Friday, June 16, 2006

Capitalist Despoiler, Degrades Mountain Landscape for Private Profit

From TV1 News

The Queenstown Lakes District Council says a property developer has breached the Resource Management Act after he mowed a sign into the grass.

Property developer Dave Henderson applied for resource consent for more conventional signage six months ago, but a debate between the local regulatory authority and Transit New Zealand over the size the sign meant that he was still without signage once the development began.

In frustration, he took matters into his own hands and mowed a website address on the site.

The letters in the sign are a whopping 34 metres long but one of the only places they are visible from is The Remarkables ski field road.

According to the council, as the sign visible from a public place, and since it is in a rural general zone, it requires resource consent.

"I'm horrified by the reaction, the very notion that we need resource consent is just bizarre and I'm sure every New Zealander who gets up on a Saturday to mow the law would feel the same," says Henderson.

New Zeal How can Dave Henderson sleep at night.

Hat Tip Rodney Hide


  1. Good one! You understand the left well, maybe too well...

  2. Anonymous8:41 PM

    There is a diverse range of opinions among the left. I doubt that many would think that Dave Henderson is being treated fairly.
