Obama-file 25 CCDS Marxist-Leninists Come Out for Obama
Obama-file 24 here

The Committees for Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS)is, after Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and Communist Party USA (CPUSA), the third largest most influential marxist group in the USA. Formed in 1992 from a large split in the CPUSA, CCDS is influential in Chicago, New York, California and some other centres in the union movement and in black communities.
All three organisations are backing Barack Obama in the coming US election. The CPUSA is largely using its own resources in the unions and the social movements while DSA and CCDS (which have a large cross membership) are working closely together, particularly through Progressives for Obama.
Chicago CCDS has long supported Barack Obama.

CCDS National Committee member Carl Davidson worked with Obama in the New Party in the mid/late '90s and helped organise the famous 2002 peace rally where Obama first came out strongly against the Iraq war.

CCDS Advisory Board member Timuel Black is a long term friend and supporter of the Senator from Illinois.Timuel Black's wife Zenobia Johnson-Black is one several CCDS linked endorsers of the Progressives for Obama website.
Other long term Obama supporters such as Barbara Lee and Danny K Davis also have CCDS connections.
CCDS revealed just how committed they are to an Obama presidency in this recent statement.
A Critical Moment
A Message to CCDS Membership
August 10, 2008
With less than three months remaining before the November 4th general election, CCDS members together with all left and progressive forces are urged to work wholeheartedly to ensure a massive defeat at the polls for John McCain and his war-mongering, neo-conservative, right-wing sponsors.
Only a massive turnout of new, young, African American, Latino, Asian American, trade union, and progressive voters casting a ballot for Barack Obama can insure this defeat. We must find ways to argue the stakes inherent in a McCain win on key issues: ending the war, the faltering economy, creating “green” jobs, a sustainable environment, universal health care, and restoring the right to organize unions.
The various smears, racism and fear mongering surrounding the first viable African American presidential candidacy are making inroads among large segments of the public. CCDS members have a role to play in challenging the racism, joining with broad efforts like that of the petition campaign against Fox TV’s racist characterizations of the Obamas organized by the Color of Change. Hip hop artist, Das and 150 others delivered 620,000 signatures to Fox TV’s studios in Manhattan in July.
It is important to find ways to pressure the Obama campaign from an independent platform, and resist efforts to demoralize, sidetrack, and divide the movement to elect Obama. Progressives For Obama (P4O) is one such vehicle. It emerged in March 2008 during the primary campaign and has become a viable voice of critical support from the left, aiming to countervail the growing right-wing pressures on the Obama campaign.
We urgently ask CCDS members to link up with local campaigns and organizations like Progressives for Obama (P4O) to infuse the election campaign with the issues that matter most – and making the campaign at the base a deeply progressive project.
The NEC, at its most recent meeting, discussed issuing a message urging members in local areas to help build Progressives for Obama. At the launch of P4O, a draft call was issued by Tom Hayden, Bill Fletcher, Barbara Ehrenreich, and Danny Glover. Carl Davidson, a member of the NCC of CCDS, is a key organizer and moderator of the P4O web blog. The list of endorsers has grown impressively to include leaders of labor, peace and justice organizations, and leading progressive individuals.
In a message from Carl Davidson about what you can do with P4O, he writes:
In addition to signing up and giving us some financial support:
Work locally to expand the electorate in a younger, more progressive direction. Register new voters, and work with other groups, including the young people around the Obama campaign. If it's a normal election, McCain can win. If it's not, and turnout is new and different, we have a good shot. It really boils down to that.
Get out the vote. Registering doesn't help if they don't go to the polls. Again, work with others and the Obama youth, to do this. Be resolute, don't get sidetracked by the bumpy ride, stick to the slogan, “Stop McCain, Stop the War, Vote Obama 2008!”
Get outside the usual comfort zones and make new allies. We're going to need them to wage struggle with the Obama White House in 2009.
Hook all this up with a local progressive blog or two or three, or start one yourself. For example see: www.beavercountyblue.org. Be a public face, then link to others across the country and with us nationally. This is the scaffolding of a national network.
If you're up for adventure, come to Denver for the Democratic National Convention. Hook up with Tent State, P4O, PDA (Progressive Democrats of America), UFPJ and the Nation Magazine. We’ll put you to work!
CCDS members have a lot to contribute as an independent force committed to advance the fight for peace and for a massive jobs program in this year’s crucial elections. From this perspective we urge members to consider joining and or supporting Progressives for Obama with our ideas, activism and financial support. For more information, go to: http://progressivesforobama.blogspot.com
For those members and friends who are supporting other independent candidates, we urge that we go forward together to register new voters, fight hard on the issues and lay the groundwork for expanding and consolidating the progressive majority.
Let us know what you are doing and share your stories. Write a note on the CCDS membership list serve or send to the national office for the next issue of the Mobilizer (deadline: end of August). Address: CCDS, 545 Eighth Ave, Rm 1420, NY, NY 10018.
National Executive Committee
Obama-file 26 here

The Committees for Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS)is, after Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and Communist Party USA (CPUSA), the third largest most influential marxist group in the USA. Formed in 1992 from a large split in the CPUSA, CCDS is influential in Chicago, New York, California and some other centres in the union movement and in black communities.
All three organisations are backing Barack Obama in the coming US election. The CPUSA is largely using its own resources in the unions and the social movements while DSA and CCDS (which have a large cross membership) are working closely together, particularly through Progressives for Obama.
Chicago CCDS has long supported Barack Obama.

