Obama File 91 Barack Obama and the Socialist Healthcare Scamsters
Obama File 90 here
Despite little public clamor for government controlled health care, the US Senate is looking increasingly likely to pass some kind of Healthcare Bill in the near future.
How did this happen? Where did the pressure for change come from?
The blunt truth is this. The push to socialize US Heathcare came, not from from the "people", but from small clique of Marxists, led by a man with close persional ties to president Barack Obama.
This group's goal is fully socialized, government run "single payer" healthcare-as long promoted through Congressman John Conyers' National Health Insurance Act, or HR 676.
The leader of this Marxist clique is Quentin Young-a retired Chicago physician, a life long Marxist activist and long time friend and political ally of Barack Obama.

Physicians for a National Health Program National Coordinator Dr. Quentin Young with Sen. Barack Obama at Dr. Young’s 80th birthday celebration in 2003.
Young has known and worked with Obama for years, in Chicago and has reportedly directly influenced Obama's views on socialized medicine.
According to radical journalist John Nichols writing in The Progressive;
Obama...learned about single-payer health care from his old friend and neighbor Dr. Quentin Young, the longtime coordinator of Physicians for a National Health Program.
Quentin Young told Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, that while an Illinois State senator, Obama was a strong supporter of "single payer"
Barack Obama, in those early days—influenced, I hope, by me and others—categorically said single payer was the best way, and he would inaugurate it if he could get the support, meaning majorities in both houses, which he’s got, and the presidency, which he’s got. And he said that on more than one occasion.... ''
Physicians for a National Health Program
Who is Quentin Young and what is Physicians for a National Health Program? What influence do they actually have?
PNHP claims to be a national organization of 14,000 doctors advocating single-payer national health insurance.
In reality it was long a phonebox size operation run by Quentin Young and a handful of Marxist comrades.
Quentin Young is one of America's most committed socialists, beginning with his time in the Young Communist League in late 1930s Chicago.
After WW2, into the mid 1970s, Young was closely associated with the Communist Party and was accused of belonging to the Bethune Club (a communist doctor's club) by a US Congressional Committee investigating the riots at the 1968 Democratic Party convention in Chicago.
In the late 1970s Young was associated with the pro Marx/Gramsci, New American Movement and in 1982 helped found the also Marxist, Democratic Socialists of America-to which he still belongs.
In 1972, in the dying days of the Vietnam War Young led a small radical delegation to Communist North Vietnam.
In 1995 Young attended the famous meeting at the Hyde Park home of former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn where Barack Obama was introduced as chosen successor to Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer.
Young was a founder and National Chairman of the Medical Committee for Human Rights, which originally provided provide medical care for civil rights workers in the South, but later morphed into a "single payer" advocacy organization.
In 1987 Young and Peter Orris founded the Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), the US's oldest existing "single payer" advocacy organization and is currently the organization's National Co-ordinator.

Peter Orris is the son of Communist Party member and physician Leo Orris. His sister is Maxine Orris, a New York physician who received her medical training in Cuba.
Peter Orris was a leader of Students for a Democratic Society at Harvard, before going on to join the Communist Party. He was still a Party member in 1987 when he helped Quentin Young form PNHP.
In 1992 Peter Orris both joined the Communist Party splinter group Committees of Correspondence, in which he remains a leading activist.
Peter Orris is also a strong advocate of "single payer", through PNHP and also through his associations with the International Association of Fire Fighters, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, UNITE-HERE, the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, SEIU, the American Public Health Association, the Public Health Committee of the Chicago Medical Society, the Illinois State Medical Society and the American College of Physicians.
On June 25 2009, Peter Orris was one of several doctors from the the Doctors Council of SEIU who traveled to Washington, D.C. for a massive day of action for real health care reform.
The healthcare providers met with their Members of Congress and participated in a rally on Capitol Hill.
Today Peter Orris serves on the National Physicians Advisory Board of the National Physicians Alliance alongside Quentin Young

