Sunday, July 02, 2006

Local "Chavistas" Get Organised

Last Wednesday, June 28th. a meeting was held in Mangere Bridge, to establish NZ's first Venezuela solidarity organisation.

Guest speaker, was Canberra based Venezuelan ambassador to Australia, Nelson Davila-Lameda. Described as a "lifelong revolutionary", Davila-Lameda, paid a flying visit to Auckland for the purpose of setting up a local Venezuela Support Group.

Over a potluck dinner held at the home of Socialist Worker leader, Grant Morgan, attendees were invited to discuss Hugo Chavez's "Socialism in the 21st century" and discuss setting up a support group for the Venezuelan revolution.

The meeting was MCed by Daphne Lawless, chair of Workers Charter in Auckland and co-editor of Socialist Worker's "Unity" magazine.

According to Davila-Lameda “Within Venezuela we have always had strong solidarity movements with just struggles around the world, such as with Vietnam and Cuba. Our struggle in Venezuela is an international struggle, a struggle without borders…. Venezuela needs your solidarity. Venezuela has in only a few years made enormous gains in the areas of democratic and popular participation, and people are benefiting from the social missions in the areas of health, housing, food, education, popular economy and cooperative production.

We are levelling the playing field and breaking down discrimination. But as we do so we are confronted by the dominant class, who benefited in the old neoliberal economic order. And as global imperialism pursues its doomed strategy of wars for oil, Venezuela’s peaceful and democratic revolution is under constant threat

According to Green Left Weekly, Davila is a former student activist, and was a founding member of Chavez’s MBR-200 movement, the revolutionary group formed inside the armed forces. He has been a member of the ideological commission Command of Maisanto, the coordinating body for the mass campaign to defeat the opposition’s attempts to recall Chavez in the August 2004 referendum. He was an instructor for the Centres for Ideological Formation and a member of the radical Movement for Direct Democracy,

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    While trying to locate English-language websites in support of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela for our links page, I was amazed at how strong the Bolivarian movement was in Australia & how NZ didn't appear to have anything going on. I guess you're changing that. Good luck!

    Americans for Chavez
    Bolivarian Circle 'Chief Tierra Blanca'
