Commissar Camejo's Firm Grip on California Greens
The very first of the Ten Key Values of the US Green Party is
Every human being deserves a say in the decisions that affect their lives and not be subject to the will of another. Therefore, we will work to increase public participation at every level of government and to ensure that our public representatives are fully accountable to the people who elect them.
Therefore you'd think the Greens would be sensitive to powerful cliques forming inside their party, particularly if those factions were linked to organisations well known for authoritarian ideologies and tactics.
Ironically it appears that the California Green Party which has roughly 50% of the party's national membership, has come under the control of such a faction.
Peter Camejo is undisputed power broker in the California Green Party. His allies (the Marxist International Socialist Organisation) and supporters (many of them old Trotskyists, or employees or directors of his company, Progressive Asset Management) dominate the Party at its highest levels.
Here's some of the proof.

The above book, "California Under Corporate Rule", serves as a promotional tool for Camejo's campaign for the California governorship and is a guide to the Party's programme.
Besides Camejo, the authors are Todd Chretien, Sarah Knopp, Rachel Odes, Don Bechler, Mehul Thakker, Forrest Hill and Donna Warren
Todd Chretien, Sarah Knopp and Rachel Odes are all members of the International Socialist Organisation.
Don Bechler, a San Francisco based health activist, was a member of Camejo's former Socialist Workers Party from at latest the early 70s to at least 1996.
Peter Camejo heads a Green Party MVP slate into the California elections scheduled for November 7th. MVP stands for "Million Votes for Peace," a campaign in which these candidates aim to garner one million votes from California voters that are against the war in Iraq.
Some of Camejo's key MVP team members are;
Mike Wyman Green candidate for California Attorney General

My involvement in the Green Party began in 1993, when I returned to the Bay Area from Washington, D.C. I served as the Treasurer of the Green Party of California from 2000 thru 2005. I have been involved in the.... Ralph Nader Presidential campaigns in 2000, the Peter Camejo campaigns for Governor in 2002 and 2003, and the Nader/Camejo Presidential campaign in 2004.
Before I joined the Green Party I was active in the Central American solidarity movement for thirteen years, first as a member of CISPES (Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador) and then as the editor of the newsweekly, El Salvador On Line, which was published in Washington, D.C. by the Center for Central American Studies.
In the sixties and seventies I was, as you might guess, involved in the anti-war movements, the movement against apartheid and Portuguese colonialism in Africa, and other issues too numerous to mention.
Wyman was also active in the early '90s, with Camejo, in the Committees of Correspondence, a Marxist-Leninist group formed as an offshoot of the Communist Party USA. He travelled in March 1993, with CoC leaders Camejo, Carl Bloice and Malik Miah to the International Green Left Conference in Sydney, hosted by Australian Marxist-Leninists, the Democratic Socialist Party.
Incidentally, future NZ Green Party leader, Jeanette Fitzsimons also attended that conference.
Wyman is am a member of the board of directors of Peter Camejo's company, Progressive Asset Management
Mehul Thakker Green candidate for California State Treasurer

Mehul Thakker is an Investment Advisor in Oakland, CA with a focus on Socially Responsible Investment and Community Development. He is passionate about securing Economic Justice for low income and minority groups in the U.S., and strives to educate on how to use the power of investment to create positive social change locally and globally.
Mehul has served as Treasurer of NetIP-SFBA (Network of Indian Professionals) and is active in the movement for shareholder rights and corporate social responsibility. He is also a member of the CA League of Conservation Voters, The Sierra Club, and The Gujarati Cultural Association of the SF Bay Area.
Thakker is an investment advisor for Peter Camejo's company, Progressive Asset Management.
Forrest Hill Green candidate for California Secretary of State

For the past 30 years, Dr Hill has been involved in grassroots politics. He has served as an officer in the Michigan chapter of Ralph Nader’s Public Interest Research Group, coordinated several local and national political campaigns, and traveled to Nicaragua in support of coffee growers during the Reagan-sponsored Contra war.
Dr Hill...served as an elected official on the Green Party of California coordinating committee, chaired the committee on Green campaigns and is currently a national delegate to the Green Party of the United States.
Interestingly Forrest worked as a trackman for Conrail in the 1970's and was a member of the United Transportation Union.
This manual labouring stint is suspicious as in the late '70s, Camejo's Socialist Workers Party ordered all its college educated cadres in labouring jobs in order to connect with the working class. Combined with his trip to Nicaragua, it indicates the possibility that Hill was also a supporter of the Socialist Workers Party.
I quote from an article that Forrest Hill co-authored with Todd Chretien, The Importance of a Green Left from Synthesis/Regeneration 39(Winter 2006)
Green politics will not work without a left critique of capitalism, both in terms of its dependence on the perpetual destruction of the natural resource base and its exploitation of workers. Moving to a sustainable economy necessarily requires a radical shift away from a growth economy, and all that entails, to a steady state economy where the aggregate throughput of natural recourses is within the limits of the ecosystem.
Hill is a financial advisor for Peter Camejo's Progressive Asset Management.
Todd Chretien Green candidate for US Senate

