Caption Contest
When I was in the States a couple of weeks back, I caught up with an old buddy. Submit captions via the comment link below. The caption contest will close at 8pm Monday, EST, and I will publish the judge's decision shortly after that.
The winner will recieve an autographed copy of Agenda: Grinding America Down, which features interviews with yours truly.

Below is a trailer of this excellent documentary. Details for purchasing it are below - for those of you who don't win the first prize...
US citizens: To order copies of Curtis Bowers' DVD, go to his website here.
Australians and New Zealanders wishing to order a copy can email me with their postal address and I'll send through payment details and post it out.
Australia: $24.95 USD
New Zealand: $21.95 USD
Prices include packaging & posting
I can't recommend this documentary enough. Support Curtis's work and be informed. Buy your copy today.
The winner will recieve an autographed copy of Agenda: Grinding America Down, which features interviews with yours truly.
Below is a trailer of this excellent documentary. Details for purchasing it are below - for those of you who don't win the first prize...
US citizens: To order copies of Curtis Bowers' DVD, go to his website here.
Australians and New Zealanders wishing to order a copy can email me with their postal address and I'll send through payment details and post it out.
Australia: $24.95 USD
New Zealand: $21.95 USD
Prices include packaging & posting
I can't recommend this documentary enough. Support Curtis's work and be informed. Buy your copy today.
whos the sd ds with obummer?
Photoshop at its finest
Eat your heart out Fox news.
Went to the States and literally, got stuck posing with a dummy!
And they say Rome wasn't built in a day.
And they say Rome wasn't built in a day.
Jesse Ventura's NEXT conspiracy theory.
Bad apple meets good Kiwi
I will pretend to smile, if you tell me where the bleep) is ALL the $$.
It's all a hokes folks.
Ok mate ,one more photo shoot and you can go play some golf somewhere , i'll take care of the rest , ok?
I'm being followed by a moonshadow...moonshadow...and if I ever lose my mouth..all my teeth.north and south...awayyyyyyyy and I won't have to talk anymore.....lunatic
Messiah-in-Chief caught meeting secretly with freedom disciple in Oval Office during Restoring Honor Rally by member of teaparty.
Missouri, USA
Mess with liberty and you mess with me
One of these is not like the other
I don't have a caption, but I do have the documentary, it is well researched and one of the most compelling pieces of evidence of how The United States has slowly, but surely been nudged into near Socialism without our knowledge.
"Agenda, Grinding America Down", clearly presents evidence that Socialism is taking root in our beloved country. It is very close to becoming a reality.
Please purchase this video, and share it with everyone you can. Our future depends on our knowledge the past and the present.
Do not ignore your right to vote in November, cherish it while we still have it.
Took this photo to show my kids what a socialist looks like.
...i won him at the fair.....??
"I'll speak from behind this desk, but take the prompters down. I don't need them. I formulate my own thoughts."
So if you root for San Diego, does that mean you are illegal? When I make you legal you will vote for me? RIGHT COMRADE?
Hey! Who's that guy with Trevor?
Last known picture of waxy communist leader and new-media kiwi correspondent as freedom fighters reclaim White House back to "We the people"... 2011
And in this corner, weighing in at 2010 kiwis, THE FREEDOM FIGHTER!! (the crowd goes crazy)
In keeping with the Democrat playbook, right before elections get photographed with the flag (not the white one) and with leading conservatives.
Just ordered my own DVD, so give the prize to someone else. (I will accept honorary first prize though!)
I knew you would love my new decorating scheme, Trevor!
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Obama's wannabe look-a-like meets a REAL "down under" Southern Democrat with that old ChristChurch zeal. "Any one for Rugby? (Hint, hint.) Whattaya mean you don't want to get your suit dirty? Hey, mate, smile for the camera."
"So Trevor, have you ever met Gandalf? Do you have socialized medicine in Middle Earth?"
"...and the president said he liked the look of the new Army uniforms."
Messiah meets Pariah. (identities subject to political affiliation!)
No Barack - the "SD" doesn't stand for "Socialist Democrat" you dumba**!
Trevor: Isn't that the phone to Glenn Beck's studio?
Barack: Keep your hands off it!
I'll have a "grinder," but not THAT one!
Zer-O-bama, your smile sickens reality.
I'm not sure if we can enter more than once, but here is a second caption Trevor:
Glenn Beck sends in teaparty spy from New Zeal to test function red phone in oval office.
Missouri, USA
Simon says, "put your hands on your hips - or I'll pass legislation to force you to do so."
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