Gerry Adams to Tour New Zealand?
While H Block/Armagh and Information on Ireland have been defunct for several years, Irish republicanism is still alive in New Zealand.
A new group "Friends of Sinn Fein" is active in Auckland and they want to bring the man himself, Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams, to New Zealand.

From Global peace and Justice Auckland's latest newsletter
2007 Monday, April 9, 7pm, Tom Fordes bar, Anzac Ave, City
A Chairde, I am sending this to you all as both notification and an invitation to attend the 1916 EASTER RISING COMMEMORATION HERE IN AUCKLAND. The purpose of the commemoration is two fold, firstly to commemorate the Easter Rising and secondly to raise funds for the proposed visit to New Zealand by Sinn Féin Party President, Gerry Adams. To this end we will be holding raffles and asking for donations.
Friends of Sinn Féin would like all financial transations to be accountable and transparent to those making them, receipts will be given. In the event that the proposed tour does not go ahead we will refund all the donations made. We would appreciate any material assistance that people feel comfortable making...this could include providing music, food, posters, publicity of various sorts...please liaise with myself if you wish to make a special contribution.
I would like to thank all those people who attended the Bloody Sunday Commemoration in February. It gave me good heart that so many people turned up at relatively short notice. The movie footage of the Bloody Sunday was new to me as I'm sure it was to many who attended. I would also like to specifically thank Joe Carolan who organised it and Pat O'Dea who spoke and Dean Parker for working so hard on the magazine Saoirse and the H-Block/Armagh Committee/Information about Ireland for so long.
Friends of Sinn Féin would also appreciate it if this email were forwarded to potentially interested parties e.g. The Palestinian Community here in Auckland, the Tamil Community and other interested political groups.
Is mise le meas, Nik Warrensson, Friends of Sinn Féin.
A new group "Friends of Sinn Fein" is active in Auckland and they want to bring the man himself, Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams, to New Zealand.

From Global peace and Justice Auckland's latest newsletter
2007 Monday, April 9, 7pm, Tom Fordes bar, Anzac Ave, City
A Chairde, I am sending this to you all as both notification and an invitation to attend the 1916 EASTER RISING COMMEMORATION HERE IN AUCKLAND. The purpose of the commemoration is two fold, firstly to commemorate the Easter Rising and secondly to raise funds for the proposed visit to New Zealand by Sinn Féin Party President, Gerry Adams. To this end we will be holding raffles and asking for donations.
Friends of Sinn Féin would like all financial transations to be accountable and transparent to those making them, receipts will be given. In the event that the proposed tour does not go ahead we will refund all the donations made. We would appreciate any material assistance that people feel comfortable making...this could include providing music, food, posters, publicity of various sorts...please liaise with myself if you wish to make a special contribution.
I would like to thank all those people who attended the Bloody Sunday Commemoration in February. It gave me good heart that so many people turned up at relatively short notice. The movie footage of the Bloody Sunday was new to me as I'm sure it was to many who attended. I would also like to specifically thank Joe Carolan who organised it and Pat O'Dea who spoke and Dean Parker for working so hard on the magazine Saoirse and the H-Block/Armagh Committee/Information about Ireland for so long.
Friends of Sinn Féin would also appreciate it if this email were forwarded to potentially interested parties e.g. The Palestinian Community here in Auckland, the Tamil Community and other interested political groups.
Is mise le meas, Nik Warrensson, Friends of Sinn Féin.
Adams is seen by many on the hard left as a sell out. I heard there was a big walk out from the event in Tom Fordes when Warrenson seconded Adams demands that all irish republicans should support the PSNI. Rumours abound that a new Connolly Club is being formed that rejects the new Adams-Paisley government.
Doesn't surprise me december. These Trots etc can't see Adams' long term game.
Thanks for the heads up.
Adam's long term game plan is a United Ireland, his mid term game plan is to have Sinn Fein in coalition governments in both North and South. There is every potential that Fianna Fail, the ruling party in the South, could ditch ACT's sister party, the Progressive Democrats, and go in with Sinn Fein after the upcoming election. That would suit their populist track record.