Joanne Landy is another key PHNP activist and like Young is a prominent member of Democratic Socialists of America.
n 2005 Landy wrotea pamphlet for PNHP, “Why Labor Needs Improved and Expanded Medicare for All”. The pamphlet was focused on mobilizinglabor union support for U.S. Representative John Conyer’s National Health Insurance Act (HR 676).
In 2008, Joanne Landy and PHNP President Oliver Fein wrote, "We Can Do It! The Case for Single Payer National Health Insurance" a chapter in a book entitled "Ten Excellent Reasons for National Health Insurance".
The time has come for single payer National Health Insurance in the United States. We have excellent hospitals, skilled practitioners, the technological infrastructure -- and we're already spending enough money to insure everyone and to improve access to care for many who are covered today by inadequate plans. All we need is the political will.
Mark Almberg is PNHP communications director has been a prominent member of the Illinois Communist Party, since the 1970s.
PNHP President Oliver Fein and Secretary Steffi Woolhandler, have both advocated "single payer" at the annual Democratic Socialists of America run Socialist Scholars Conferences in New York City.
Fein, representing PNHP, addressed the 1992 Socialist Conference, attended by members of Democratic Socialists of America , the Communist Party and Committees of Correspondence, on "The movement for a national healthcare program"
At the 2000 Socialist Conference Steffi Woolhandler, co-founder of PNHP and Harvard Medical School professor cited "single-payer" health care as probably the only issue in politics where the Left and the American people are in agreement.
Healthcare Now!
In 2004 PNHP joined several other socialist, labor, church and community organizations to form a wider coalition, Healthcare-NOW!
Healthcare Now! holds annual national strategy meetings with volunteer organizers and health care activists around the country, including John Conyers.
In 2007, Healthcare-NOW launched traveling Road Shows promoting "single payer" reform and also co-sponsored an Annual Health Care Justice Vigil held each September in Washington D.C.
Healthcare-NOW! worked with the California Nurses Association, to initiate the National Day of Protest Against Health Insurance Companies.
Quentin Young is an Healthcare Now! co-chair, as is Leo Gerard, President of United Steelworkers of America and Rose Ann DeMauro, Executive Director of the California Nurses Association.
Incidentally, Quentin Young was honored by the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America at their annual award dinner in 1992. Leo Gerard was honored in 2007 and Rose Ann DeMauro, was to have been keynote speaker at the 2008 dinner, until an inter-union dispute caused her appearance to be cancelled.
The Healthcare Now! Board of Directors includes representatives from the Muslim Women's Institute for Research and Development, League of Young Voters, Ruckus Society, Labor Party, International Brotherwood of Electrical Workers, Progressive Christians Uniting, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice, United Mineworkers of America,Industrial Unions Council, Women's Economic Agenda Project, Latinos for National Health Insurance, National Black Women's Health Project and four leaders of PNHP-Oliver Fein, Ida Hellander, David Himmelstein and Quentin Young.
Other key board members include;

Medea Benjamin, right, with Hugo Chavez
Medea Benjamin of "peace" group Code Pink. In 1992 Benjamin endorsed the foundation conference of Committees of Correspondence with Peter Orris-mentioned above, and in 2002 spoke at a 2002 Committees of Correspondence conference national conference with John Nichols-also mentioned above.

Michael Lighty is Director of Public Policy, California Nurses Association. Lighty is a long time member of Democratic Socialists of America and a former National Director of that organization.
Flavio Casoy is a San Francisco based doctor and representative of the Medical Students Association.
Casoy is also a prominent member of the Communist Party USA.

Flavio Casoy, revolutionary medicine T shirt
In March 2009 the National Education Commission of the Communist Party USA, circulated a podcast by Flavoy to Party Clubs, as a Club Educational/Group Discussion Guide on healthcare reform.
Your club/group should invite guests to participate with you in a discussion of the fight for national health care reform. The podcast and reading links provided below should be distributed well in advance of the meeting. The Political Affairs podcast features an interview with Flavio Casoy on the present struggle for national health care reform...

