How Socialist Extremists Took Over the New Zealand Labour Party Part 2
2. Recruitment and Demographics
New Zealand's Marxist-Leninist parties enjoyed their greatest recruitment periods in the era of the mid 60s to the mid 80s. This "Baby Boom" generation was the first generation of New Zealanders to enter the universities in large numbers. They are now the people at senior levels in New Zealand's political parties, trade unions, government departments, the media, churches, business, academia and community groups.

The "baby boomers" matured just as the West entered its most radical period since the '30s. New Zealand student and youth radicals, had a whole range of issues to get excited about.
They included:
1. The Vietnam War-Late '60's to Mid '70's.
2. The proposed, but cancelled 1972 Springbok Tour of New Zealand.
3. Solidarity with China, a series of student tours to China beginning in 1971.
4. The opposition to French Nuclear Testing in the Pacific-Early '70's to mid '90's.
5. Maori Landrights and Treaty of Waitangi issues - mid 70's to today.
6. The Springbok Tour of New Zealand-1981.
7. Solidarity with Nicaragua-Early to Late '80's.
8. New Zealand's Anti Nuclear stand-Early to Late '80's.
9. The Homosexual Law Reform Campaign-1985.
10. The proposed, but cancelled 1985 Springbok Tour of New Zealand.
11. Solidarity with the Philippines Revolution- Early '80's to today.
12. Opposition to US Warships/military presence-Late '60s to present.
All these campaigns were run and exploited by radicals to create a strong Anti-Western outlook among students and young people and served as a major recruiting base. At the heart of these movements were New Zealand's main Marxist-Leninist Parties.
Part 1 Here
Part 3 Here
New Zealand's Marxist-Leninist parties enjoyed their greatest recruitment periods in the era of the mid 60s to the mid 80s. This "Baby Boom" generation was the first generation of New Zealanders to enter the universities in large numbers. They are now the people at senior levels in New Zealand's political parties, trade unions, government departments, the media, churches, business, academia and community groups.

The "baby boomers" matured just as the West entered its most radical period since the '30s. New Zealand student and youth radicals, had a whole range of issues to get excited about.
They included:
1. The Vietnam War-Late '60's to Mid '70's.
2. The proposed, but cancelled 1972 Springbok Tour of New Zealand.
3. Solidarity with China, a series of student tours to China beginning in 1971.
4. The opposition to French Nuclear Testing in the Pacific-Early '70's to mid '90's.
5. Maori Landrights and Treaty of Waitangi issues - mid 70's to today.
6. The Springbok Tour of New Zealand-1981.
7. Solidarity with Nicaragua-Early to Late '80's.
8. New Zealand's Anti Nuclear stand-Early to Late '80's.
9. The Homosexual Law Reform Campaign-1985.
10. The proposed, but cancelled 1985 Springbok Tour of New Zealand.
11. Solidarity with the Philippines Revolution- Early '80's to today.
12. Opposition to US Warships/military presence-Late '60s to present.
All these campaigns were run and exploited by radicals to create a strong Anti-Western outlook among students and young people and served as a major recruiting base. At the heart of these movements were New Zealand's main Marxist-Leninist Parties.
Part 1 Here
Part 3 Here
The 'baby boomer' gerneration will not be here forever Trev.
What do you think will happen when this radicalised generation start to retire and die off?
Who knows Exo, I thought you had that question all sorted.
We do know however that the "excitement" of the times was truly signifcant in white South African apartheid being despatched. Which means the world became a much, much better place.
I appreciate that in the world view entertained by you and Mah and Reid apartheid is still YOUR preferred option for all of those black people in THEIR country.
That posture being your burden not mine I say only this: however much they may rail and scream and abuse, a bunch of two percenter blowhards with their brigades of tin soldiers assisting ain't gonna threaten the outcome.
Apartheid a choice thing you say.....gets rid of the commies ?
Oh.....OK then.....
well once this generation of radicals dies off the next one will emerge.
you really are idiots if you think any resistance comes from commies. i dont think you understand concepts like colonisation
"We do know however that the "excitement" of the times was truly signifcant in white South African apartheid being despatched. Which means the world became a much, much better place."
Yea, if you like a government that supports Hamas, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Fidel Castro, Gaddafi and other totalitarian ideologues.
"I appreciate that in the world view entertained by you and Mah and Reid apartheid is still YOUR preferred option for all of those black people in THEIR country."
Care to comment on Hugo Chavez's friendliness to the white racist Robert Mugabe who is supported by the ANC? How about those Rhodesiann farmers who were forced to leave under Mugabe? Mugabe's pact with Russia and China?
Your projections onto me and anyone who dare disagree with you are meaningless.
"Care to comment on Hugo Chavez's friendliness to the white racist Robert Mugabe who is supported by the ANC?"
White racist regime? Mugabe doesn't look very white to me :p
What's this "projection" crap you're on about Mah ? I simply reject your fascist sentiments.
YOUR fine ideas for OTHER people's lives in THEIR countries. Piss off and mind your own business why don't ya'. You're like a nagging old harridan constantly poking her nose into the neighbours' stuff. YOU always knowing best for THEM in THEIR country. Outrageous !
And then on cue you confirm YOUR preference for apartheid for THEM in THEIR country, just like I said.
Grow Up Mah ! The world don't exist for you and you alone. Or for your dirty IDF:10 Palestinians:1 zionists !
"What's this "projection" crap you're on about Mah ? I simply reject your fascist sentiments."
So I am a "fascist" for simply disagreeing with your views? There's more of your pathetic projectionism. I am pretty sure you would love to see the future Palestinian state turn into what Zimbabwe is right now under Robert Mugabe. Apparently, you don't seem to protest against Mugabe's fascist-Communist-totalitarian policies, but lecture anyone who simply may disagree with you to be a "fascist".
That you are a fascist is proved by your following "poses":
Support of South African apartheid
Support of the Vietnam War
Support for IDF:10 Palestinians:1
Support for The Chickenhawk's invasion of Iraq
Note that all of them were/are failed enterprises. So not only are you a fascist you are a failed fascist !
Always backing the wrong horse in YOUR drive to have THEM live and behave the way YOU think they SHOULD in THEIR country. Arrogant idiot.
Grow up little boy ! Your railing ain't gonna do a thing. Except prove the points I make.
"Support of South African apartheid"
Name the time I support the National Party of South Africa? You can't.
"Support of the Vietnam War"
You have nothing to say about the crimes of Pol Pot, or Ho Chi Minh? Apparently, making South Vietnam like South Korea must be "wrong".
"Support for The Chickenhawk's invasion of Iraq"
Yea, leave the Iraqis under Saddam. Apparently there's nothing totalitarian about that.
"Note that all of them were/are failed enterprises. So not only are you a fascist you are a failed fascist !"
And all you do with yourself is come on a blog you disagree with to promote this propaganda? What does that tell me about your life?
"Always backing the wrong horse in YOUR drive to have THEM live and behave the way YOU think they SHOULD in THEIR country. Arrogant idiot."
Apparently to the likes of you calling me a "fascist" and all these horrible terms, bullying me on this blog, here and there. Doesn't make you arrogant or prove that you are idiotic.
"Grow up little boy ! Your railing ain't gonna do a thing. Except prove the points I make."
Calm yourself down, because I think when you always raise your voice in this manner to anyone who happens to disagree with your views, you out to look in the mirror and see who needs to grow up. I'm sorry if that's the truth.
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