Terror Support Suspects Moved in Obama "Orbit" - Why is Nobody Surprised?
On September 24 the F.B.I. raided the homes of several leftist activists across the U.S.A. looking for links to foreign terrorist organizations.
Most if not all of those raided or questioned were members of the "Fightback" faction of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
Formed from several Maoist factions in 1986, Freedom Road split in the late 1990s two form two distinct organizations of the the same name. The "Fightback" group publishes a newspaper of that name and is strongest in Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Though of Maoist origin, Freedom Road became integrated into "orthodox" international communist networks and worked with Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America and Committees of Correspondence in organizations such as the Chicago New Party and supporting leftist Democrats.

One leading Freedom Roader, Bill Fletche, Jr. also joined D.S.A. and helped found the both the socialist leaning New Party and Progressives for Obama.
Barack Obama, of course joined the New Party and its parent organization Progressive Chicago and remained a member for several years in the mid 1990s.
Around the same time Freedom Road temporarily joined the Communist Party breakaway organization, the Committees of Correspondence - en masse.
This brought some of the recently questioned terror subjects into contact with several Chicago activists who themselves had close personal ties to Barack Obama:
Mick Kelly is a leading member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. In 1994, while based in Chicago, he was listed on a "Membership, Subscription and Mailing List" for the Chicago Committees of Correspondence. .

Stephanie Weiner is a Chicago activist who is a member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
In 1998 she worked alongside Rafael Rodriguez and her husband and Freedom Road comrade Joe Iosbaker on the campaign team for Willie Delgado, New Party State Representative in Chicago. Delgado was endorsed by the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America. The campaign was successful, with Delgado winning Chicago's 35th Ward by a slim 241 vote margin. Weiner had been working in the 15th Precinct for ten years.
Joe Iosbaker was Labor Commission Chair for the Freedom Road Socialist Organization in 1998.
In 1994, while based in Chicago, he was listed on a "Membership, Subscription and Mailing List" for the Chicago Committees of Correspondence, In 1998, while working as Precinct Captain in the 13th Ward, he also worked on the campaign team for Willie Delgado, New Party State Representative in Chicago.
Others on the Committees of Correspondence Membership, Subscription and Mailing list were Alice Palmer, Danny Davis, Carl Davidson, Marilyn Katz, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (Click names for scans of their names on the list).
Alice Palmer served in the Illinois Senate from 1991 - 96. In 1982, she and her husband, Buzz Palmer had established the Black Press Institute which would go on to influence decison makers such as the Congressional Black Caucus.
Palmer had close close ties to the former Soviet Union and the Marxist-Leninist regime in Grenada, which was overthrown by U.S. troops in 1983.
In 1995 she introduced her chosen successor, Barack Obama, at a gathering in the Hyde Park home of former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. D.S.A. member and long time Obama friend Quentin Young was present at the meeting. He stated that both Obama and Palmer were present. He also described Obama and Ayers as "friends".
Following the announcement that she was standing down from the Senate, Palmer announced her run for congress, and employed the young Obama as her chief of staff for the campaign. However she was badly beaten in the primaries and sought to stick with her Senate Seat. However Obama refused to step down and went on to win the seat, souring the relationship between the two. Also in 1995, Palmer and Willie Delgado joined the Chicago New Party which then endorsed the two in their campaigns. Recall that Joe Iosbaker and his wife Stephanie Weiner were members of Delgado's campaign team.
Danny Davis is an openly socialist Democratic member of Congress, representing the 7th district of Illinois.
In the late 1970s he worked alongside Communist Party member Harold Rogers and former communist Milt Cohen on a "Citizen's Committee", supporting Timuel Black in his unsuccessful campaign for State Rep in the 22nd district of Illinois. Further, Davis was on good terms with the Party, presenting an award at the 1998 Peoples Weekly World (Communist Party USA newspaper) banquet, and sponsoring a bill drafted by supporters or members of the Communist Party.
Davis was an early supporter of Alice Palmer in her bid for Congress. He is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Davis joined the Chicago New Party (along with Barack Obama) during his successful Congressional 1996 campaign on the Democratic Party ticket.
Carl Davidson is a Pennsylvania-based acivist and member of the National Committee of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism.