Rev. Lucius Walker is a representative of the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization.
Walker is a long time supporter of radical and Communist Party USA causes.
He has been an organizer of several Pastors for Peace Caravans to Cuba and enjoys a cozy relationship with Cuban leadership.
Applications from US citizens to undergo medical training in Cuba are administered through Walker's New York City-based Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization.
The British Experience
Obama's Healthcare Bill is the cornerstone of his Presidency.
Should the Bill pass, in almost any form, it will pave the way for more and more legislative changes, which will change American health and political culture beyond recognition.
The Marxist left looks to the British example. They believe that "single payer" will lock the stubbornly conservative US worker, into near permanent support for the Democratic Party-just as it did for the British Labour Party after WW2.
Leading Communist Party member Norman Markowitz wrote in the Party journal Political Affairs;
A “single payer” national health system – known as “socialized medicine” in the rest of the developed world – should be an essential part of the change that the core constituencies which elected Obama desperately need. Britain serves as an important political lesson for strategists. After the Labor Party established the National Health Service after World War II, supposedly conservative workers and low-income people under religious and other influences who tended to support the Conservatives were much more likely to vote for the Labor Party when health care, social welfare, education and pro-working class policies were enacted by labor-supported governments.
Radical journalist John Nichols writes that Obama told an Atlanta town hall audience in 2008;
I am somebody who is no doubt progressive. I believe in a tax code that we need to make more fair. I believe in universal health care.
Nichols also went on to discuss prospects for "single payer" under an Obama Administration;
Perhaps most impressive are the moves made by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee, Physicians for a National Health Program, and Progressive Democrats of America to ensure that the option of single-payer is not forgotten as Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi establish their domestic policy priorities.
To that end, sixty activists from these and allied groups met one week after Election Day at the AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington with Michigan Congressman John Conyers, an early Obama backer and the chief House proponent of real reform, to forge a Single-Payer Healthcare Alliance and plot specific strategies for influencing the new Administration and Congress.

John Conyers, is not only an Obama ally and "single payer" zealot. The Congressman from Michigan has a long record of supporting Communist Party fronts and was an honored guest at the founding of Democratic Socialists of America in Detroit in 1982 and at DSA's 2003 National Convention in the same city.
He is also a leading member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus-an alliance of more than 70 Democratic Congressmen, many of who are linked to Democratic Socialists of America, the Communist Party, or both.
Should Obama succeed in passing any form of Healthcare Bill, that will not be the end of the matter.
John Conyers, Quentin Young , his Marxist comrades and the alliance they have forged will not rest until the US has a fully socialized "single payer" health system.
There is evidence that that is what Obama secretly wants as well.
Unless stopped, Obama , willing or not, will preside over the "Englandization" of the US health sector and the "Europeanization" of American political life.
If successful Quentin Young and PNHP will have pulled off the greatest socialist "scam" ever perpetrated on the American people.
Obama File 92 here
Despite little public clamor for government controlled health care, the US Senate is looking increasingly likely to pass some kind of Healthcare Bill in the near future.
How did this happen? Where did the pressure for change come from?
The blunt truth is this. The push to socialize US Heathcare came, not from from the "people", but from small clique of Marxists, led by a man with close persional ties to president Barack Obama.
This group's goal is fully socialized, government run "single payer" healthcare-as long promoted through Congressman John Conyers' National Health Insurance Act, or HR 676.
The leader of this Marxist clique is Quentin Young-a retired Chicago physician, a life long Marxist activist and long time friend and political ally of Barack Obama.

