Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Radio NZ or Radio Labour?

David Farrar's Kiwiblog reported yesterday that Radio NZ has canned its only anti Government voice.

This was the nine to noon politics segment with Matthew Hooton and Peter Harris. Harris, a former (and I think also does some current work for Labour) staffer for Cullen, and Hooton, who worked for National in the 90s, would debate politics for 15 minutes with Linda Clark. Both men were partisan, but it meant one actually got to hear the arguments from each side. It was informative and entertaining.

I understand from well placed media sources in Wellington that both Heather Simpson and Tony Timms have complained to Radio NZ about the show in the past - especially Hooton's attacks on the Government. And today the show has been canned.

Go here for the rest of the article

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:39 PM

    * This comment also appears on *
    This government clearly is turning into one of NZ's most corrupt. The pattern of the police consistently refusing to prosecute Labour MPs and officials while pushing through prosecutions of Opposition MPs to the hilt, cabinet ministers resigning only to be reappointed mere days later, Tamihere's chequered career with the Waipareira Trust, Labour stealing taxpayers money to fund the pledge card, etc etc. And now Radio NZ is clearly turning into a Labour propaganda mouthpiece. Remember the heat was put on Shaun Plunkett in the lead up to last year's election, our socialist lords and masters were going to ensure he was clearly marked out as a man of right wing views, when Labour's proxy spokespeople employed by Radio Pyongyang don't have to have any such appellation.

    Now, in the city we both reside in, the People's Republic of Christchurch, I hear that Labour at local government level is most unhappy with the local government commission reducing the number of city councillors from 24 to 12. Tim Barnett, the man that is such a popular MP that he hasn't managed to get enough support from his colleagues to be elected to Cabinet despite his long experience and service as an MP, has still managed to get his electoral select committee to produce a report backing Labour's unhappiness with the reduction in councillor numbers that, coincidentally or not, wiped out Labour's longstanding domination of the City council. Barnett, who has another paragon of Labour political morality, former councillor Ingrid Stonhill, who presided over the wastage of hundreds of thousands of dollars of ratepayers' money wasted when her council tried to set up its own competing event against a privately operated garden festival, working for him, claims to have received an unprecedented level of criticism about the political performance of the council. By strange coincidence, Labour no longer controls the city council, although their Labour Mayor Garry Moore remains firmly at the helm, where he is presiding over an unprecedented exodus of skilled staff and widespread rank and file employee dissatisfaction with the senior management of the council.

    Who is willing to bet that our great and glorious Labour government won't move to shore up support in Christchurch by overturning the Local Government Commission's determination in some form and to restore the Labour Party control of the City Council? I well remember one day witnessing Rob Davidson, the husband of disgraced cabinet minister Lianne Dalziel, telling a group of supporters what a great thing it was that Labour was both in central government and in control of the City Council. Sorry Mr Davidson, but we don't want the kind of corruption that Labour has brought into the national government permeating down to local government level. If Stonhill and Barnett are the best that Labour has got for candidates in the next council elections, then maybe they really do need some kind of helping hand from Helen and the the rest of her band of amateurs in the Beehive.
