Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Another Good Reason to Ban Human Cloning

If human cloning ever becomes a reality, this picture might be a taste of the horrors to come.

From Rodney's Blog

British Labour MP Austin Mitchell’s snap of me the day before the election last year has won 100 pounds for the CLIC Sargent charity that provides care and financial support for children and families living with cancer and leukaemia. That was in the Jessops Parliamentary Photography Competition.

The picture is on show at the Palace of Westminster.

Well done Rodney and the 2005 Epsom Victory Team.


  1. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Perhaps this photo reinforces the perception of the general public (98.5%) that ACT is nothing but a Humpty Dumpty Hide party with an overinflated ego?

  2. Anonymous9:53 AM

    built on ego rather than policy