He was an early leader of Students for a Democratic Society.
In the mid 1990s Carl Davidson was leading activist in the Chicago New Party, where he worked closely with fellow New Party member and candidate Barack Obama.
In late 1993, along with Danny Davis and Barack Obama, Davidson was always a signatory to letters sent by Progressive Chicago, sister-organization of the New Party.
In September 2002, Davidson was one of several Chicago area residents, including Marilyn Katz, who first came together as Chicagoans Against War in Iraq. Former colleague, and now Illinois State Senator Barack Obama spoke at the organization's first antiwar rally. "Good, that put him on our side, and some of us organized a fundraiser for him for his Senate race," recalled Davidson late.
Marilyn Katz is a Chicago-based Public Relations consultant. In the 1960s she was an organizer of youth gangs and communities. Along with Davidson, Katz was a member of Students for a Democratic Society.
While serving as National Political Secretary for Democratic Socialists of America forerunner, the New American Movement, in the 1970s, Katz was also a prominent pro-abortion activist.
She has worked closely with Barack Obama since meeting him through his position at the lawyers firm, Miner, Barnhill & Galland in the 1990s. "It was through the law firm that Mr. Obama met Marilyn Katz, who gave him entry into another activist network: the foot soldiers of the white student and black power movements that helped define Chicago in the 1960s."
In 2007 Katz spoke alongside Committees of Correspondence leader Manning Marable at a Movement for a Democratic Society conference in Chicago. M.D.S. is affiliated with the newly-revived Students for a Democratic Society - of which Katz was herself a former member.
In October 2008, Katz was one of over 4,000 people to sign a statement supporting former Weather Underground Organization terrorist, Bill Ayers. In 2009, in another display of her support for her former colleague, Katz put her name to the Progressives for Obama website.
Bill Ayers is a former leader of the terrorist Weather Underground and a close associate of President Barack Obama.
As you read above, in 1995 Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer chose the home of Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn to introduce her chosen successor, Barack Obama.
Obama was also to write an endorsement for Bill Ayers' book, "A Kind and Just Parent: Children of Juvenile Court". In turn, Ayers hired Obama to head the Annenberg Challenge, a $50 million fund. Later, Ayers worked with Obama on the board of the Woods Fund, together doling out millions to leftist causes.
In 1997, Michelle Obama, (then Associate Dean of Student Services and Director of the University Community Service Center), invited Ayers to speak on juvenile justice. Ayers was joined by Barack Obama who also spoke during the event. As recently as 2002, the two spoke together again at a public gathering in Chicago entitled "Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?"
In 2007 both Bill Ayers and Carl Davidson were present at the Movement for a Democratic Society conference at which Marilyn spoke.
Finally, Bernardine Dohrn is the wife of Bill Ayers, and herself a former terrorist as the acknowledged leader of the Weather Underground Organization.
Chicago gang leader Mike Soto claimed that Dohrn was a violent maniac, stating that she had said to him, "let's pick up arms, let's blow up this country apart until we take over".
Dohrn also spoke at the same event as husband Ayers, and Obama at the 2002 "Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?" conference in Chicago. In 2006, Dohrn, along with Ayers, Noam Chomsky, Mike Klonsky and Howard Zinn were elected as board members of the newly launched Movement for a Democratic Society. The following year she was a featured speaker at the Michigan State University S.D.S. reunion.
Also in 2007, Dohrn spoke at the Left Forum, successor to the Socialist Scholars Conference. Also that year, Dohrn and husband Ayers travelled to Cuba to a conference on "Useful Art", or "art that includes aspects of social activism". As of 2009 she was a member of the Editorial Board of the Socialist, Chicago-based journal, In These Times.
Nobody should be surprised that the Chicago terror support suspects should come from Barack Obama's "orbit".
The Chicago far left is more incestuous than (fill in the name your least favorite backward rural U.S. state). If the F.B.I. digs deep enough, this story will lead them very, very close to the President of the United States of America.
The question is - will they have the courage to do it?
Their oath of service demands that they do.
Most if not all of those raided or questioned were members of the "Fightback" faction of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
Formed from several Maoist factions in 1986, Freedom Road split in the late 1990s two form two distinct organizations of the the same name. The "Fightback" group publishes a newspaper of that name and is strongest in Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Though of Maoist origin, Freedom Road became integrated into "orthodox" international communist networks and worked with Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America and Committees of Correspondence in organizations such as the Chicago New Party and supporting leftist Democrats.