CCDS National Committee member Carl Davidson worked with Obama in the New Party in the mid/late '90s and helped organise the famous 2002 peace rally where Obama first came out strongly against the Iraq war.

CCDS Advisory Board member Timuel Black is a long term friend and supporter of the Senator from Illinois.Timuel Black's wife Zenobia Johnson-Black is one several CCDS linked endorsers of the Progressives for Obama website.
Other long term Obama supporters such as Barbara Lee and Danny K Davis also have CCDS connections.
CCDS revealed just how committed they are to an Obama presidency in this recent statement.
A Critical Moment
A Message to CCDS Membership
August 10, 2008
With less than three months remaining before the November 4th general election, CCDS members together with all left and progressive forces are urged to work wholeheartedly to ensure a massive defeat at the polls for John McCain and his war-mongering, neo-conservative, right-wing sponsors.
Only a massive turnout of new, young, African American, Latino, Asian American, trade union, and progressive voters casting a ballot for Barack Obama can insure this defeat. We must find ways to argue the stakes inherent in a McCain win on key issues: ending the war, the faltering economy, creating “green” jobs, a sustainable environment, universal health care, and restoring the right to organize unions.
The various smears, racism and fear mongering surrounding the first viable African American presidential candidacy are making inroads among large segments of the public. CCDS members have a role to play in challenging the racism, joining with broad efforts like that of the petition campaign against Fox TV’s racist characterizations of the Obamas organized by the Color of Change. Hip hop artist, Das and 150 others delivered 620,000 signatures to Fox TV’s studios in Manhattan in July.
It is important to find ways to pressure the Obama campaign from an independent platform, and resist efforts to demoralize, sidetrack, and divide the movement to elect Obama. Progressives For Obama (P4O) is one such vehicle. It emerged in March 2008 during the primary campaign and has become a viable voice of critical support from the left, aiming to countervail the growing right-wing pressures on the Obama campaign.
We urgently ask CCDS members to link up with local campaigns and organizations like Progressives for Obama (P4O) to infuse the election campaign with the issues that matter most – and making the campaign at the base a deeply progressive project.
The NEC, at its most recent meeting, discussed issuing a message urging members in local areas to help build Progressives for Obama. At the launch of P4O, a draft call was issued by Tom Hayden, Bill Fletcher, Barbara Ehrenreich, and Danny Glover. Carl Davidson, a member of the NCC of CCDS, is a key organizer and moderator of the P4O web blog. The list of endorsers has grown impressively to include leaders of labor, peace and justice organizations, and leading progressive individuals.
In a message from Carl Davidson about what you can do with P4O, he writes:
In addition to signing up and giving us some financial support:
Work locally to expand the electorate in a younger, more progressive direction. Register new voters, and work with other groups, including the young people around the Obama campaign. If it's a normal election, McCain can win. If it's not, and turnout is new and different, we have a good shot. It really boils down to that.
Get out the vote. Registering doesn't help if they don't go to the polls. Again, work with others and the Obama youth, to do this. Be resolute, don't get sidetracked by the bumpy ride, stick to the slogan, “Stop McCain, Stop the War, Vote Obama 2008!”
Get outside the usual comfort zones and make new allies. We're going to need them to wage struggle with the Obama White House in 2009.
Hook all this up with a local progressive blog or two or three, or start one yourself. For example see: www.beavercountyblue.org. Be a public face, then link to others across the country and with us nationally. This is the scaffolding of a national network.
If you're up for adventure, come to Denver for the Democratic National Convention. Hook up with Tent State, P4O, PDA (Progressive Democrats of America), UFPJ and the Nation Magazine. We’ll put you to work!
CCDS members have a lot to contribute as an independent force committed to advance the fight for peace and for a massive jobs program in this year’s crucial elections. From this perspective we urge members to consider joining and or supporting Progressives for Obama with our ideas, activism and financial support. For more information, go to: http://progressivesforobama.blogspot.com
For those members and friends who are supporting other independent candidates, we urge that we go forward together to register new voters, fight hard on the issues and lay the groundwork for expanding and consolidating the progressive majority.
Let us know what you are doing and share your stories. Write a note on the CCDS membership list serve or send to the national office for the next issue of the Mobilizer (deadline: end of August). Address: CCDS, 545 Eighth Ave, Rm 1420, NY, NY 10018.
National Executive Committee
Obama-file 26 here
CCDS has all of 400 members, I'd say more than half of them very elderly.
While CCDS is far smaller than DSA or CPUSA, I still rate them.
The organisation has some key activists in its ranks-Leslie Cagan, Angela Davis, Merle Ratner, Mark Solomon, Manning Marable, Carl Davidson etc.
It holds leading positions in Black Radical Congress, United for Peace and Justice and of course Progressives for Obama.
It has close ties to Cuba, the Venezuelans and other prominent communist parties.
It also has good relationships with certain Democrats, many of whom it helped get elected.
CCDS is not the biggest fish in the socialist sea, but still merits some attention.
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