Fianna Fail are actually the long term trajectory of Adams New Sinn Fein. The Trots are not the onlt ones who can see this. The smell of cordite leant a radical veneer to the likes of the Democratic Left, the Workers Party, Clann Na Phoblachta and De Velera's own Fianna Fail. Even Fine Gael, the party that supposedly takes the hardest line on Republicans trace their ancestry back to the gun toting Michael Collins of the IRA.
There is a pattern to all these political groups. They were all once physical force Irish Republicans, who turned to constitutional nationalism, and ditched their pretensions to stand for a Workers Republic. Adams is the latest one.
Adams is just an Irish version of Yasser Arafat.
Find it quite funny you have put the words "Tamil" and 'Palestinian' in bold. Is it because these people are blood thirsty terrorists by their very nature?
Anon-Ifound it interesting that NZ Palestinians and Tamils would supposedly be interested in a terrorist leader like Gerry Adams.
It would be interesting to know what kind of support networks the PLO/Hamas etc and the Tamil Tigers have in NZ.
Trev, you may want to look at New Zealand government policy making circles quite similar to the Council on Foreign Relations which is responsible for referring terror movements such as the PLO along with the IRA to be "moderates" in order for the PLO and IRA to receive money and cash.
Nothing new MAH, the NZ Labour government has been funding and supporting third world Marxist and terrorist organisation for many years.
The Labour ideology in the West has always been a variation of Marxist leanings in general. They're just Marxists who do not have firing squads.
I don't want to say this term, but I think the term deserves to be used against these sort of people within any Western government that dares support terrorists along with citizens of Western governments, is the term "nappy-headed ho" too harsh to be used as such? Because I think that term should be applied to anyone who dares support terrorists or enemies of the West.
Too harsh? Do you have any idea what the term "nappy-headed ho" means, Mah?
Hey MAH (Mad as a Hatter)just been checking your blog "againstcommies" how come nobody in the USA comments on your blog? And hey what do you think of the latest slaughter in the US? Do you still support the gun laws in your country??? So glad I am Ngati Pakeha and I live in Aotearoa.
HAM (Huhana Apoplexic Murray)
PS and no I ain't a commie
"Too harsh? Do you have any idea what the term "nappy-headed ho" means, Mah?"
Please. If you believe the term "nappy-headed ho" should have more impact than let's say terrorists looking at how they can exploit the tragedy of Virginia Tech caused by a lone gunman for their own cause, well then, you must certainly have a problem then.
I also do not see folks like you condemn Ward Churchill's "Little Eichmann" comments on 9/11 victims or Cindy Sheehan equaling Bush to a "terrorist", but "nappy-headed ho" should be more cause for concern than those comments?
What I can't understand, Mah, is why you want to apply a term that means something like "natural black-haired whores" to terrorists. Care to enlightern us?
"What I can't understand, Mah, is why you want to apply a term that means something like "natural black-haired whores" to terrorists. Care to enlightern us?"
I am applying that to people who support terrorist propaganda that do deserve it. As for the targeted Rutgers team, it's a multi-ethnic team, so how could that term be a "racial slur"?
Another note, I do not believe the Rutgers team deserve that term, but I certainly know several type of people who do deserve that term and apply it in a non-racial way.
"Hey MAH (Mad as a Hatter)just been checking your blog "againstcommies" how come nobody in the USA comments on your blog? And hey what do you think of the latest slaughter in the US? Do you still support the gun laws in your country??? So glad I am Ngati Pakeha and I live in Aotearoa."
I certainly believe that terrorist groups could certainly exploit situations like the horrible Virginia Tech massacre for their own cause. Even though this was caused by a lone gunman-Seung-Hui Cho, terrorists could certainly look at this sort of horrible episode and it's even worse if a foreign intelligence network is behind a terrorist group with its sleeper cells in the United States that might be looking at this horrible event.
I suspect the moguls of Hollywood are casting the movie as we speak.
I wonder who will play the gunman?
"As for the targeted Rutgers team, it's a multi-ethnic team, so how could that term be a "racial slur"?"
Because "nappy-headed" refers to African-American hair allowed to grow "naturally."
Seems like we're now on the topic of guns. "Ya' Like Guns Boy....?"
