More Communists Than Ever?
This is a point of view you'll never see in the main stream media. Sobering and almost certainly true.
Peter Symon, general secretary of the Communist Party of Australia, writing in the Guardian, 14.12.05

In October 2005, no less than 73 communist and workers' parties participated in a conference in Athens. Another nine parties sent written contributions or messages. This is hardly a sign that the world-wide communist movement is dead. The Communist Party of Australia was represented at this conference. There are now probably more members of communist parties than ever before. This number compares with the 75 parties that met in Moscow (without the attendance of the Communist Party of China) in 1969.
Peter Symon, general secretary of the Communist Party of Australia, writing in the Guardian, 14.12.05

In October 2005, no less than 73 communist and workers' parties participated in a conference in Athens. Another nine parties sent written contributions or messages. This is hardly a sign that the world-wide communist movement is dead. The Communist Party of Australia was represented at this conference. There are now probably more members of communist parties than ever before. This number compares with the 75 parties that met in Moscow (without the attendance of the Communist Party of China) in 1969.
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