Obama File 35 Even More Weathermen For Obama-Connections, Connections, Connections
Obama file 34 here
In recent posts I have examined former Weather Underground Organistion (WUO) involvement in two interlinked organisations, Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS) and Progressives for Obama (PFO).
In the mid 1970s the Weather Underground published an 158-page statement entitled "Prairie Fire" callng for the;
"uniting of all revolutionary forces in this country with the ultimate aim to overthrow the Government".
Founded in August 2006, MDS seems to embody just the type of revolutionary unity the WUO was striving for way back then.
The MDS board includes representatives from three of US's most influential (and pro-Obama) Marxist organisations, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the Communist Party USA (CPUSA)and Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS), plus many former members of Students for a Democratic Society and its terrorist splinter, the Weather Underground Organisation (WUO).
Former Weathermen and their allies undoubtedly dominate MDS.

From Weather Underground to Movement for a Democratic Society, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn
I have revealed that three former Weathermen, Bernardine Dohrn, Mark Rudd and Jeff Jones have served on the MDS board, as have two close friends of Dorhn's husband Bill Ayers, former SDS Maoists Carl Davidson and Mike Klonsky-both very familiar names to Obama watchers.
Bill Ayers himself is a prominent MDS activist, while another board member Thomas Good describes himself as an "unrepentant Weather supporter".
Progressives for Obama is intimately tied to MDS. Four of the six original PFO founders are MDS board members-Carl Davidson (CCDS member), Tom Hayden (former SDS leader) and Bill Fletcher and Barbara Ehrenreich (both DSA leaders).
Mark Rudd and Thomas Good are PFO endorsers as are Klonsky's wife Susan and brother Fred. Good edits the MDS "unofficial" ejournal Next Left Notes, which carries a prominent link to PFO. Jeff Jones and two more former Weathermen, Howie Machtinger (a Next Left Notes contributor) and Steve Tappis have signed a PFO supporters petition.
Another PFO petion signatory is Jennifer Dohrn, sister of WUO leader Bernardine Dohrn.
This post looks more closely at Steve Tappis, Berbardine Dorhn and another MDS board member, Bruce Rubenstein.
Bruce Rubenstein

It turns out that Bruce Rubenstein, is one of three key players in MDS.
According to an article on MDS and the re-born SDS in The Nation April 2007;
Power has resided largely with three figures: historian Paul Buhle, once editor of the original SDS journal Radical America; Thomas Good, a 48-year-old Communist-turned-anarchist who created the new SDS website and Bruce Rubenstein, a Connecticut personal-injury attorney.
The Nation goes on to comment on tensions within MDS caused by the dominance of the Weatherman clique;
The Weather controversy erupted when Bernardine Dohrn, a Weather leader who now teaches law at Northwestern University, was invited to speak at the first new SDS conference, held in Providence, Rhode Island, in April 2006. Dohrn received a rousing welcome, but when Bob Ross, an early SDSer, used his talk to lament that "the largest legal and unarmed movement in the history of the West" turned "ineffectually violent and useless," he was received coolly.
At the first new SDS national convention in Chicago, in August, Good opened the proceedings by reading greetings from Dohrn. Moreover, Rubenstein, MDS's treasurer, is unapologetic about his Weather history and says that if it were 1969 he would "do it all over again..."
Bruce Rubenstein personally recruited former WUO member Mark Rudd to the MDS.
It also turns out that Rubenstein may also be an Obama supporter.
From theHartford Courant.com
Barack Obama's Connecticut campaign drew a capacity crowd of 250 to a kickoff event at Yale's Afro-American Cultural Center today, while Hillary Rodham Clinton rolled out an endorsement by Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy...Bruce Rubenstein of West Hartford, a fundraiser who likes to play both radical and insider, dropped by.
Rubenstein was also involved in countering a fake Obama blog;
From the blog Down With Tyranny June 1st 2006;
Everyone who has paid any attention at all to Joe Lieberman's political career knows he is one of the slimiest and low down dirty players in American politics...But posting fake blogs in the name of Barack Obama and Harry Reid is downright bizarre. According to today JOURNAL INQUIRER from north-central Connecticut, the FBI has been brought in on the case. "A Hartford lawyer says the FBI has agreed to investigate postings promoting Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman's re-election on a popular Connecticut-based Internet 'blog' in the names of Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. Bruce D. Rubenstein, a former finance chairman for the Democratic State Central Committee and a Lieberman critic, said Wednesday that an agent in the FBI's Meriden office told him the agency would probe the postings on the 'Connecticut Local Politics' Web log... Obama confirms that Lieberman's postings were fake and that he never authorized Lieberman to use his name for anything...
Can we chalk up one more Weatherman for Obama?
Jennifer Dohrn

