Thursday, November 24, 2005

Marxist Matt McCarten

Here's Matt McCarten writing in the Australian paper, Green Left Weekly, in November 1992. He was marking the death of his friend, Democratic Socialist Party leader Jim Percy

"I valued my friendship and political collaboration with Jim. He gave me the theoretical base for my political work. I owe so much to him. The impact Jim had on me over the last few years was enormous. Jim was one of the few left leaders who was able to bring Marxism-Leninism alive into todays world. He made socialism relevant to those of us who seek a new society based on social justice. His socialism was inclusive, warm and exciting. He was the major political influence in my life."

Matt McCarten President, New Labour Party, Chairrman, Auckland Alliance, New Zealand


  1. "His socialism was...warm and exciting."

    Ewe, yuk!

  2. The rapist probably sees his efforts that way too...

  3. Well given that Castro and Kim Jong Il are the main leaders who keep Marxism-Leninism alive, I wonder if Matt will do a tour of the inclusive, warm and exciting lifestyles of "actually existing socialism"
