're on hiding to nothing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it rather anti-free market of you to be arguing against privatisation?
Are you sure you are an ACT person?
Surely, companies should be free from local body interference?

9:21 PM  
Blogger Trevor Loudon said...

I'm not arguing against privatisation. I'm against the deal on security grounds as HWP works hand in glove with the Chinese military. I have posted several times on why I oppose the deal. Check my archives for March and Feb

10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:45 PM  

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