Maoists Bash Police
A top priority of any decent socialist revolutionary organisation is the erosion of public confidence in the police.
Unfortunately, the NZ Police Department has make the left's job easy by their abandonment of standards and wimpy political correctness.
The socialist feminists had a go a couple of weeks ago-now the Maoists are putting the slipper in.
Subtle, aren't they?
From Indymedia

Fuck the Police" in the latest upcoming talk by the Workers' Party we'll discuss the concept of a police force, it's ties with capitalism, the police rape trials, their relevance as well as other issues swirling about the political landscape currently.
Unfortunately, the NZ Police Department has make the left's job easy by their abandonment of standards and wimpy political correctness.
The socialist feminists had a go a couple of weeks ago-now the Maoists are putting the slipper in.
Subtle, aren't they?
From Indymedia

Fuck the Police" in the latest upcoming talk by the Workers' Party we'll discuss the concept of a police force, it's ties with capitalism, the police rape trials, their relevance as well as other issues swirling about the political landscape currently.
Capitalist police?
WTF? Thats a first.. state controlled police is a product of socialism.
Hmm, I wonder if those Communists would apply the f-word to Communist state secret police? Probably not.
Mah, I have no faith in any police force regardless of their political affiliations.
The New Zealand police are becomming and or have become polictaly motivated for their own ends which may not be in accord with the rest of us citizens of us as far as law and order issues are concerned.
I suggest self funding of the police is not far off and will have far reaching ramifacations for all of us.
The proposed law change to allow seizure of assests without trial is a case in point and would give the police huge power considering their difficulty in telling the truth.
Who could possibly want Clint Richards as the police head honcho?
"The New Zealand police are becomming and or have become polictaly motivated for their own ends which may not be in accord with the rest of us citizens of us as far as law and order issues are concerned.
I suggest self funding of the police is not far off and will have far reaching ramifacations for all of us.
The proposed law change to allow seizure of assests without trial is a case in point and would give the police huge power considering their difficulty in telling the truth."
Please stop justifying criminalism. I don't see people like you going after any secret police of Communist states. So please, enough of this propaganda bull.
"I have no faith in any police force regardless of their political affiliations."
Somehow, with your ignorance. I don't think so.
Tell me Dirk,
Do you certainly love to support the show trials against Western police forces hosted by people like you who "know what's best"? How about the People's Will? They proclaimed to be against the Czarist police state (which it actually was). But instead installed a brutal state even more oppressive than the previous state.
Do you think every police officer in the West is a "bad guy"? You seem to love to lecture on "black and white" issues with your moral relativist and Marxist dialectic propaganda when it comes to this. Do you care that police in the West have families and care about their communities? They do not go barge around and taking in political prisoners or anything else like that for the most part.
Your propaganda in support of Workers' Party is nothing more than libel propaganda.
Mah I suggest if you want to be taken seriously you should stick to the subject under discussion. If you know nothing of New Zealand politics I suggest you sit down, be quiet and learn from those who do.
Which isn't anon whos a moron....
until we re-establish the collective notion that the job of the police is to protect citizens and their property, from those who would seek to appropriate either anothers freedom,or property,there is not much point in blaming the police.This just adds the confusion.
Does James really mean WHOS a moron?
Surely hose a moron would be more effective....
This is classical Marxist agitprop, straight out of Gramchi's playbook, in fact I've never known anyone on the far left who didn't have an adolescent 'fuck da pigs' attitude.
PS How's about an article about Comrade Gramchi Trev?
"I suggest if you want to be taken seriously you should stick to the subject under discussion. If you know nothing of New Zealand politics I suggest you sit down, be quiet and learn from those who do."
The point of the subject is that Maoists are attacking police with this sort of anti-police propaganda. It's not strictly a New Zealand issue. But also an American one as Ice Cube, the Marxist hip-hop artist and member of Nation of Islam have also stated similar claims against the police. At the same time has a gross of 145 million bucks in cash.
So please, this attitude of yours of attempting to shun me out of the discussion really exposes what people like you are all about.
"until we re-establish the collective notion that the job of the police is to protect citizens and their property, from those who would seek to appropriate either anothers freedom,or property,there is not much point in blaming the police.This just adds the confusion."
