Congratulations to Christchurch City councillor, Gail Sheriff for standing up for her constituents. Ms Sheriff was invited to a meeting of Britannia St residents concerned at the looming parole of child rapist Colin Davies, to a house in their neighborhood. Sheriff calmed the meeting and phoned the property manger of the house where Davies was to stay. The tenant (Davies' sister)was then threatened with eviction if Davies were to move in.
According to this mornings Press, Davies was subsequently denied parole because of "the lack of a suitable place for him to live".
But all is not lost for the child rapist cause. Davies' sister met yesterday with Green Party MP Keith Locke to "draft a letter to Parliament calling for more support to be made available to the families of sex offenders".
This is crap. The state needs to give the same protection to the families of these high-risk sex offenders as they do to anybody else. It should not presume to make the sister responsible for this man in the heart of a young community. Any attempt at rehabilitation should start with release to a securely monitored location away from areas with a young demographic.