Barack Obama, of course joined the New Party and its parent organization Progressive Chicago and remained a member for several years in the mid 1990s.
Around the same time Freedom Road temporarily joined the Communist Party breakaway organization, the Committees of Correspondence - en masse.
This brought some of the recently questioned terror subjects into contact with several Chicago activists who themselves had close personal ties to Barack Obama:

Stephanie Weiner is a Chicago activist who is a member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
In 1998 she worked alongside Rafael Rodriguez and her husband and Freedom Road comrade Joe Iosbaker on the campaign team for Willie Delgado, New Party State Representative in Chicago. Delgado was endorsed by the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America. The campaign was successful, with Delgado winning Chicago's 35th Ward by a slim 241 vote margin. Weiner had been working in the 15th Precinct for ten years.
In 1994, while based in Chicago, he was listed on a "Membership, Subscription and Mailing List" for the Chicago Committees of Correspondence, In 1998, while working as Precinct Captain in the 13th Ward, he also worked on the campaign team for Willie Delgado, New Party State Representative in Chicago.
Others on the Committees of Correspondence Membership, Subscription and Mailing list were Alice Palmer, Danny Davis, Carl Davidson, Marilyn Katz, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (Click names for scans of their names on the list).
Alice Palmer served in the Illinois Senate from 1991 - 96. In 1982, she and her husband, Buzz Palmer had established the Black Press Institute which would go on to influence decison makers such as the Congressional Black Caucus.
Palmer had close close ties to the former Soviet Union and the Marxist-Leninist regime in Grenada, which was overthrown by U.S. troops in 1983.
In 1995 she introduced her chosen successor, Barack Obama, at a gathering in the Hyde Park home of former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. D.S.A. member and long time Obama friend Quentin Young was present at the meeting. He stated that both Obama and Palmer were present. He also described Obama and Ayers as "friends".
Following the announcement that she was standing down from the Senate, Palmer announced her run for congress, and employed the young Obama as her chief of staff for the campaign. However she was badly beaten in the primaries and sought to stick with her Senate Seat. However Obama refused to step down and went on to win the seat, souring the relationship between the two. Also in 1995, Palmer and Willie Delgado joined the Chicago New Party which then endorsed the two in their campaigns. Recall that Joe Iosbaker and his wife Stephanie Weiner were members of Delgado's campaign team.
Danny Davis is an openly socialist Democratic member of Congress, representing the 7th district of Illinois.
In the late 1970s he worked alongside Communist Party member Harold Rogers and former communist Milt Cohen on a "Citizen's Committee", supporting Timuel Black in his unsuccessful campaign for State Rep in the 22nd district of Illinois. Further, Davis was on good terms with the Party, presenting an award at the 1998 Peoples Weekly World (Communist Party USA newspaper) banquet, and sponsoring a bill drafted by supporters or members of the Communist Party.
Davis was an early supporter of Alice Palmer in her bid for Congress. He is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Davis joined the Chicago New Party (along with Barack Obama) during his successful Congressional 1996 campaign on the Democratic Party ticket.
New Party News Spring 1996 page 2, Danny Davis center, Barack Obama right
Carl Davidson is a Pennsylvania-based acivist and member of the National Committee of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism.
He was an early leader of Students for a Democratic Society.
In the mid 1990s Carl Davidson was leading activist in the Chicago New Party, where he worked closely with fellow New Party member and candidate Barack Obama.
In late 1993, along with Danny Davis and Barack Obama, Davidson was always a signatory to letters sent by Progressive Chicago, sister-organization of the New Party.
In September 2002, Davidson was one of several Chicago area residents, including Marilyn Katz, who first came together as Chicagoans Against War in Iraq. Former colleague, and now Illinois State Senator Barack Obama spoke at the organization's first antiwar rally. "Good, that put him on our side, and some of us organized a fundraiser for him for his Senate race," recalled Davidson late.
Marilyn Katz is a Chicago-based Public Relations consultant. In the 1960s she was an organizer of youth gangs and communities. Along with Davidson, Katz was a member of Students for a Democratic Society.