Physicians for a National Health Program National Coordinator Dr. Quentin Young with Sen. Barack Obama at Dr. Young’s 80th birthday celebration in 2003.
Young has known and worked with Obama for years, in Chicago and has reportedly directly influenced Obama's views on socialized medicine.
According to radical journalist John Nichols writing in The Progressive;
Obama...learned about single-payer health care from his old friend and neighbor Dr. Quentin Young, the longtime coordinator of Physicians for a National Health Program.
Quentin Young told Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, that while an Illinois State senator, Obama was a strong supporter of "single payer"
Barack Obama, in those early days—influenced, I hope, by me and others—categorically said single payer was the best way, and he would inaugurate it if he could get the support, meaning majorities in both houses, which he’s got, and the presidency, which he’s got. And he said that on more than one occasion.... ''
Physicians for a National Health Program
Who is Quentin Young and what is Physicians for a National Health Program? What influence do they actually have?
PNHP claims to be a national organization of 14,000 doctors advocating single-payer national health insurance.
In reality it was long a phonebox size operation run by Quentin Young and a handful of Marxist comrades.
Quentin Young is one of America's most committed socialists, beginning with his time in the Young Communist League in late 1930s Chicago.
After WW2, into the mid 1970s, Young was closely associated with the Communist Party and was accused of belonging to the Bethune Club (a communist doctor's club) by a US Congressional Committee investigating the riots at the 1968 Democratic Party convention in Chicago.
In the late 1970s Young was associated with the pro Marx/Gramsci, New American Movement and in 1982 helped found the also Marxist, Democratic Socialists of America-to which he still belongs.
In 1972, in the dying days of the Vietnam War Young led a small radical delegation to Communist North Vietnam.
In 1995 Young attended the famous meeting at the Hyde Park home of former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn where Barack Obama was introduced as chosen successor to Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer.
Young was a founder and National Chairman of the Medical Committee for Human Rights, which originally provided provide medical care for civil rights workers in the South, but later morphed into a "single payer" advocacy organization.
In 1987 Young and Peter Orris founded the Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), the US's oldest existing "single payer" advocacy organization and is currently the organization's National Co-ordinator.

Peter Orris is the son of Communist Party member and physician Leo Orris. His sister is Maxine Orris, a New York physician who received her medical training in Cuba.
Peter Orris was a leader of Students for a Democratic Society at Harvard, before going on to join the Communist Party. He was still a Party member in 1987 when he helped Quentin Young form PNHP.
In 1992 Peter Orris both joined the Communist Party splinter group Committees of Correspondence, in which he remains a leading activist.
Peter Orris is also a strong advocate of "single payer", through PNHP and also through his associations with the International Association of Fire Fighters, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, UNITE-HERE, the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, SEIU, the American Public Health Association, the Public Health Committee of the Chicago Medical Society, the Illinois State Medical Society and the American College of Physicians.
On June 25 2009, Peter Orris was one of several doctors from the the Doctors Council of SEIU who traveled to Washington, D.C. for a massive day of action for real health care reform.
The healthcare providers met with their Members of Congress and participated in a rally on Capitol Hill.
Today Peter Orris serves on the National Physicians Advisory Board of the National Physicians Alliance alongside Quentin Young

Joanne Landy is another key PHNP activist and like Young is a prominent member of Democratic Socialists of America.
n 2005 Landy wrotea pamphlet for PNHP, “Why Labor Needs Improved and Expanded Medicare for All”. The pamphlet was focused on mobilizinglabor union support for U.S. Representative John Conyer’s National Health Insurance Act (HR 676).
In 2008, Joanne Landy and PHNP President Oliver Fein wrote, "We Can Do It! The Case for Single Payer National Health Insurance" a chapter in a book entitled "Ten Excellent Reasons for National Health Insurance".
The time has come for single payer National Health Insurance in the United States. We have excellent hospitals, skilled practitioners, the technological infrastructure -- and we're already spending enough money to insure everyone and to improve access to care for many who are covered today by inadequate plans. All we need is the political will.
Mark Almberg is PNHP communications director has been a prominent member of the Illinois Communist Party, since the 1970s.
PNHP President Oliver Fein and Secretary Steffi Woolhandler, have both advocated "single payer" at the annual Democratic Socialists of America run Socialist Scholars Conferences in New York City.
Fein, representing PNHP, addressed the 1992 Socialist Conference, attended by members of Democratic Socialists of America , the Communist Party and Committees of Correspondence, on "The movement for a national healthcare program"
At the 2000 Socialist Conference Steffi Woolhandler, co-founder of PNHP and Harvard Medical School professor cited "single-payer" health care as probably the only issue in politics where the Left and the American people are in agreement.
Healthcare Now!
In 2004 PNHP joined several other socialist, labor, church and community organizations to form a wider coalition, Healthcare-NOW!
Healthcare Now! holds annual national strategy meetings with volunteer organizers and health care activists around the country, including John Conyers.
In 2007, Healthcare-NOW launched traveling Road Shows promoting "single payer" reform and also co-sponsored an Annual Health Care Justice Vigil held each September in Washington D.C.
Healthcare-NOW! worked with the California Nurses Association, to initiate the National Day of Protest Against Health Insurance Companies.
Quentin Young is an Healthcare Now! co-chair, as is Leo Gerard, President of United Steelworkers of America and Rose Ann DeMauro, Executive Director of the California Nurses Association.
Incidentally, Quentin Young was honored by the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America at their annual award dinner in 1992. Leo Gerard was honored in 2007 and Rose Ann DeMauro, was to have been keynote speaker at the 2008 dinner, until an inter-union dispute caused her appearance to be cancelled.
The Healthcare Now! Board of Directors includes representatives from the Muslim Women's Institute for Research and Development, League of Young Voters, Ruckus Society, Labor Party, International Brotherwood of Electrical Workers, Progressive Christians Uniting, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice, United Mineworkers of America,Industrial Unions Council, Women's Economic Agenda Project, Latinos for National Health Insurance, National Black Women's Health Project and four leaders of PNHP-Oliver Fein, Ida Hellander, David Himmelstein and Quentin Young.
Other key board members include;

