Washington "Weather Underground" Conference
Yours Truly will be addressing this event.
Campaign for Justice for Victims of Weather Underground Terrorism
Sponsored by America's Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org
March 12 National Press Club / First Amendment Lounge 12:30 – 2:30*

Sergeant Brian V. McDonnell:
Victim of Weather Underground anti-personnel shrapnel bomb allegedly planted by Bernardine Dohrn (the wife of Bill Ayers) at San Francisco Park Police Station, February 16, 1970.
Larry Grathwohl, former FBI informant in the Weather Underground, on how the Weather Underground targeted police for murder and how evidence in the bombing murder of Sgt. McDonnell points to Weather Underground member and now “Professor” Bernardine Dohrn.
Jim Pera, retired San Francisco Police Sergeant, one of the first on the scene of the Park Station bombing, on the impact of the Weather Underground bombing campaign and the search for justice in the McDonnell case.
Herbert Romerstein, former Congressional investigator, on the violent history of the Weather Underground and its links to other terrorist groups, including the Puerto Rican FALN.
Trevor Loudon, anti-communist researcher and international blogger, on how members of the SDS and Weather Underground are active politically and creating a new “student movement” on college campuses.
Cliff Kincaid, veteran journalist and president of America’s Survival, Inc., on the need for the media to tell the complete truth about the origins, foreign influence and direction, and present plans of the SDS and Weather Underground.
Campaign for Justice for Victims of Weather Underground Terrorism
Sponsored by America's Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org
March 12 National Press Club / First Amendment Lounge 12:30 – 2:30*

Sergeant Brian V. McDonnell:
Victim of Weather Underground anti-personnel shrapnel bomb allegedly planted by Bernardine Dohrn (the wife of Bill Ayers) at San Francisco Park Police Station, February 16, 1970.
Larry Grathwohl, former FBI informant in the Weather Underground, on how the Weather Underground targeted police for murder and how evidence in the bombing murder of Sgt. McDonnell points to Weather Underground member and now “Professor” Bernardine Dohrn.
Jim Pera, retired San Francisco Police Sergeant, one of the first on the scene of the Park Station bombing, on the impact of the Weather Underground bombing campaign and the search for justice in the McDonnell case.
Herbert Romerstein, former Congressional investigator, on the violent history of the Weather Underground and its links to other terrorist groups, including the Puerto Rican FALN.
Trevor Loudon, anti-communist researcher and international blogger, on how members of the SDS and Weather Underground are active politically and creating a new “student movement” on college campuses.
Cliff Kincaid, veteran journalist and president of America’s Survival, Inc., on the need for the media to tell the complete truth about the origins, foreign influence and direction, and present plans of the SDS and Weather Underground.
Isn't it rather odd that Bill Ayers managed to get off scot free thanks to his father's influence in Washington, yet he was the same one whom encouraged followers of the Weather Underground to kill their parents.
How ironic that he uses his daddy's influence to ensure he won't be prosecuted for his crimes as a domestic terrorist.
Ayers is also defending fake Native American Ward Churchill as well, stating that the 9/11 victims were "Little Eichmann" along with lying stating that Churchill was canned for those views when he openly was exposed for plagerism and lying about his ethnic background.
Heh why not speak at a conference for the millions massacred in Vietnam? Oh thats right the state has a monopoly on violence.
For gods sake Trev look at who causes the violence around us, it is'nt groups of naieve left wing students its governments fighting ill conceived pointless wars and putting in policies which bring third world nations to their knees. Its a system which requires most of the world to live in poverty to keep labour prices low.
"Heh why not speak at a conference for the millions massacred in Vietnam? Oh thats right the state has a monopoly on violence.
For gods sake Trev look at who causes the violence around us, it is'nt groups of naieve left wing students its governments fighting ill conceived pointless wars and putting in policies which bring third world nations to their knees. Its a system which requires most of the world to live in poverty to keep labour prices low."
So I take it anonymous, that it was okay for Ayers and the Weather Underground to promote terrorism as a form of disagreeing with the government's policies? I don't see you complaining about the massacres of Southeast Asian people after American troops left the region.
Pol Pot ring a bell? Those people have awaited too long to bring justice. But I guess you don't simply care that Weather Underground sympathized with these genocidal Communist leaders which you happily ignore their crimes.
Those people have awaited too long to bring justice. But I guess you don't simply care that Weather Underground sympathized with these genocidal Communist leaders which you happily ignore their crimes.
Anon here, no Mah I dont support terrorism that is the indescriminate use of violence to terrorise a population.
I am no blind ideological commie and am disgusted by pol pot and the massacres which have taken place and still take place across Asia. Dont try and kid me that it was to stop massacres that Vietnam was invaded. The US is completly happy to let its allies get away with exactly the same sort of thing, take what the US based Shah of Iran got up to. When did I blindly support the Weather Underground?
In my previous comment I implied that they were naieve students. That said I dont believe the state has a monopoly on the use of force and I support groups which fight against a murderous government be it Iraqi civillians organising against Sadam Hussein or US students organising against a evil war.
"The US is completly happy to let its allies get away with exactly the same sort of thing, take what the US based Shah of Iran got up to."
Don't you seem to care about the other guy the Shah ousted? He was backed by the Iranian Tudeh Party which formed a short-lived Soviet Republic in Iran. Persian Socialist Soviet Republic:
Perhaps you have heard of it? If it were wrong for the USA to ever care about obvious Soviet influence in Iran, why haven't you condemn Soviet influence in Iran like this short-lived Soviet Republic where its old supporters in the Iranian Tudeh Party backed the other guy that the Shah ousted?
There's a reason why the USA did what it did. It wasn't all this scheme to take Iranian oil as people like you proclaim to be as such.
"That said I dont believe the state has a monopoly on the use of force and I support groups which fight against a murderous government be it Iraqi civillians organising against Sadam Hussein or US students organising against a evil war."
How can you say you don't support Saddam, but you also don't support the USA from trying to oust him?
I should also add that the Shah's own father was engaged in allowing pro-German sentiment to go unchallenged in Iran. The Shah's father was even responsible for changing the name from Persia to Iran because it was more Aryan-sounding.
So where the Allies also wrong to occupy Iran then? Would it be more disasterous if it fell to the Axis Powers?
"So where the Allies also wrong to occupy Iran then??"
So you're saying it was a good thing for the Soviet Union and its allies to invade Iraq in 1941 and boot out the guy who cracked down on the Persian Soviet you mentioned?
Sam Buchanan
"So you're saying it was a good thing for the Soviet Union and its allies to invade Iraq in 1941 and boot out the guy who cracked down on the Persian Soviet you mentioned?"
Wasn't there also a pro-Axis coup in Iraq the reason why Allied forces were in that particular part of the region?
The National Socialist government of Germany wanted to expand to the Middle East and get rid of non-German influence. They were backing early Palestinian nationalism, but also Pan-Arab nationalism as well.
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