Drug Freeland 8 No State Control of Chemical Substances
Part 7 of Drug Freeland dealt with the establishment of a legal system that treats people as fully responsible for their actions. The next step we should take before legalising drugs is to get the government out of the chemical market.
Number Seven. The Elimination of State Classification of Chemical Substances
Currently the state, in it's eternal wisdom is the chief regulator of which chemical substances an individual may use and in what manner.
The state classifies substances as "good" or "bad" and makes laws accordingly. Certain substances, such as marijuana or LSD are banned outright. Others such as alcohol and tobacco are regulated and heavily taxed. Others, some of which are totally mind bending are subsidised and given to doctors to dish out at will.
Now there are moves afoot to reclassify various vitamins and minerals as "drugs" and to regulate their use accordingly.
New medicines take years and hundreds of millions of dollars to approve. Alternative and traditional medicines face regulation all over the world. Chemical substances are here for man's benefit. Everywhere you look, governments are dictating which combinations of molecules should be used by whom and how.
In New Freeland this will end. Any individual will be able to use or ingest any chemical substance he or she may desire as long as any harmful effects extend no further than their own body or boundary fence.
People may use glue for sniffing, mending or cooking. You may use hemp for smoking, rope making or fuel. You may fill your body with vitamins, heroin or plaster of paris.
Some people will poison themselves, but others may find cures for cancer, constipation and the common cold.
There will be free competition in the chemical market. Some companies will develop compounds to enhance health, restore balance to bodily systems and improve quality of life. Others will push products that are designed to make you a temporary psychotic. Which will you invest in?

Currently the state, in it's eternal wisdom is the chief regulator of which chemical substances an individual may use and in what manner.
The state classifies substances as "good" or "bad" and makes laws accordingly. Certain substances, such as marijuana or LSD are banned outright. Others such as alcohol and tobacco are regulated and heavily taxed. Others, some of which are totally mind bending are subsidised and given to doctors to dish out at will.
Now there are moves afoot to reclassify various vitamins and minerals as "drugs" and to regulate their use accordingly.
New medicines take years and hundreds of millions of dollars to approve. Alternative and traditional medicines face regulation all over the world. Chemical substances are here for man's benefit. Everywhere you look, governments are dictating which combinations of molecules should be used by whom and how.
In New Freeland this will end. Any individual will be able to use or ingest any chemical substance he or she may desire as long as any harmful effects extend no further than their own body or boundary fence.
People may use glue for sniffing, mending or cooking. You may use hemp for smoking, rope making or fuel. You may fill your body with vitamins, heroin or plaster of paris.
Some people will poison themselves, but others may find cures for cancer, constipation and the common cold.
There will be free competition in the chemical market. Some companies will develop compounds to enhance health, restore balance to bodily systems and improve quality of life. Others will push products that are designed to make you a temporary psychotic. Which will you invest in?
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