Barack Obama-My Part in His Downfall-So Far
For the last several months, I have been working with a team of US researchers, investigating the far left background of US presidential hopeful, Barack Obama.
Left Max Friedman, second left Herb Romerstein, Cliff Kincaid, right, Trevor Loudon
The story of my involvement in this story goes back to the 1980s.
When interviewing Moscow trained NZ communist John Van De Ven , I learned of the huge importance placed on the Communist Party USA by the Soviets. While most laugh at what's left of the CPUSA today, I learned that the Soviets always took their American comrades very seriously ideed. The CPUSA was (and I believe still is), the Russian's dagger at the heart of the "Main Enemy". Consequently I put a lot of research into the CPUSA, including making contact with a very knowledgeable historian of the party, Max Friedman.
In March 2007, I found this report on the CPUSA website, by leading communist historian Gerald Horne. I'd only vaguely heard of Barack Obama at that point, but Horne pointed out that young Obama had spent some time as a teen in Hawaii, with an elderly black poet named Frank Marshall Davis. Horne pointed out that Davis was at least "in the orbit" of the Communist Party.
A little research revealed that Davis was a secret member of the Communist Party USA, which resulted in this post on New Zeal.
I got zero response to this post, but I continued my research. I found that Barack Obama had enjoyed the support of the Communist Party USA right up to today. I also found out that Obama also had close ties to two other Marxist organisations, Democratic Socialists of America and Committees of Correspondence for Democracy & Socialism.
I published this information in a series of 20 posts and started to get a little interest on the US blogosphere
In February 2008 Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media picked up the Frank Marshall Davis story and wrote this article. Interest snowballed. Hundred, if not thousands of blogs picked up Cliff's article.
The Chicago branch of Democratic Socialists of America noted this on their ejournal New Ground of March 2008.
Right-wing bloggers have discovered Chicago DSA's 1996 endorsement of Obama for the Illinois State Senate and Obama's participation that same year in a University of Chicago Young Democratic Socialists townhall meeting on "Economic Insecurity". This news started in New Zealand (it is the world wide web indeed) where a local libertarian has been obsessing over Chicago DSA's links to mainstream Chicago politics. The news gradually (by web standards) spread to right-wing blogs here in the States. It even managed to pop up in a few conservative mainstream venues. More recently, the conservative Accuracy In Media combined this with some juicy Communist Party associations (communist mentor unmasked!) and threw it out as an example of how the news media has a liberal bias for not reporting the story.
Of course, many right-wingers had been convinced Obama is a "socialist" already. If you're wondering why, it's mostly because the term "socialist" for these folks has about as much content as "fascist" does for many lefties; it's an insult not a description. So the news from New Zealand was greeted with an "Aha" by these folks more than anything else.
At one point even the pro Clinton Democrats were distributing our material in an effort to de-rail Obama's campaign.
In April, Cliff Kincaid, through America's Survival organised a press conference in Washington DC, to release two dossiers on Obama. One on the communist network around Obama in Hawaii and another on an even bigger network in Chicago.
The first dossier was presented by Herb Romerstein, who is regarded as THE expert on US communism. A youthful communist himself, Herb served as investigator with the U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities, served in the same capacity with the House Committee on Internal Security and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. He was the head of the Office to Counter Soviet Disinformation for the U.S. Information Agency. Romerstein is also co-author of the influential book "The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitors," which included extensive documentation of the communist activities of Roosevelt administration staffer Alger Hiss.
Cliff presented the second dossier .
I was invited to participate, as was the fourth member of our team, my US communist historian friend Max Friedman. It was a great adventure flying to Washington to join such a historic occasion. A big thankyou to those fellow bloggers and supporters who helped pay the airfares
I knew the trip was blessed when I got on the plane from LA to Washington. Sitting next to me was a guy from my home town of Kaiapoi (pop. 6,000). He was brought up only a few hundred metres from my home-fished on same rivers-freaky!
Since the trip, Cliff has published sevral more articles on Obama's radical ties, which have been re-published thousands of times.
Several of my articles have been republished and all 20 are listed as reference material on David Horowitz's excellent Discover the Networks site.
More importantly Cliff has done a huge number of media interviews, including with several of the top conservative talk show hosts.
Rush Limbaugh gave him such a plug the other day, that Cliff's website almost crashed under the hits.
Also two new books have been published in the US, both using some of our material on Obama.
Jerome Corsi's The Obama Nation with a print run of over 200,00 copies, is already number 1 on the New York Times best seller list.
David Freddoso's The Case Against Barack Obama, while not quite as hard hitting, has an even bigger print run and is also flying off the shelves.
I am aware that another book, by Bob Chandler, dealing in part with Barack Bbama and using some of our information is also in the offing.
Our team has expanded somewhat and we are uncovering new information every day. Watch this space.
Well that's what I did on my holidays. Will keep you all updated now that I'm back at work.

The story of my involvement in this story goes back to the 1980s.