After graduating from Gray-New Gloucester High School, he entered Middlebury College in 1988, but after a year, left to spend eight months teaching English in El Salvador and Nicaragua. He returned to school in 1991, entering Columbia University. He left Columbia before graduating, after having been suspended for a semester for involvement in the protest occupation of a campus building. In 1994 he moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, where he graduated from San Francisco State University in 2003 with a B.A. in history.
In 1988, Chretien was elected as a delegate for Jesse Jackson to the Maine Democratic Party convention. Soon after entering Columbia, he became active in the movement to stop the first Gulf War, and joined the International Socialist Organization.
Since 1994, Chretien has worked as a writer and a full-time activist and organizer for the International Socialist Organization. He has been active in movements defending affirmative action, promoting global justice, and opposing war in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. He organized a 2005 tour of the U.S. by antiwar British MP, George Galloway.
Chretien is a member of the National Writers Union, and writes regularly for Socialist Worker, the International Socialist Review, Counterpunch and other publications.
Since 2000, he has worked with local Green Party activists and campaigns, including organizing large student meetings for Peter Camejo's campaign for Governor of California in 2003 and volunteering for Matt Gonzalez's 2003 campaign for Mayor of San Francisco.
He then served as the statewide field coordinator for the Nader/Camejo 2004 presidential campaign.
Chretien does NOT work for Camejo's Progressive Asset Management.
So Peter Camejo's key people are almost all current Trotskyists, former Trotskyists, or dependent on Camejo's company for their income.
A very healthy example of Green Party "democracy" at work.
Every human being deserves a say in the decisions that affect their lives and not be subject to the will of another. Therefore, we will work to increase public participation at every level of government and to ensure that our public representatives are fully accountable to the people who elect them.
Therefore you'd think the Greens would be sensitive to powerful cliques forming inside their party, particularly if those factions were linked to organisations well known for authoritarian ideologies and tactics.
Ironically it appears that the California Green Party which has roughly 50% of the party's national membership, has come under the control of such a faction.
Peter Camejo is undisputed power broker in the California Green Party. His allies (the Marxist International Socialist Organisation) and supporters (many of them old Trotskyists, or employees or directors of his company, Progressive Asset Management) dominate the Party at its highest levels.
Here's some of the proof.

The above book, "California Under Corporate Rule", serves as a promotional tool for Camejo's campaign for the California governorship and is a guide to the Party's programme.
Besides Camejo, the authors are Todd Chretien, Sarah Knopp, Rachel Odes, Don Bechler, Mehul Thakker, Forrest Hill and Donna Warren
Todd Chretien, Sarah Knopp and Rachel Odes are all members of the International Socialist Organisation.
Don Bechler, a San Francisco based health activist, was a member of Camejo's former Socialist Workers Party from at latest the early 70s to at least 1996.
Peter Camejo heads a Green Party MVP slate into the California elections scheduled for November 7th. MVP stands for "Million Votes for Peace," a campaign in which these candidates aim to garner one million votes from California voters that are against the war in Iraq.
Some of Camejo's key MVP team members are;
Mike Wyman Green candidate for California Attorney General

My involvement in the Green Party began in 1993, when I returned to the Bay Area from Washington, D.C. I served as the Treasurer of the Green Party of California from 2000 thru 2005. I have been involved in the.... Ralph Nader Presidential campaigns in 2000, the Peter Camejo campaigns for Governor in 2002 and 2003, and the Nader/Camejo Presidential campaign in 2004.
Before I joined the Green Party I was active in the Central American solidarity movement for thirteen years, first as a member of CISPES (Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador) and then as the editor of the newsweekly, El Salvador On Line, which was published in Washington, D.C. by the Center for Central American Studies.
In the sixties and seventies I was, as you might guess, involved in the anti-war movements, the movement against apartheid and Portuguese colonialism in Africa, and other issues too numerous to mention.
Wyman was also active in the early '90s, with Camejo, in the Committees of Correspondence, a Marxist-Leninist group formed as an offshoot of the Communist Party USA. He travelled in March 1993, with CoC leaders Camejo, Carl Bloice and Malik Miah to the International Green Left Conference in Sydney, hosted by Australian Marxist-Leninists, the Democratic Socialist Party.
Incidentally, future NZ Green Party leader, Jeanette Fitzsimons also attended that conference.
Wyman is am a member of the board of directors of Peter Camejo's company, Progressive Asset Management
Mehul Thakker Green candidate for California State Treasurer