While serving as National Political Secretary for Democratic Socialists of America forerunner, the New American Movement, in the 1970s, Katz was also a prominent pro-abortion activist.
She has worked closely with Barack Obama since meeting him through his position at the lawyers firm, Miner, Barnhill & Galland in the 1990s. "It was through the law firm that Mr. Obama met Marilyn Katz, who gave him entry into another activist network: the foot soldiers of the white student and black power movements that helped define Chicago in the 1960s."
In 2007 Katz spoke alongside Committees of Correspondence leader Manning Marable at a Movement for a Democratic Society conference in Chicago. M.D.S. is affiliated with the newly-revived Students for a Democratic Society - of which Katz was herself a former member.
In October 2008, Katz was one of over 4,000 people to sign a statement supporting former Weather Underground Organization terrorist, Bill Ayers. In 2009, in another display of her support for her former colleague, Katz put her name to the Progressives for Obama website.
Bill Ayers is a former leader of the terrorist Weather Underground and a close associate of President Barack Obama.
As you read above, in 1995 Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer chose the home of Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn to introduce her chosen successor, Barack Obama.
Obama was also to write an endorsement for Bill Ayers' book, "A Kind and Just Parent: Children of Juvenile Court". In turn, Ayers hired Obama to head the Annenberg Challenge, a $50 million fund. Later, Ayers worked with Obama on the board of the Woods Fund, together doling out millions to leftist causes.
In 1997, Michelle Obama, (then Associate Dean of Student Services and Director of the University Community Service Center), invited Ayers to speak on juvenile justice. Ayers was joined by Barack Obama who also spoke during the event. As recently as 2002, the two spoke together again at a public gathering in Chicago entitled "Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?"
In 2007 both Bill Ayers and Carl Davidson were present at the Movement for a Democratic Society conference at which Marilyn spoke.
Finally, Bernardine Dohrn is the wife of Bill Ayers, and herself a former terrorist as the acknowledged leader of the Weather Underground Organization.
Chicago gang leader Mike Soto claimed that Dohrn was a violent maniac, stating that she had said to him, "let's pick up arms, let's blow up this country apart until we take over".
Dohrn also spoke at the same event as husband Ayers, and Obama at the 2002 "Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?" conference in Chicago. In 2006, Dohrn, along with Ayers, Noam Chomsky, Mike Klonsky and Howard Zinn were elected as board members of the newly launched Movement for a Democratic Society. The following year she was a featured speaker at the Michigan State University S.D.S. reunion.
Also in 2007, Dohrn spoke at the Left Forum, successor to the Socialist Scholars Conference. Also that year, Dohrn and husband Ayers travelled to Cuba to a conference on "Useful Art", or "art that includes aspects of social activism". As of 2009 she was a member of the Editorial Board of the Socialist, Chicago-based journal, In These Times.
Nobody should be surprised that the Chicago terror support suspects should come from Barack Obama's "orbit".
The Chicago far left is more incestuous than (fill in the name your least favorite backward rural U.S. state). If the F.B.I. digs deep enough, this story will lead them very, very close to the President of the United States of America.
The question is - will they have the courage to do it?
Their oath of service demands that they do.
Thanks for your eagle eye and your dedication to Freedom and Liberty.
Where would we be without you?
Hope Darrell Issa is aware of your work.
After the fall of Czarist Russia, the revolutionaries were shot by those that took control after the hard work of revolution was complete. Might we be seeing a repeat performance in America's velvet revolution. Sorry, to say, but the revolution happened in Nov. 08, we are a post-revolution America. It was the communist dream to have a peaceful transition of a capitalist system into a communist system. With the passage of healthcare and financial reform, they have been successful. Voting is futile, unless those voted in really understand the new system that has been put in place. Life will be determined by policy wonks and international treaty from here on out unless there is a serious show of force(peaceful) by the American people.
"serious show of force(peaceful) by the American people."
Oh, I think you can count on that.
Having lived in East Germany, I really don't know what they're enamored with. It seems to be a preoccupation shared by people who have had no genuine contact with "real, living socialism" in the flesh.
Otherwise, what news event did the Gimme-Gimme crowd miss out on this past Saturday?
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