Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Labour Corruption May Damage NZ's Reputation

Darnton vs Clark reports that Labour's corruption risks damaging NZ's international reputation.

Global anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International, publisher of the internationally regarded Corruption Perceptions Index, has warned Labour that New Zealand’s low corruption reputation is at risk if it doesn’t pay back the pledge card money and passes retrospective legislation to cover its wrongdoing.

Labour risks harming New Zealand’s reputation if it refuses to repay taxpayer funds unlawfully spent on campaigning and changes the law to make it legal, an anti-corruption watchdog has warned.

They say they’re also concerned about the anonymisation of donations through trusts.

New Zealand ranks second on the 2005 corruption index, equal with Finland and with only Iceland less corrupt than this country. A ranking like this is something to be proud of and it’s something that needs to be actively protected. It is at risk from Labour’s pillaging of the public purse to prop up its power.

Meanwhile Not PC reports that Labour's attacks on Bernard Darnton and their questioning of the source of Darnton's campaign's funding are sending donations through the roof.

To donate-go here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Of course the Libz, as financially impoverished as they are in character, still won't say where the funds came from.