Jennifer Dohrn was never a proven WUO member, but she was a national leader of the the Praire Fire Organising Committee, the WUO's above ground support network and a spokesman for her terrorist sister.
Later she was married to radical lawyer Haywood Burns, founder of the the "legal arm of the black revolution" the National Conference of Black Lawyers-an affiliate of the Soviet front International Association of Democratic Lawyers.
Burns had close ties to Cuba and was incolved in several other communist fronts including the National Lawyers Guild, Center for Constitutional Rights and the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee.
Burns successfully defended CPUSA radical Angela Davis, who was acquitted of kidnapping and murder charges after the 1970 invasion of a California courthouse which killed four people including the presiding judge.
Incidentally, Angela Davis is now a leader of CCDS and was an founding MDS board member with Bernadine Dohrn.
Steve Tappis
An original leading Weatherman, with Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Mark Rudd, Jeff Jones and Howie Machtinger, Steve Tappis was also one of the earliest dropouts.
He has stayed radical all the way however and as recently as September 2008 was involved in a TEACH IN ON THE IRAQ WAR at the University of California Berkeley.
Speakers included Progressives for Obama founder Tom Hayden and PFO website endorsers Daniel Ellsberg and Immanuel Wallerstein.

Rick Ayers
Described as a "Sixties activist in Chicago", Tappis was a member of the "Teach In" organising group. Coincidentally another group member was was Berkeley Phd student Rick Ayers-another former Weatherman and brother of Bill Ayers-fancy that.
Chicago is home to the Crossroads Fund, a foundation that channels money to organisations such as the Ad Hoc Committee on Chicago Police Torture, Feminist Response in Disability Activism, Female Storytellers Igniting Revolution to End Violence, Illinois Safe Schools Alliance (Formerly Coalition for Education on Sexual Orientation), and well known CPUSA/DSA linked organisations such as the Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights and Jobs with Justice. Get the picture?
The Fund is co-chaired by leading Chicago DSA member Bill Barclay while Ali Abunimah, a claimed Obama associate serves on the board.
Steve Tappis is a donor to the Crossroads fund. Other donors in recent times might also be familiar to keen Obama watchers.
A view of Crossroad annual reports here and here reveal some interesting names.
They include Obama's personal friends Timuel Black (CCDS member and husband of Progressives for Obama endorser Zenobia Black)and DSA member Quentin Young-present at the famous 1995 meeting at the home of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn which launched Obama's political career.
Obama financier Bettylu Saltzman is listed, as are Progressives for Obama founders Carl Davidson and Tim Carpenter. PFO endorsers Aviva Futorian and Susan Klonsky appear as does MDS board member Mike Klonsky and unsuccessful board nominee Barbara Ransby.
PFO petition signers Ted Pearson (CCDS, former Illinois CPUSA chairman) and Prexy Nesbitt (CPUSA and Black Radical Congress connections) also donate.
Unsurprisingly Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn are also listed (in 2005).
Ayers and Dohrn are not simply Crossroads donors, they are active fundraisers.
In fall of 2005, Crossroads Fundworked closely with donors and boardmembers to put together houseparties featuring discussion on critical community issues, and also raise money for Crossroads Fund. Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, along with Yvonne Welbon and Dorian Warren hosted a group of donors and friends as they engaged in a lively discussion about political participation in Chicago...
Interstingly, when Crossroads held anniversary celebrations last year they established a 25th Anniversary Host Committee.
Honorary Hosts included Congressman Danny Davis and Alderman Helen Shiller, Alderman Joseph A. Moore, Cook County Clerk David Orr and of course Senator Barack Obama.
I wonder if Barack hosted Bill and Bernardine?
Obama File 36 here
In recent posts I have examined former Weather Underground Organistion (WUO) involvement in two interlinked organisations, Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS) and Progressives for Obama (PFO).
In the mid 1970s the Weather Underground published an 158-page statement entitled "Prairie Fire" callng for the;
"uniting of all revolutionary forces in this country with the ultimate aim to overthrow the Government".
Founded in August 2006, MDS seems to embody just the type of revolutionary unity the WUO was striving for way back then.
The MDS board includes representatives from three of US's most influential (and pro-Obama) Marxist organisations, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the Communist Party USA (CPUSA)and Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS), plus many former members of Students for a Democratic Society and its terrorist splinter, the Weather Underground Organisation (WUO).
Former Weathermen and their allies undoubtedly dominate MDS.