I think this comment is remarkably accurate and defines the debate nicely. On one side people such as trev believe that people should be allowed to accumulate as much wealth as possible and that the role of the police is to defend these rich against the poor and others who would attempt to appropriate some of that wealth for themselves.
I assume that the socialist worker types believe that it is immoral to accumulate vast amounts of wealth at the cost of workers and the planet and that the police are immoral for defending the rich.
I don't think much of a rational debate can be held between these two viewpoints as the ideologys are fundamentally different.
Another role of the police often left unspoken is to maintain social control, particularly in regards to groups which threaten the established social order and capitalism. But once again people like trev already know and rely on this function of the police.
Anon-the role of police should be totally neutral. Property rights are property rights no matter how much you may own.
A por man has as much right to the undisturbed enjoyment of his hovel as the rich man does to his mansion.
The life of a poor man should be valued by the police as the life of a rich man.
Policing shouldn't be a class thing, it should be a rights thing.
We all haverights that are worth protecting. Class in this context is, or should be irrelevant.
Get a grip Mah. You have no idea what this person is all about. On the subject of moi you are as ignorant as a new born baby.
It aint just the maoists having a go at the cops,its society in general. And i suggest the police have bought much of the negative attitude on themselves.
The police are the last people I would seek help from if I was looking for justice.
The role of police in a democratic society should amongst other things be to protect the property rights of all citizens and to prosecute law breakers.
But in our mixed up phucked up country i have little idea what their role is at present other than defending themselves against allegations of sexual misconduct.
"It aint just the maoists having a go at the cops,its society in general. And i suggest the police have bought much of the negative attitude on themselves.
The police are the last people I would seek help from if I was looking for justice."
Please Dirk, why should I want to trust some people like those Maoists who support the establishment of one of the largest totalitarian police states namely China under Mao Zedong, but then lecture how "horrible" police are in Capitalist nations?
You do not seem to care about the victims of crime nor about the families of police officers. How about the police officers that are killed on duty? Do you think it was okay for them to pass away in that manner? Do you think it's wrong that if some gang member for an example shoots down a police officer?
I am tired of people like you lecturing on how "totalitarian" Capitalist nations are. At the same time, you promote something quite totalitarian and then ignore it and denounce those like me who point it out.
" You have no idea what this person is all about. On the subject of moi you are as ignorant as a new born baby."
Yes Dirk, how dare I point out that a totalitarian variation of a movement lectures on what sort of police are in Capitalist nations at the same time that totalitarian variation of a movement embraces the likes and desires of Mao. (sarcasm)
Sarcasm! you Mah!nooooooo. Whats the world comming to? Next you will be wearing a Mao jacket.
In the meantime I have to go and evict a family of low lifes from one of my properties because they refuse to pay the rent.
Catch you later
"Whats the world comming to?"
Yes Dirk, the variation of a totalitarian movement should be the ones to lecture Capitalist nations on what sort of police they have. Never mind the checks and balances that are in place unlike the various Communist totalitarian states which have installed a system of concentration camps, massacred over millions of innocent people in the past century and have a secret police which receives no protests whenever it crushes the opposition to lecture how Capitalist law enforcement should be like.
Please, this is pure insanity if you feel the need to suggest how police in Capitalist nations are "horrible" but shy away from very totalitarian regimes that have a secret police with no major opposition?
Mah your latest petulant rant can just as easily be describing the America i know and love.
May I suggest Dirk that you wouldn't know totalitarianism and oppression (the real kind not the version dreamed up by pampered over educated western leftists) if it bit you on the bum.
In light of what you have said EX I will turn the other cheek.
Kiss kiss!
Anyway it was quite a good talk and afterwards we went downstairs and painted some protest banners and had pizzas so yeah, fuck the police why not.
Actually the commo talk was a bit tame in my view but during it they did all had a good laugh about you Trevor, something about you being down on nanny state when the sun was shining and then kissing the cops arse when you get in the shit, something like that. Daggy.
Thanks for that anon.
I find it amusing that so called students of politics could find some contradiction between libertarianism and supporting the police.
The two go hand in hand-obvious, I would have thought.
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