Socialist SuperSizer Sets up SOLIDARITY?
Socialist Worker, UNITE and SupersizeMyPay campaigner, Workers Charter Movement activist, Anticapitaliste blogger, frequent flyer and working class hero, Joe Carolan, seems to have yet another cause to struggle for.
Yesterday he posted this.
SOLIDARITY-New Union Launched
You know how much your pay has
fallen behind the cost of living over
the years.
You are now facing rising costs for
petrol & diesel, power, rent & rates, food
and most other necessities of life. The gap
between the rich and the poor is growing
wider than ever.
That’s because so many workers have
been shut out of unions for the last 15
years. If workers are not organised
together in a union, they go backwards.
Workers who were around 15 years
ago, when the union movement was
much stronger, know they also enjoyed
more rights at work back then. Like job
delegate rights.
Most workers have had enough. They
want to see big improvements in their
pay and their rights. They know this
requires a strong workers’ union.
Solidarity Union is on a crusade for
More Pay and More Say for workers.
Our strategy is simple but effective:
■ Recruit all non-union industrial
workers on your street (and nearby)
into the Solidarity Union.
■ Elect union delegates on different jobs
who will form a strong Workers
Council in your area.
■ Negotiate a single union collective
agreement with different employers in
your area which gives you More Pay
and More Say.
Solidarity Union will soon be at your
jobsite to talk with you and your mates.
We want you to join our union.
Go union! That’s the way workers
will get More Pay and More Say.
New Zeal. Is this a joke? Is it an ego trip? Is it real?
If it is real, It seems apparent that SOLIDARITY will be a militant union for skilled workers. Carolan's UNITE is openly targeted at the unskilled and low paid. It makes sense to try to radicalise the more skilled and potentially more influential segment of the workforce.
The National Distribution Union which is dominated by the Socialist Party of Aoteroa and a new layer of Workers Charter Movement aligned marxist militants is starting to exercise its muscles.
If SOLIDARITY gets off the ground, what's the bet it throws its weight behind UNITE, the SPA, the NDU, Socialist Worker and the WCM in forming Matt McCarten's proposed new "Aotearoa Party"?
Yesterday he posted this.
SOLIDARITY-New Union Launched

You know how much your pay has
fallen behind the cost of living over
the years.
You are now facing rising costs for
petrol & diesel, power, rent & rates, food
and most other necessities of life. The gap
between the rich and the poor is growing
wider than ever.
That’s because so many workers have
been shut out of unions for the last 15
years. If workers are not organised
together in a union, they go backwards.
Workers who were around 15 years
ago, when the union movement was
much stronger, know they also enjoyed
more rights at work back then. Like job
delegate rights.
Most workers have had enough. They
want to see big improvements in their
pay and their rights. They know this
requires a strong workers’ union.
Solidarity Union is on a crusade for
More Pay and More Say for workers.
Our strategy is simple but effective:
■ Recruit all non-union industrial
workers on your street (and nearby)
into the Solidarity Union.
■ Elect union delegates on different jobs
who will form a strong Workers
Council in your area.
■ Negotiate a single union collective
agreement with different employers in
your area which gives you More Pay
and More Say.
Solidarity Union will soon be at your
jobsite to talk with you and your mates.
We want you to join our union.
Go union! That’s the way workers
will get More Pay and More Say.
New Zeal. Is this a joke? Is it an ego trip? Is it real?
If it is real, It seems apparent that SOLIDARITY will be a militant union for skilled workers. Carolan's UNITE is openly targeted at the unskilled and low paid. It makes sense to try to radicalise the more skilled and potentially more influential segment of the workforce.
The National Distribution Union which is dominated by the Socialist Party of Aoteroa and a new layer of Workers Charter Movement aligned marxist militants is starting to exercise its muscles.
If SOLIDARITY gets off the ground, what's the bet it throws its weight behind UNITE, the SPA, the NDU, Socialist Worker and the WCM in forming Matt McCarten's proposed new "Aotearoa Party"?
Joe says "You are now facing rising costs for
petrol & diesel, power, rent & rates, food
and most other necessities of life. The gap
between the rich and the poor is growing
wider than ever"
My question - Why have a go at the employers? The government is responsible for the rising costs. Why target the employers, they are not responsible for what their employees have to spend their income on
I agree anon. The government creates inflation. The government imposes petrol taxes, income taxes and GST. The government wastes huge amounts of our money.
So what does the union do?
It goes after the guys who create the jobs and produce the wealth.
How dumb is that?
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