Tuesday, September 12, 2006

UN Promotes Disabled "Rights"-CPUSA Approves

From the Communist Party USA's latest Peoples Weekly World

The United Nations finalized a far-reaching treaty Aug. 25 to protect the rights of disabled people. This treaty, the first of its kind ever proposed by the UN, will be submitted to the General Assembly for adoption this month.

New Zealander Don MacKay, chairperson of the committee preparing the treaty, said its purpose is “to generate a shift in the way governments think about disabled people.”

New Zeal The "disabled" are one of the new oppressed minorities being manipulated by the global left. Interesting that the CPUSA found it worthy of note.


  1. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Yeah it's so bloody PC I always get angry when I see those wheelcheer ramps or disabled car parks. ;)

  2. Bit callous of you Cameron