From Weather Underground to Movement for a Democratic Society, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn
I have revealed that three former Weathermen, Bernardine Dohrn, Mark Rudd and Jeff Jones have served on the MDS board, as have two close friends of Dorhn's husband Bill Ayers, former SDS Maoists Carl Davidson and Mike Klonsky-both very familiar names to Obama watchers.
Bill Ayers himself is a prominent MDS activist, while another board member Thomas Good describes himself as an "unrepentant Weather supporter".
Progressives for Obama is intimately tied to MDS. Four of the six original PFO founders are MDS board members-Carl Davidson (CCDS member), Tom Hayden (former SDS leader) and Bill Fletcher and Barbara Ehrenreich (both DSA leaders).
Mark Rudd and Thomas Good are PFO endorsers as are Klonsky's wife Susan and brother Fred. Good edits the MDS "unofficial" ejournal Next Left Notes, which carries a prominent link to PFO. Jeff Jones and two more former Weathermen, Howie Machtinger (a Next Left Notes contributor) and Steve Tappis have signed a PFO supporters petition.
Another PFO petion signatory is Jennifer Dohrn, sister of WUO leader Bernardine Dohrn.
This post looks more closely at Steve Tappis, Berbardine Dorhn and another MDS board member, Bruce Rubenstein.
Bruce Rubenstein

It turns out that Bruce Rubenstein, is one of three key players in MDS.
According to an article on MDS and the re-born SDS in The Nation April 2007;
Power has resided largely with three figures: historian Paul Buhle, once editor of the original SDS journal Radical America; Thomas Good, a 48-year-old Communist-turned-anarchist who created the new SDS website and Bruce Rubenstein, a Connecticut personal-injury attorney.
The Nation goes on to comment on tensions within MDS caused by the dominance of the Weatherman clique;
The Weather controversy erupted when Bernardine Dohrn, a Weather leader who now teaches law at Northwestern University, was invited to speak at the first new SDS conference, held in Providence, Rhode Island, in April 2006. Dohrn received a rousing welcome, but when Bob Ross, an early SDSer, used his talk to lament that "the largest legal and unarmed movement in the history of the West" turned "ineffectually violent and useless," he was received coolly.
At the first new SDS national convention in Chicago, in August, Good opened the proceedings by reading greetings from Dohrn. Moreover, Rubenstein, MDS's treasurer, is unapologetic about his Weather history and says that if it were 1969 he would "do it all over again..."
Bruce Rubenstein personally recruited former WUO member Mark Rudd to the MDS.
It also turns out that Rubenstein may also be an Obama supporter.
From theHartford Courant.com
Barack Obama's Connecticut campaign drew a capacity crowd of 250 to a kickoff event at Yale's Afro-American Cultural Center today, while Hillary Rodham Clinton rolled out an endorsement by Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy...Bruce Rubenstein of West Hartford, a fundraiser who likes to play both radical and insider, dropped by.
Rubenstein was also involved in countering a fake Obama blog;
From the blog Down With Tyranny June 1st 2006;
Everyone who has paid any attention at all to Joe Lieberman's political career knows he is one of the slimiest and low down dirty players in American politics...But posting fake blogs in the name of Barack Obama and Harry Reid is downright bizarre. According to today JOURNAL INQUIRER from north-central Connecticut, the FBI has been brought in on the case. "A Hartford lawyer says the FBI has agreed to investigate postings promoting Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman's re-election on a popular Connecticut-based Internet 'blog' in the names of Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. Bruce D. Rubenstein, a former finance chairman for the Democratic State Central Committee and a Lieberman critic, said Wednesday that an agent in the FBI's Meriden office told him the agency would probe the postings on the 'Connecticut Local Politics' Web log... Obama confirms that Lieberman's postings were fake and that he never authorized Lieberman to use his name for anything...
Can we chalk up one more Weatherman for Obama?
Jennifer Dohrn

