Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Keith Locke-A Wasted Life Part 4 (Final for Now)

In 1997 the Green Party left the Alliance. Though not a Green Party member, Keith Locke went with them. he quickly became the Greens Foreign Affairs spokesman and in 1999 he entered parliament at number 7 on the Green Party list.

Immediately Locke upped his campaign against the proposed FI6 fighter deal with US.
Eventually the deal was scrapped by the Labour government. Had the deal gone ahead, our old Skyhawk jet fighters would have gone to the Philippines military. The communist New Peoples Army probably wouldn't have been pleased.

Even though an MP, Locke maintained his links with Marxist-Leninists. In May 2000, Locke attended the Socialist Workers Organisation's "Socialism 2000" conference in Auckland. He starred in the opening debate "Is Global Capitalism Under Seige" with Mike Treen, an old comrade from the Socialist Action League and Joe Carolan from the SWO.

In 2003 a new magazine was launched in Auckland. Titled "Red & Green". It is linked with the Alliance Party but accepts contributions from a wide range of socialists. It's editorial board consists of Jill Oven's (NZ Cuba Friendship Society, Alliance Party), Cathy Casey (Auckland City Councillor, Alliance Party, partner of Matt McCarten), Len Richards (ex Socialist Labour League, Alliance Party) and Mike Treen (ex SAL, ex Communist League, Alliance Party).

Locke contributed an article to the first issue, "Labour and the War in Iraq" in it he wrote a wish list of actions a more courageous Labour Government would help to tackle;
"...specific collective actions against the Sharon Government, so that a Palestinian state can be brought into being."
"...campaign publicly against Bush's nuclear agenda, including "Star Wars", the development of "bunker busting" nukes and the threats to use nuclear weapons."
"...champion socially progressive agendas being advanced by governments in places like Brazil and Venezuela."
The last point refers to the Marxist "Workers Party" government in Brazil (part of the old "Links" network ) and Chavez's pro Cuban regime in Venezuela, that is currently the darling of Marxists everywhere.

Locke has links with "Global Justice and Peace,Auckland" a socialist protest group headed by his old comrade, Mike Treen and ex HART leader, John Minto. He is also close to the Christchurch based "Anti Bases Coalition", a motley collection of old Maoists, marxists, anarchists and peaceniks who protest outside the US base at Waihopai every year. In August this year Locke was in Tonga supportig the "Democracy Movement" as it seeks to overturn a the power of the Tongan monarchy. That "revolution" has a significant socialist component.

Keith Locke was born into a communist family and has fought for the cause ever since. He has wasted his life supporting some of the most murderous regimes and movements on the planet. The Green Party is harbouring a hardcore socialist, (not the only one). For a party that worries about pollution, how can they stand the stench of a "red nappy baby" who hasn't "changed" in nigh on 60 years?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:10 PM

    He has said that supporting the Khmer Rouge was a mistake. Why keep hounding him about it? He hasn't wasted his life - he's standing up for what he believes in.
    You claim to be championing liberty... but you also seem to think that Keith Locke should not be allowed to express his views.
    What's wrong with being anti the Tongan monarchy... he wants democracy there instead! You should see that as a good thing!! You DO want liberty don't you?