Medea Benjamin, right, with Hugo Chavez
Medea Benjamin of "peace" group Code Pink. In 1992 Benjamin endorsed the foundation conference of Committees of Correspondence with Peter Orris-mentioned above, and in 2002 spoke at a 2002 Committees of Correspondence conference national conference with John Nichols-also mentioned above.

Michael Lighty is Director of Public Policy, California Nurses Association. Lighty is a long time member of Democratic Socialists of America and a former National Director of that organization.
Flavio Casoy is a San Francisco based doctor and representative of the Medical Students Association.
Casoy is also a prominent member of the Communist Party USA.

Flavio Casoy, revolutionary medicine T shirt
In March 2009 the National Education Commission of the Communist Party USA, circulated a podcast by Flavoy to Party Clubs, as a Club Educational/Group Discussion Guide on healthcare reform.
Your club/group should invite guests to participate with you in a discussion of the fight for national health care reform. The podcast and reading links provided below should be distributed well in advance of the meeting. The Political Affairs podcast features an interview with Flavio Casoy on the present struggle for national health care reform...

Rev. Lucius Walker is a representative of the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization.
Walker is a long time supporter of radical and Communist Party USA causes.
He has been an organizer of several Pastors for Peace Caravans to Cuba and enjoys a cozy relationship with Cuban leadership.
Applications from US citizens to undergo medical training in Cuba are administered through Walker's New York City-based Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization.
The British Experience
Obama's Healthcare Bill is the cornerstone of his Presidency.
Should the Bill pass, in almost any form, it will pave the way for more and more legislative changes, which will change American health and political culture beyond recognition.
The Marxist left looks to the British example. They believe that "single payer" will lock the stubbornly conservative US worker, into near permanent support for the Democratic Party-just as it did for the British Labour Party after WW2.
Leading Communist Party member Norman Markowitz wrote in the Party journal Political Affairs;
A “single payer” national health system – known as “socialized medicine” in the rest of the developed world – should be an essential part of the change that the core constituencies which elected Obama desperately need. Britain serves as an important political lesson for strategists. After the Labor Party established the National Health Service after World War II, supposedly conservative workers and low-income people under religious and other influences who tended to support the Conservatives were much more likely to vote for the Labor Party when health care, social welfare, education and pro-working class policies were enacted by labor-supported governments.
Radical journalist John Nichols writes that Obama told an Atlanta town hall audience in 2008;
I am somebody who is no doubt progressive. I believe in a tax code that we need to make more fair. I believe in universal health care.
Nichols also went on to discuss prospects for "single payer" under an Obama Administration;
Perhaps most impressive are the moves made by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee, Physicians for a National Health Program, and Progressive Democrats of America to ensure that the option of single-payer is not forgotten as Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi establish their domestic policy priorities.
To that end, sixty activists from these and allied groups met one week after Election Day at the AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington with Michigan Congressman John Conyers, an early Obama backer and the chief House proponent of real reform, to forge a Single-Payer Healthcare Alliance and plot specific strategies for influencing the new Administration and Congress.