Puts me in mind of 30 years ago truckin' into Rawlins, Wyoming on a Greyhound. Young, handsome, and carefree - that's me, not the Greyhound. And lovin' Amerika ! Burly, crewcut, ex-marine at the wheel. Jeez, I felt safe !
Picturesque, leafy little place, basking in early spring sunshine - cute, white picket-fenced WASP churches on every corner - Ford pick-up trucks parked at all sorts of "I'm a free man", crazy angles.
The profusion of houses of worship matched only by the number of bars bearing names like "The Six Gun", "The Gunslinger", "Ben Cartwrights", "High Noon", etc etc. Very quaint if you suspend seven-eighths of your consciousness.
Well, after a late but very satisfying, high value, $US1.19 Walgreens breakfast, I returned to the "Peoples' Limo" to find seated next to me a traumatised young English guy.
Just served 6 months in the county "hinaki" for possession of a joint. Can you believe that ? One lousy joint !
Man ! The stories that wee Pommie boy could tell about Rawlins, Wyoming and its good, God-fearing folks.
My kid bullies yours let's sort it out down Commanche Drive - with bloody guns For God's Sake !
Worse, when there's been a bit of tom-foolery with another joker's wife - the cuckold turns up with 5 of his buddies, all pissed (NZ vernacular for plastered, drunk, shit-faced). Every one of them packin' heat and ready to right wrong !
Makes a fulla wonder where the good ole US of A is headin' don't it ? Down I think, inexorably.
Yeah, Right-On Charlton ! Twisted Old Second Amendment Shamster ! You and your ilk are as guilty as the crazy man in Virginia !
And of course all the good folks over at 1600 are so, so, so sorry.
Didn't answer my questions. How come?
Spot ya
"Because "nappy-headed" refers to African-American hair allowed to grow "naturally.""
Please. You still continue to believe that term is more harmful than let's say labeling President Bush to be a "terrorist" or to perhaps justify terrorism against U.S. troops in Iraq? How about calling 9/11 victims "Little Eichmann"? Comparing the Virginia Tech massacre to the "nappy-headed ho" comment by Don Imus? That's not horrible, but I guess that term by Don Imus is?
And btw, I have stated that Rutgers team was mixed race with both whites and blacks, but I only agree with one thing with Sharpton, Jackson and the others, the Rutgers team was the wrong target for that term to be applied to, and should only be applied to, to people who deserve that term no matter of what race that person is such as when a certain professor states how 9/11 victims were "Little Eichmann" or have people invite apologists for horrible totalitarian regimes to speak at events.
"Didn't answer my questions. How come?"
I said terrorists could exploit such a horrible event of the Virginia Tech Massacre, didn't I just say that? As for gun laws, perhaps people should use guns more often to defend themselves or take self-defense classes so that it may certainly reduce these sort of tragedies.
"Yeah, Right-On Charlton ! Twisted Old Second Amendment Shamster ! You and your ilk are as guilty as the crazy man in Virginia !"
Do not pretend to love my country when you attack part of the Bill of Rights in that manner. This is one personal attack steve, which is also being taken from ilk such as "Tokyo" Rosie O'Donnell. I am not that sort of person like that gunman who distrusted humanity, so please stop your petty lying and bullying.
Friends of Sinn Fein? In NZ? Give me a break!Ourselves alone,a catch cry from the early 20th century,is not relevant to anyone under 40 in modern day Ireland.Nor is it anything more than a political brand to ordinary people across a broad swathe of the Republic and the North.Only among the sentimental remnants of Irish expats many of whom had their last contact with Eire around potato famine time,would this kind of sentimentality not be laughed right out of church.It belongs in the same category as the recent re-trendification of the murderous psychopath Che Guevarra.Pathetic.
I was present at both the Easter Rising and the Bloody Sunday Commemorations.
What is said by 'December'here:
"I heard there was a big walk out from the event in Tom Fordes when Warrenson seconded Adams demands that all irish republicans should support the PSNI."
is a lie.
1. There was no walk out.
2. He said no such thing and nor did He 'second' any such statement, not that it was made by anyone.
Your comments about what 'Trots' can and can't see, in terms of looking into the political future, are amusing.
But please, do feel free to carry on deluding yourself.
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