What's Stephen Franks Doing These Days?

What has former ACT MP and Justice spokesman, Stephen Franks, been up to lately?
After a period of "spraying gorse, hunting, skiing with friends, and ‘playing’ on my bulldozer", Stephen has returned to the law with his old firm, Chapman Tripp.
However a "non-exclusive consultancy lets me pursue some enthusiasms that Chapman Tripp might not ordinarily share. For example, I’ll continue to help the Sensible Sentencing Trust. I'll comment on matters legal through my uncensored occasional newsletter "unfranked".
Will he return to parliament? "It’s not ruled out, but I can be more objective if the opportunity arises in a year or so. I won ’t think about that while I get stuck in to re-establishing a law practice."
Stephen Franks was one of the gutsiest MPs in Parliament and by far the best advocate for sound constitutional and criminal law. Whether he returns to Parliament or not (I hope he does), I have no doubt he will continue to influence NZ's political and legal direction in a positive manner.
Apparently the Nats are saying he is keen to join them.
Whre'd you hre that info, Heine?
I read it on one of the blogs, can't remember which one. I think Aaron mentioned it in regards to somebody elses remarks about ex ACT MPs - and somebody else backed him up on it.
I think it might be a bit of hot air!
Methinks it's just one of Aaron's wet dreams. He likes to stir at our expense!
I don't make things up. A number of ex ACT MPs have expressed an interest in making a return to politics in '08 - and not with necessarily with ACT.
The onus is on ACT to build ourselves up organisationally so we can attract and retain MPs of the calibre of Stephen Franks, Muriel Newman etc. 2006 must see a significant reorganisation to keep ACT's momentum up.
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