Saturday, December 16, 2006

Comrade Dennis for President!

One of the Communist Party USA's best friends in in Congress, Dennis Kucinich, is running for President in 2008.

From the CPUSA's Peoples Weekly World

There are 98 weeks until voters go to the polls to elect a new U.S. president and Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich plans use all 98 to turn up the heat to end the Iraq war and occupation in his bid for president. He announced his candidacy for president on Dec. 12.

In his 2004 bid for the Democratic nomination for president, Kucinich not only pounded the streets for peace, including by his advocacy of a national Peace Department, but also promoted a single-payer health care system.

1 comment:

  1. No surprise there. Though I think Kucinich doesn't have a chance. More like Clinton would probably be the one.

    I have also been noticing how these Communists proclaim solidarity with various American third political parties. Hmm, just what are they up to with establishing the successor political system of America?