Mehul Thakker is an Investment Advisor in Oakland, CA with a focus on Socially Responsible Investment and Community Development. He is passionate about securing Economic Justice for low income and minority groups in the U.S., and strives to educate on how to use the power of investment to create positive social change locally and globally.
Mehul has served as Treasurer of NetIP-SFBA (Network of Indian Professionals) and is active in the movement for shareholder rights and corporate social responsibility. He is also a member of the CA League of Conservation Voters, The Sierra Club, and The Gujarati Cultural Association of the SF Bay Area.
Thakker is an investment advisor for Peter Camejo's company, Progressive Asset Management.
Forrest Hill Green candidate for California Secretary of State

For the past 30 years, Dr Hill has been involved in grassroots politics. He has served as an officer in the Michigan chapter of Ralph Nader’s Public Interest Research Group, coordinated several local and national political campaigns, and traveled to Nicaragua in support of coffee growers during the Reagan-sponsored Contra war.
Dr Hill...served as an elected official on the Green Party of California coordinating committee, chaired the committee on Green campaigns and is currently a national delegate to the Green Party of the United States.
Interestingly Forrest worked as a trackman for Conrail in the 1970's and was a member of the United Transportation Union.
This manual labouring stint is suspicious as in the late '70s, Camejo's Socialist Workers Party ordered all its college educated cadres in labouring jobs in order to connect with the working class. Combined with his trip to Nicaragua, it indicates the possibility that Hill was also a supporter of the Socialist Workers Party.
I quote from an article that Forrest Hill co-authored with Todd Chretien, The Importance of a Green Left from Synthesis/Regeneration 39(Winter 2006)
Green politics will not work without a left critique of capitalism, both in terms of its dependence on the perpetual destruction of the natural resource base and its exploitation of workers. Moving to a sustainable economy necessarily requires a radical shift away from a growth economy, and all that entails, to a steady state economy where the aggregate throughput of natural recourses is within the limits of the ecosystem.
Hill is a financial advisor for Peter Camejo's Progressive Asset Management.
Todd Chretien Green candidate for US Senate

