Sunday, January 22, 2006
W.A.Y.N.C.R.s are Coming!
I've had a lot of positive feedback on my Socialist Academic Profiles, so I thought I'd add another series to run in tandem.
Some of my ex uni student readers might sometimes wonder, "what ever happened to those Marxist stirrers?, who tried to run student politics when I was at uni?".
You know the types; they were in the Progressives Club, or the Progressive Students League, or Radical Society, or Staunch, or Socialist Worker, or International Socialists, or Young Socialists, or Young Labour, or Communist Club, or Revolution, or Progressive Left, or Progressive Students Alliance, or Bolshevik Club etc etc.
They organised all the demos and occupations on campus and usually tried to control the student's association.
Where are they now? Well many have "sold out" and are now running homestays, dance schools, selling real estate or editing food magazines. Many are in high profile or influential jobs. Some are still socialists. Some are active in Labour or various other parties.
Some are still hard core. Some have never left the campus and are now academics.
The series will be titled "Where Are You Now, Campus Radical?".
Feel free to nominate your own favourite W.A.Y.N.C.R.? if you have one.
I remember from Otago we had people like Mark Baxter and Kyle Matthews who used to try and call the shots. From what I hear, Baxter is STILL hanging round!