Sunday, April 30, 2006

Lindsay (No Bullshit) Mitchell on the Maori Party

Lindsay Mitchell has some reservations on the Maori Party.

The Maori party is racist, socialist, separatist, tribalist and reactionary. A party of "freedom and choice" doesn't get into bed with a party like that - not on a permanent basis. They sleep with them when it suits. Which is a partnership that speaks ill of both camps and will inevitably end in tears.

Who is actually being critical of the Maori Party world-view at the moment? Nobody. Not one party is prepared to challenge their blatantly racist proclaimations and their schizophrenic attitude to welfare dependence - probably the most pressing issue Maori face.

The Maori Party has shown extraordinary energy since the election. Their MPs are passionate and deservedly high-profile but their ideas are awful. They are still caught up in the victimhood mentality and all the bitterness that entails. Some more than others. It is my sincere belief that they will not advance the social circumstances of the Maori people. Not if they stay on their current course.

And there ought to be a party prepared to point this out.

Lindsay is mostly right. The Maori Party has a lot of socialist baggage, but then so did Donna Awatere. The ACT MPs have actively tried to work with the Maori Party in areas such as education.

Will working with ACT make the Maori Party a more positive force, or will it weaken ACT? I think we should seek common ground where we can, but be very clear on the areas we won't compromise ie abolishing the Maori seats.


  1. I think Mitchell has hit the nail squarely on the head.
    If ACT climb into bed with the Apartheid Party there's no way I'd ever vote ACT again.

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    The Maori Party (well all of the MPs except Hone Harawira) are sellouts who voted for Wayne Mapp's employment bill.

  3. If Cameron doesn't like them, they must be OK

  4. Anonymous2:04 PM

    ACT seems to be picking allies on personality, because I am not a great fan of NZ first especially scince they went into bed with labour, but every act person especially Rodney seems to hate them despite the fact that dispite alot of differences but as many areas in common(eg Law and order) as with the maori party. It seems this is just cos Pita is a nicer guy than Winston.

  5. Anonymous11:16 AM

    But ACT would compromise on abolishing the Maori seats!

    "Act leader Rodney Hide has said National should ditch its plans to abolish the Maori seats so it could form the next government. "


    "Mr Hide said National should accept it does not have the electoral mandate to scrap the Maori seats and should shelve its plans. It should also change its position on the foreshore and seabed. "

  6. I've heard Rodney say repeatedly that the Maori party is racist. Just read his blog, many times over he has highlighted troublesome issues or developments there.

    I've no concerns, because we know what we stand for.

  7. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Apart from when its three days after the election.

  8. anonymous, recognising what is good in someone else is a core trait I value highly and too often fail to practice myself.

    If the Maori party things that welfare and education are failing Maori, we agree. We think that less welfare and more choice in education will help them.

    How is working with them on these issues a problem?

    We all want a better New Zealand and if we agree that New Zealand will be a better place if we are less slave of the government, we have something in common.

    We have a parliament where we have to work together. That's part of the system. That's by design. ACT is part of that system and recognises its value.
