Sunday, November 27, 2005

Just Belt the Little Bastards

Political Correctness lunacy from yestrday's Newstalk ZB "Teachers are being ticked off for dishing out lines to teach students a lesson. The Education Review Office has pulled up a west Auckland school for making students write lines for bad behaviour.

In its latest report the ERO has suggested Westbridge Residential School revisit its use of writing as a disincentive. After completing a standard review of the school it found students sent to time out were required to copy out a sheet of writing.
The intention is to help them reflect on their experience.

However the Education Review Office suggests this could lead students to regard writing as a form of punishment."


  1. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Well if that's the only writing they're doing then yes. However it would be nice to think that kids at school do a lot of writing and can distinguish the stuff they're copying out as being crap writing.

  2. it's just a waste of time. kids shouldn't have to go to school

  3. to regard writing as a form of punishment."

    But it is...if it's the Education Review Office that's doing the writing...