When interviewing Moscow trained NZ communist John Van De Ven , I learned of the huge importance placed on the Communist Party USA by the Soviets. While most laugh at what's left of the CPUSA today, I learned that the Soviets always took their American comrades very seriously ideed. The CPUSA was (and I believe still is), the Russian's dagger at the heart of the "Main Enemy". Consequently I put a lot of research into the CPUSA, including making contact with a very knowledgeable historian of the party, Max Friedman.
In March 2007, I found this report on the CPUSA website, by leading communist historian Gerald Horne. I'd only vaguely heard of Barack Obama at that point, but Horne pointed out that young Obama had spent some time as a teen in Hawaii, with an elderly black poet named Frank Marshall Davis. Horne pointed out that Davis was at least "in the orbit" of the Communist Party.
A little research revealed that Davis was a secret member of the Communist Party USA, which resulted in this post on New Zeal.
I got zero response to this post, but I continued my research. I found that Barack Obama had enjoyed the support of the Communist Party USA right up to today. I also found out that Obama also had close ties to two other Marxist organisations, Democratic Socialists of America and Committees of Correspondence for Democracy & Socialism.
I published this information in a series of 20 posts and started to get a little interest on the US blogosphere
In February 2008 Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media picked up the Frank Marshall Davis story and wrote this article. Interest snowballed. Hundred, if not thousands of blogs picked up Cliff's article.
The Chicago branch of Democratic Socialists of America noted this on their ejournal New Ground of March 2008.
Right-wing bloggers have discovered Chicago DSA's 1996 endorsement of Obama for the Illinois State Senate and Obama's participation that same year in a University of Chicago Young Democratic Socialists townhall meeting on "Economic Insecurity". This news started in New Zealand (it is the world wide web indeed) where a local libertarian has been obsessing over Chicago DSA's links to mainstream Chicago politics. The news gradually (by web standards) spread to right-wing blogs here in the States. It even managed to pop up in a few conservative mainstream venues. More recently, the conservative Accuracy In Media combined this with some juicy Communist Party associations (communist mentor unmasked!) and threw it out as an example of how the news media has a liberal bias for not reporting the story.
Of course, many right-wingers had been convinced Obama is a "socialist" already. If you're wondering why, it's mostly because the term "socialist" for these folks has about as much content as "fascist" does for many lefties; it's an insult not a description. So the news from New Zealand was greeted with an "Aha" by these folks more than anything else.
At one point even the pro Clinton Democrats were distributing our material in an effort to de-rail Obama's campaign.
In April, Cliff Kincaid, through America's Survival organised a press conference in Washington DC, to release two dossiers on Obama. One on the communist network around Obama in Hawaii and another on an even bigger network in Chicago.
The first dossier was presented by Herb Romerstein, who is regarded as THE expert on US communism. A youthful communist himself, Herb served as investigator with the U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities, served in the same capacity with the House Committee on Internal Security and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. He was the head of the Office to Counter Soviet Disinformation for the U.S. Information Agency. Romerstein is also co-author of the influential book "The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitors," which included extensive documentation of the communist activities of Roosevelt administration staffer Alger Hiss.
Cliff presented the second dossier .
I was invited to participate, as was the fourth member of our team, my US communist historian friend Max Friedman. It was a great adventure flying to Washington to join such a historic occasion. A big thankyou to those fellow bloggers and supporters who helped pay the airfares
I knew the trip was blessed when I got on the plane from LA to Washington. Sitting next to me was a guy from my home town of Kaiapoi (pop. 6,000). He was brought up only a few hundred metres from my home-fished on same rivers-freaky!
Since the trip, Cliff has published sevral more articles on Obama's radical ties, which have been re-published thousands of times.
Several of my articles have been republished and all 20 are listed as reference material on David Horowitz's excellent Discover the Networks site.
More importantly Cliff has done a huge number of media interviews, including with several of the top conservative talk show hosts.
Rush Limbaugh gave him such a plug the other day, that Cliff's website almost crashed under the hits.
Also two new books have been published in the US, both using some of our material on Obama.
Jerome Corsi's The Obama Nation with a print run of over 200,00 copies, is already number 1 on the New York Times best seller list.
David Freddoso's The Case Against Barack Obama, while not quite as hard hitting, has an even bigger print run and is also flying off the shelves.
I am aware that another book, by Bob Chandler, dealing in part with Barack Bbama and using some of our information is also in the offing.
Our team has expanded somewhat and we are uncovering new information every day. Watch this space.
Well that's what I did on my holidays. Will keep you all updated now that I'm back at work.
Well done! These creeps need exposing at every opportunity.
Welcome back to the blogosphere Trevor. I will be adding you to my blogroll so I can follow the progress of your "mission" - kia kaha!
Welcome back Trevor and I wish you good fortune with your new venture.
Obama is going to lose BIG. The race is dead even which is a very bad omen for Obama. Especially when you consider the real hardcore election battle won't begin until after the party conventions and VP selection.
Hussein is a 50 state loser.
Thanks guys. Nice to hear from you all. I hope you're right Reid.
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