Every year, the ACT Party has a stand at the Canterbury A&P show. It consists of a big yellow tent and it is 5 metres by 5 metres square. Thank God for that.
A few minutes ago I replied to a message from a Mr Van den Bosch from the People's Republic of Christchurch (aka City Council). He started asking me all about our tent.
How old was it? Could I describe it? Who made it? etc....
When I asked why all the questions?...I was told that it was because the A&Pshow was applying for blanket Resource Consent for all the stall holders to erect their marquees.
This was a serious issue for Mr Van den Bosch. It eventually emerged that consent was only necessary to erect any tent over 30 square metres. Our ACT tent was only 25 square metres and therefore would be exempt. Mr Van den Bosch assured me though that his team would be coming out to the Show to measure our tent to ensure we were indeed within the limits.
As we sometimes erect the tent at smaller events, I asked Mr Van den Bosch what would happen if our tent was indeed a bit bigger than I thought. Would we need Resource Consent every time we erected it? Mr Van den Bosch assured me that we would, but they had a "fast tracking procedure to make things as easy as possible.."
Grateful for that small mercy, I asked Mr Van den Bosch how much that would cost? "Only $75" he told me.
So do tents now come with resource consent application kits now?
RMA forms...?
It'll never fly!
What a waste of time and effort... What is becoming on NZ when you have to get resource consent to put up a tent???