In a momentous decision, the Anti-Capitalist Alliance has re-named itself as the "Workers Party".
The Anti-Capitalist Alliance was formed in 2002 and has functioned as a wider support group for the Revolutionary Workers League. The RWL is headed by Auckland union health centre Nurse and long time Maoist, Daphna Whitmore and Christchurch academic and long time Trotskyite, Philip Ferguson. The RWL is very active inside Matt McCarten's "Unite" union.
How do you join the new Workers Party? Well you pay $5 and you agree to these five points.
1. Opposition to all New Zealand and Western intervention in the Third World and all Western military alliances.
2. Jobs for all with a living wage and a shorter working week.
3. For the unrestricted right of workers to organise and take industrial action and no limits on workers' freedom of speech and activity.
4. For working class unity and solidarity - equality for woman, Maori and other ethnic minorities and gay men and women; open borders and full rights for migrant workers.
5. For a working people's republic1/ Opposition to all NZ and Western intervention in the third world and all Western military alliances.
Do I hear you reaching for your wallet?
"In a momentous decision, the Anti-Capitalist Alliance has re-named itself as the "Workers Party".
ReplyDeleteSo how will we tell them from ACT then....? ;-)
donations for a one way trip to North Korea for them. The Wellington Central candidate didn't do TOO bad last time.
ReplyDeleteA better use for my $5 would be to set fire to it.
ReplyDeleteI can imagine it's Lenin burning in hell.....
^^^ I too am having trouble telling Sir Edmund Hillery from Lenin with the crap he comes up with.