John Conyers, is not only an Obama ally and "single payer" zealot. The Congressman from Michigan has a long record of supporting Communist Party fronts and was an honored guest at the founding of Democratic Socialists of America in Detroit in 1982 and at DSA's 2003 National Convention in the same city.
He is also a leading member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus-an alliance of more than 70 Democratic Congressmen, many of who are linked to Democratic Socialists of America, the Communist Party, or both.
Should Obama succeed in passing any form of Healthcare Bill, that will not be the end of the matter.
John Conyers, Quentin Young , his Marxist comrades and the alliance they have forged will not rest until the US has a fully socialized "single payer" health system.
There is evidence that that is what Obama secretly wants as well.
Unless stopped, Obama , willing or not, will preside over the "Englandization" of the US health sector and the "Europeanization" of American political life.
If successful Quentin Young and PNHP will have pulled off the greatest socialist "scam" ever perpetrated on the American people.
Obama File 92 here
All this is fine and good, great information, so now, what to be done about it?
How do we stop the healthcare bill?
Another great post Trevor. Single Payer has always been Obama's "Wet Dream" and like all good Marxists he doesn't have to have a complete conversion all at once, just a giant foot in the door. Commies have always understood it may take several generations (or more) to erode America's moral foundation, "educate" the youth, and slowly but surely introduce more and more Socialism. Generally they've been very patient, but Obama is in many respects impatient and he and the communists believe "This is their moment" We must stop this. We on the right (as opposed to the wrong) need to keep reminding our Senators and Congress members there will be hell to pay as in "You're Fired" if they pass this POS. If this thing passes Obama faces the real possibility of a new American Revolution. Bring it on!
New Zeal,
Two weeks ago, I “crashed” the national strategy conference Dr. Quentin Young and his liberal Healthcare-Now.org buddies had in St. Louis. Your readers might want to see what these boneheads had to say in several posts and videos via this link.
Check it out, then let me know if you need more details.
Bob McCarty
This is so bizarre and inaccurate. Any opinion about Medicare? I'd love to hear your comments.
Have you ever explored Dr. Oz's connections to any of these groups? He is a strong advocate of the health care bills and has a lot of TV time to promote it.
Another tid-bit in the ongoing saga of WHO Barack Obama really is.
Wouldnt it be refreshing to see a post highlighting Barack paling with ....say... a postman, or maybe a RED CROSS worker?
Instead we get picture after picture of the Chicago Jesus with communists, socialists, weatherunderground bombers and , today, White house gatecrashers named "Tariq"
Lord ,help us all
Im' shocked. I did not realise the USA was such a fickle country where a move by the state to pay the bill for health care could signal the potential end to the union.
Interesting thought on Dr. Oz, he is Oprah's pal, and they are all somehow interconnected. He has become America's Doctor, the gospel of Dr. Oz, he says it, so it must be true.
His show is pretty pathetic and the woman just go ga-ga over him.
This posting alone is evidence that the writer meets DSM Criteria A for schizophrenia: bizarre delusions. Of course, this has to be further explored, but my gestalt is that the schizophrenia could be further subcategorized as "paranoid type". On the other hand, this column could be written out of very dry, sarcastic humor.
I'm thinking "Anonymous" at "11:58" above comments lives in Las Vegas. Or claims to live there in various other internet trollage he writes.
Medicare is a money pit. trillions in unfunded liabilities. obama admits there is halk a trillion in waste/fraud and abuse in the system and they want to run healthcare based on this model?
No, no, you guys have it all wrong. Obama is actually an alien from the planet Zarnog from the Zelta Quadrant. He secretly wants to implement single payer healthcare to infect us with all with alein parasites and then "they" can take over the Earth. Watch your backs.
Ya know I don't think you are far off from the truth.
How the hell is it that some "anonymous" Lefties can just sit back and laugh at this as a "joke"? How the hell would YOU pay for all of this health care being controlled by the government?
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Hi. Being Canadian, I must admit that I don't know about the situation as much as the Americans do, but I think a reform is necessary. There is still more than 15% of the American population with no insurance coverage and the system is extremely expensive. However, I don't think that the reform introduced by Mr. Obama is the right way either, even though the single payer system works well in Canada.
Take care,
So much easy accessible info out there, so I do appreciate your comment. Thanks.
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