After graduating from Gray-New Gloucester High School, he entered Middlebury College in 1988, but after a year, left to spend eight months teaching English in El Salvador and Nicaragua. He returned to school in 1991, entering Columbia University. He left Columbia before graduating, after having been suspended for a semester for involvement in the protest occupation of a campus building. In 1994 he moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, where he graduated from San Francisco State University in 2003 with a B.A. in history.
In 1988, Chretien was elected as a delegate for Jesse Jackson to the Maine Democratic Party convention. Soon after entering Columbia, he became active in the movement to stop the first Gulf War, and joined the International Socialist Organization.
Since 1994, Chretien has worked as a writer and a full-time activist and organizer for the International Socialist Organization. He has been active in movements defending affirmative action, promoting global justice, and opposing war in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. He organized a 2005 tour of the U.S. by antiwar British MP, George Galloway.
Chretien is a member of the National Writers Union, and writes regularly for Socialist Worker, the International Socialist Review, Counterpunch and other publications.
Since 2000, he has worked with local Green Party activists and campaigns, including organizing large student meetings for Peter Camejo's campaign for Governor of California in 2003 and volunteering for Matt Gonzalez's 2003 campaign for Mayor of San Francisco.
He then served as the statewide field coordinator for the Nader/Camejo 2004 presidential campaign.
Chretien does NOT work for Camejo's Progressive Asset Management.
So Peter Camejo's key people are almost all current Trotskyists, former Trotskyists, or dependent on Camejo's company for their income.
A very healthy example of Green Party "democracy" at work.
Join ClimAction 'civil disobedience',
ARC councillor urges other elected reps
On 27 October, Auckland Regional councillor Robyn Hughes sent an Open
Invitation to other elected local body representatives urging them to
join a ClimAction "civil disobedience" carnival and debate on climate
change in the middle of Queen St.
"ClimAction is adopting Martin Luther King's tactics of peaceful civil
disobedience to promote public debate and action on climate change,
which is the human survival issue of the 21st century," said Robyn
Hughes. "Taking over a section of Queen St for a few hours will
spotlight the central problem of greenhouse gas exhaust fumes.
"To those who might say an elected councillor should always obey the
road rules, I would reply: 'Tackling climate change so that humanity
survives into the next century is more important than breaching some
road rules for a couple of hours. Anyway, if more decisive measures on
global warming aren't taken, Queen St may be under water in a
generation or two, and then we will be swimming, not obeying road rules.'
"By forewarning people that a section of Queen St near Aotea Square
will be a no-go area for vehicles for several hours from 1pm on
Saturday, 4 November, motorists can avoid holdups by choosing an
alternative route.
"I was elected to the Auckland Regional Council on the RAM (Residents
Action Movement) ticket," said Robyn Hughes. "Over the last few years,
RAM has been campaigning for 'free and frequent buses' across our
region, a call that has been meeting with growing public sympathy. So
I embrace ClimAction's call for 'free and frequent public transport'.
"And RAM supports ClimAction's call for 'system change, not climate
change'. We must make radical social changes if humanity and other
species are to survive the unprecedented chaos of climate change."
ClimAction event details:
1pm on Saturday, 4 November
Assemble Aotea Square
For more information, contact:
ARC councillor
021-273 9421
robynhughes (at)
To the chair & my fellow councillors of the Auckland Regional Council,
and to the mayors and councillors of Auckland, Manukau, Waitakere and
North Shore cities
ClimAction, a recently-formed climate change action coalition, is
calling a climate change carnival and debate in Auckland at 1pm on
Saturday, 4 November.
ClimAction participants will convene at Aotea Square, then move into
the middle of Queen St in order to promote public debate and action on
climate change.
We believe that peaceful civil disobedience, in the tradition of
Martin Luther King, is necessary to build the social consensus for
decisive action on climate change, the human survival issue of the
21st century.
ClimAction is flagging in advance its intention to convene for a few
hours in the middle of Queen St, near Aotea Square, so that motorists
can avoid this section of road without hassles.
We believe that mobilising public opinion against climate change is
more important than blindly obeying road rules. Anyway, if far more
decisive action is not taken on climate change, Queen St looks certain
to be flooded within the next century, and then we will be swimming
downtown, not abiding by road rules.
The epidemic growth of cars on our roads is one of the major
contributors to climate change. ClimAction is therefore pressing for
"free and frequent public transport" as a positive local alternative.
I was elected to the Auckland Regional Council on the RAM (Residents
Action Movement) ticket. Over the last few years, RAM has been
campaigning for "free and frequent buses" across our region, a call
that has been meeting with growing public sympathy. So I embrace
ClimAction's call for "free and frequent public transport".
ClimAction also believes that "Kyoto is not enough", and is calling
for "system change, not climate change". We must make radical social
changes if humanity and other species are to survive the unprecedented
chaos of climate change.
As an Auckland Regional councillor, I invite my fellow elected local
body representatives to join with me and other ClimAction participants
at our climate change carnival and debate in the middle of Queen St on
Saturday 4 November.
I hope you will support this life-affirming temporary breach of the
road rules in order to mobilise against the greatest threat to human
survival in our times.
Your feedback would be most appreciated.
Auckland Regional councillor
021-273 9421
robynhughes (at)
Thanks for that STF, I'll get on to it.
cFGNBt Very good blog! Thanks!
G8ZPEc Hello all!
Wonderful blog.
Thanks to author.
Hello all!
Thanks to author.
Hello all!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Wonderful blog.
hknhNf write more, thanks.
Wonderful blog.
Please write anything else!
Thanks to author.
Please write anything else!
Wonderful blog.
Good job!
Please write anything else!
Please write anything else!
Thanks to author.
Thanks to author.
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
Beam me aboard, Scotty..... Sure. Will a 2x10 do?
Beam me aboard, Scotty..... Sure. Will a 2x10 do?
Please write anything else!
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!
A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!
Clap on! , Clap off! clap@#&$NO CARRIER
All generalizations are false, including this one.
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
C++ should have been called B
Thanks to author.
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
Nice Article.
Hello all!
Save the whales, collect the whole set
Thanks to author.
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
Thanks to author.
Wonderful blog.
A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
Good job!
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
Nice Article.
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
Thanks to author.
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!
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