Friday, June 02, 2006

Me and Maia Like Kathryn Ryan

Is anyone else as impressed with Nine to Noon's, Kathryn Ryan as I am?

Her interview with Rod Deane this morning was excellent.

Her voice is great, her questions are probing and intelligent and she lets her interviewees have their say.

Kathryn Ryan says she has no political bias and judging from what I've heard, I believe her.

Maia over at Capitalism Bad, Tree Pretty, likes Kathryn Ryan too, though she's more balanced in her praise than I am.

Maia likes Kathryn Ryan, I like Kathryn Ryan. Maia links to my Blog. I read her Blog. We both believe Louise Nicholas was telling the truth. Is there a pattern here? Some kind of Blogospherethereal bond almost. Spooky.

What do you think, Rick Giles?

1 comment:

  1. These things come in threes, Trevor. If something else crops up in common then I'll be the first to slide down the Silent Running Batpoles and...explicate.