Jennifer Dohrn was never a proven WUO member, but she was a national leader of the the Praire Fire Organising Committee, the WUO's above ground support network and a spokesman for her terrorist sister.
Later she was married to radical lawyer Haywood Burns, founder of the the "legal arm of the black revolution" the National Conference of Black Lawyers-an affiliate of the Soviet front International Association of Democratic Lawyers.
Burns had close ties to Cuba and was incolved in several other communist fronts including the National Lawyers Guild, Center for Constitutional Rights and the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee.
Burns successfully defended CPUSA radical Angela Davis, who was acquitted of kidnapping and murder charges after the 1970 invasion of a California courthouse which killed four people including the presiding judge.
Incidentally, Angela Davis is now a leader of CCDS and was an founding MDS board member with Bernadine Dohrn.
Steve Tappis
An original leading Weatherman, with Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Mark Rudd, Jeff Jones and Howie Machtinger, Steve Tappis was also one of the earliest dropouts.
He has stayed radical all the way however and as recently as September 2008 was involved in a TEACH IN ON THE IRAQ WAR at the University of California Berkeley.
Speakers included Progressives for Obama founder Tom Hayden and PFO website endorsers Daniel Ellsberg and Immanuel Wallerstein.

Rick Ayers
Described as a "Sixties activist in Chicago", Tappis was a member of the "Teach In" organising group. Coincidentally another group member was was Berkeley Phd student Rick Ayers-another former Weatherman and brother of Bill Ayers-fancy that.
Chicago is home to the Crossroads Fund, a foundation that channels money to organisations such as the Ad Hoc Committee on Chicago Police Torture, Feminist Response in Disability Activism, Female Storytellers Igniting Revolution to End Violence, Illinois Safe Schools Alliance (Formerly Coalition for Education on Sexual Orientation), and well known CPUSA/DSA linked organisations such as the Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights and Jobs with Justice. Get the picture?
The Fund is co-chaired by leading Chicago DSA member Bill Barclay while Ali Abunimah, a claimed Obama associate serves on the board.
Steve Tappis is a donor to the Crossroads fund. Other donors in recent times might also be familiar to keen Obama watchers.
A view of Crossroad annual reports here and here reveal some interesting names.
They include Obama's personal friends Timuel Black (CCDS member and husband of Progressives for Obama endorser Zenobia Black)and DSA member Quentin Young-present at the famous 1995 meeting at the home of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn which launched Obama's political career.
Obama financier Bettylu Saltzman is listed, as are Progressives for Obama founders Carl Davidson and Tim Carpenter. PFO endorsers Aviva Futorian and Susan Klonsky appear as does MDS board member Mike Klonsky and unsuccessful board nominee Barbara Ransby.
PFO petition signers Ted Pearson (CCDS, former Illinois CPUSA chairman) and Prexy Nesbitt (CPUSA and Black Radical Congress connections) also donate.
Unsurprisingly Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn are also listed (in 2005).
Ayers and Dohrn are not simply Crossroads donors, they are active fundraisers.
In fall of 2005, Crossroads Fundworked closely with donors and boardmembers to put together houseparties featuring discussion on critical community issues, and also raise money for Crossroads Fund. Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, along with Yvonne Welbon and Dorian Warren hosted a group of donors and friends as they engaged in a lively discussion about political participation in Chicago...
Interstingly, when Crossroads held anniversary celebrations last year they established a 25th Anniversary Host Committee.
Honorary Hosts included Congressman Danny Davis and Alderman Helen Shiller, Alderman Joseph A. Moore, Cook County Clerk David Orr and of course Senator Barack Obama.
I wonder if Barack hosted Bill and Bernardine?
Obama File 36 here
The cognoscenti supported Hitler in the 1930s and when they found out Hitler’s true nature it was too late. The elites support BHO now; I wonder if they will come to regret it when they see where BHO and his comrades are really coming from.
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