More Evidence of Burmese "Democracy Movement"/Communist Links
While as horrified as anybody by the extreme brutality of the ruling Burmese socialist regime, I am under no illusions regarding the Marxist leadership of the "democratic" opposition.
Here is some further evidence of Burmese "Democracy Movement"/communist ties.
In April 1998, Australia's largest Marxist-Leninist organisation, the Democratic Socialist Party/Perspective hosted a large gathering of revolutionaries and Marxist-Leninists in Sydney.

It was called the 1st Asia Pacific Solidarity Conference.
The following organisations and individuals from the region participated in the conference:
All Burma Student Democratic Front
All Burma Students League (India and Thailand) [Maung Maung Naing, Australian Rep]
Anna Maria Nemenzo, Vice-Chairman, AKBAYAN (Citizen’s Action Party); National Co-ordinator, Women’s Health Philippines Inc.
Australasian Federation of Tamil Associations
Bougainville Interim Government
Campaign for Popular Democracy, Thailand
Communist Party of Nepal (UML)
Communist Party of Japan
Communist Youth League of Russia (KOMSOMNOL)
Democratic Socialist Party (DSP) of Australia
Representative to the UN of the National Coalition Government [in exile] of the Union of Burma
Dr Jayanta Rongpi, Member of Indian Parliament representing the Autonomous State Demand Committee, Assam. (A part of the progressive mass movement in India.)
Free West Papua Movement (OPM)
Indonesian National Democratic Struggle Committee
Jose Ramos Horta, Nobel Peace Laureate for East Timor
Labour Party of Pakistan
Mari Alkatiri, Foreign Affairs head, FRETILIN, Revolutionary Front for Independent East Timor
Malaysian Peoples Party (PRM)
Malik Miah, Solidarity (US) and Indonesia Alert!
Melanesian Solidarity (MELSOL), Papua New Guinea
NewLabour Party (NLP) of New Zealand
New Socialist Party of Sri Lanka (NSSP)
Peoples’ Democratic Party (PRD) of Indonesia
Prof Francisco Nemenzo, founding chairman, Union for Socialist Ideas and Action (BISIG), the Philippines
Renato Constantino Jr., Chairman SANLAKAS democratic federation, the Philippines
Union of Kanak and Exploited Workers (USTKE), New Caledonia
Note the presence of three Burmese organisations and four communist parties from Japan, Russia, Nepal and Australia (the DSP).
MELSOL, BISIG, Solidarity, The Pakistan Labour Party and the New Socialist Party of Sri Lanka are all Trotskyist organisations.
Free West Papua Movement, Indonesian National Democratic Struggle Committee, Malaysian Peoples Party, NZ New Labour Party, Union of Kanak and Exploited Workers, SANLAKAS, Peoples’ Democratic Party of Indonesia and Thai Campaign for Popular Democracy are all crypto-communist, or pro-communist organisations.
If Burma is to be freed, it will not be achieved by supporing Marxist-Leninists against socialists.
Only when a truly anti-socialist pro-freedom movement arises in Burma will the country have a chance of achieving genuine liberty for its peoples.
Here is some further evidence of Burmese "Democracy Movement"/communist ties.
In April 1998, Australia's largest Marxist-Leninist organisation, the Democratic Socialist Party/Perspective hosted a large gathering of revolutionaries and Marxist-Leninists in Sydney.

It was called the 1st Asia Pacific Solidarity Conference.
The following organisations and individuals from the region participated in the conference:
All Burma Student Democratic Front
All Burma Students League (India and Thailand) [Maung Maung Naing, Australian Rep]
Anna Maria Nemenzo, Vice-Chairman, AKBAYAN (Citizen’s Action Party); National Co-ordinator, Women’s Health Philippines Inc.
Australasian Federation of Tamil Associations
Bougainville Interim Government
Campaign for Popular Democracy, Thailand
Communist Party of Nepal (UML)
Communist Party of Japan
Communist Youth League of Russia (KOMSOMNOL)
Democratic Socialist Party (DSP) of Australia
Representative to the UN of the National Coalition Government [in exile] of the Union of Burma
Dr Jayanta Rongpi, Member of Indian Parliament representing the Autonomous State Demand Committee, Assam. (A part of the progressive mass movement in India.)
Free West Papua Movement (OPM)
Indonesian National Democratic Struggle Committee
Jose Ramos Horta, Nobel Peace Laureate for East Timor
Labour Party of Pakistan
Mari Alkatiri, Foreign Affairs head, FRETILIN, Revolutionary Front for Independent East Timor
Malaysian Peoples Party (PRM)
Malik Miah, Solidarity (US) and Indonesia Alert!
Melanesian Solidarity (MELSOL), Papua New Guinea
NewLabour Party (NLP) of New Zealand
New Socialist Party of Sri Lanka (NSSP)
Peoples’ Democratic Party (PRD) of Indonesia
Prof Francisco Nemenzo, founding chairman, Union for Socialist Ideas and Action (BISIG), the Philippines
Renato Constantino Jr., Chairman SANLAKAS democratic federation, the Philippines
Union of Kanak and Exploited Workers (USTKE), New Caledonia
Note the presence of three Burmese organisations and four communist parties from Japan, Russia, Nepal and Australia (the DSP).
MELSOL, BISIG, Solidarity, The Pakistan Labour Party and the New Socialist Party of Sri Lanka are all Trotskyist organisations.
Free West Papua Movement, Indonesian National Democratic Struggle Committee, Malaysian Peoples Party, NZ New Labour Party, Union of Kanak and Exploited Workers, SANLAKAS, Peoples’ Democratic Party of Indonesia and Thai Campaign for Popular Democracy are all crypto-communist, or pro-communist organisations.
If Burma is to be freed, it will not be achieved by supporing Marxist-Leninists against socialists.
Only when a truly anti-socialist pro-freedom movement arises in Burma will the country have a chance of achieving genuine liberty for its peoples.
Trev, going to a socialist-organised conference doesn't make somebody a Marxist anymore than me taking a job with a capitalist company makes me a capitalist. I suspect these people turned up at the solidarity conference because the commos invited them, while you supposed freedom-loving capitalists were busy ignoring them. If you want a truly 'anti-socialist pro-freedom movement' you might have to do something about it rather than sit around whingeing.
You might kid yourself Sam, but that's as far as it goes.
It just boggles my mind to see how no one can see the sort of deception going in Burma even when its "opposition" should it ever come to power will attempt to have a "moderate" foreign policy but still retain relations with Russia and China but have an embassy with the U.S.
This is what happen with Poland when the Solidarity rose to power, which was supported by George Soros and even the likes of Ronald Reagan. "Post"-Communist Poland pretends to be on the side of the West, but retains close relations with Russia and China along with Southeast Asian pro-Soviet nations such as Vietnam.
Seems like history may repeat itself with Burma as it has done so with Eastern Europe.
OK you guys, go support the fascists. Funny how that's always where you're most comfortable.
And then weep away sickeningly when people notice it.....
Poor Me ! I'm being bullied !
Thank Christ you're only tqo percent and falling. I'll bet Rodders loves you for the good look of it Trev !
Must say I'm completely boggled when Mah finds himself dissatisfied with Ronald Reagen.....the "new-leftie" indeed !
This blog's getting like a Dr Zeuss book !
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