Your generous donation to Hamas, probably goes through NZAID's "Global Group". According to NZAID's website.
Reflecting NZAID’s mission to eliminate poverty, NZAID’s Global Group is responsible for regional and bilateral programmes in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
The Group manages NZAID’s relationships with International Financial Institutions (IFIs), multilateral agencies ( including selected international NGOs) and New Zealand civil society.
The Global Group contributes to international efforts to address complex emergencies, with particular focus on Afghanistan, Iraq and Sudan, and also contributes to international efforts to address the impact of natural disasters in developing countries.
Oversight and implementation of NZAID’s Trade and Development Policy is also the responsibility of NZAID’s Global Group.
In 2005/06 the Global Group’s programme budget is $160,585 million, or 50 per cent of NZAID’s overall programme budget.
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