Communist Contests Manukau Mayoralty
The tiny (less than 40 members)Communist League is not only sending cadres off to international communist conferences, but is aiming to capture the mayoralties of Auckland and Manukau Cities.
From the Eastern Courier

He wants to see a socialist revolution in New Zealand, abolition of taxes for working people and believes a media conspiracy keeps Cuba's success under wraps - meet Manukau's would-be communist mayor.
Forty-one-year-old Baskaran Appu is a meat factory worker from Panmure.
Running with the backing of the Communist League he wants to show people that the common man can become mayor.
Mr Appu got involved in politics in his native Malaysia from which he emigrated about nine years ago.
There he became interested in standing up for the rights of his fellow Indian Malaysians, a minority group in the country.
On coming to New Zealand he bought a copy of the socialist paper The Militant and decided to join the Communist League.
"I realised this is the way to fight," he says.
"We need a party, a disciplined and well-organised party to fight the capitalist system."
Although he has no political experience other than an unsuccessful attempt in 2002 to become MP for Christchurch central, he says he meets plenty of people while campaigning.
But unlike many fellow candidates Mr Appu hasn't chosen to stand. He was told to run by the Communist League.
"It's not me personally putting myself forward. I've been assigned to stand and put forward our platform which is for the socialist movement."
If elected he hopes to start a revolutionary movement that would see 'workers' in control.
He cites Cuba as a successful example.
"We hear very little about that mentioned in the media as the media and the ruling class who controls the media doesn't show that kind of news."
New Zeal-Baskaran Appu was in Cuba in 2002 for a communist book fair, so he knows what he is talking about.
Dick Quax and Willie Jackson need to watch their backs when they're up against a smart guy like this one.
Hat Tip WhaleOil
From the Eastern Courier

He wants to see a socialist revolution in New Zealand, abolition of taxes for working people and believes a media conspiracy keeps Cuba's success under wraps - meet Manukau's would-be communist mayor.
Forty-one-year-old Baskaran Appu is a meat factory worker from Panmure.
Running with the backing of the Communist League he wants to show people that the common man can become mayor.
Mr Appu got involved in politics in his native Malaysia from which he emigrated about nine years ago.
There he became interested in standing up for the rights of his fellow Indian Malaysians, a minority group in the country.
On coming to New Zealand he bought a copy of the socialist paper The Militant and decided to join the Communist League.
"I realised this is the way to fight," he says.
"We need a party, a disciplined and well-organised party to fight the capitalist system."
Although he has no political experience other than an unsuccessful attempt in 2002 to become MP for Christchurch central, he says he meets plenty of people while campaigning.
But unlike many fellow candidates Mr Appu hasn't chosen to stand. He was told to run by the Communist League.
"It's not me personally putting myself forward. I've been assigned to stand and put forward our platform which is for the socialist movement."
If elected he hopes to start a revolutionary movement that would see 'workers' in control.
He cites Cuba as a successful example.
"We hear very little about that mentioned in the media as the media and the ruling class who controls the media doesn't show that kind of news."
New Zeal-Baskaran Appu was in Cuba in 2002 for a communist book fair, so he knows what he is talking about.
Dick Quax and Willie Jackson need to watch their backs when they're up against a smart guy like this one.
Hat Tip WhaleOil
Dick Quax's doesn't need to watch his back. He loves guys like this running, let me tell you that :-)
But it seems this guy was assigned to stand, I think that borders in illegality, doesn't it?
These people use freedom to wage war on freedom.
He went to a book fair so he knows what he is doing? What sort of book fair was it?
That Dick Quax didn't want us to have the freedom to see Ice Cube perform in Manukau. Neither did Len Brown.
To that communist man's credit he has come up with a reasonably plausable way to stop gang violence. A much better plan than just saying 'lets ban Ice Cube from playing in Manukau'.
I'd like 5 mins with him. He'd be bloody lucky to see 42 by the time I'd finished! And from a female libertarian to boot, ye Gods! Free speech works both ways, matey-boy!
He'd certainly be thinking about hightailing it back to Malaysia, quick smart ...
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