Who's Been a Good Boy Then?

From David Farrar's KiwiBlog
Peter Dunne has produced his annual list of the worst behaving MPs. This is based just on getting ejected from the House or forced to withdraw and apologise.
Nick Smith tops the list with five expulsions and six apologies for 21 points. Nats also come in 2nd and 3rd with Tau Henare on 14 points and Gerry Brownlee on 12.
The next ones are Winston Peters (11), Trevor Mallard 9), Dover Samuels (9), Bill English (9) and David Bennett (9).
Most improved is Rodney Hide who won it in 2005 and doesn't feature this year.
Is there no end to this man's self transformation?
The list wasn't the only place Rodney was missing from, with Parliament being one. Perhaps that's why he ranked so lowly.
Oh Ed, you're not very charitable there.
Have to give Rodders some credit though - at this rate he'll win Epsom hands down, probably as an independent.
Carrying all the deadwood dreamers of the ACT Party must get tiresome.
Congratulations to Big-Tau ("I will never, never, never serve in a National Party cabinet blah blah blah...), that Kupapa Though Amusing Circus on Legs - he of the painted on nga taringa has redefined "wahanui" and scooped the pool.
Most deservedly.
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