Monday, January 08, 2007

Don Franks Condemns Maoist Gay Bashers-Not!

Don Franks was a Maoist/Stalinist in the '70s (Wellington Marxist-Leninist Organisation) a Maoist in the early '80s (Workers Communist League), a Trotskyist in the '90s (Socialist Worker) and a Maoist/Trotsyist hybrid in the '00s (Workers Party).

He says he supports workers, but can't explain why he supported Stalin and Mao, long after their mass murder of workers and peasants were well known.

His Workers Party claims it supports gay rights and is NZ's leading supporter of the Nepalese Maoist rebels, now entering into coalition government in Nepal.

Someone posted an article on Indymedia yesterday exposing the Nepalese Maoist's suppression of gay people.

Is Don up in arms about this horrible betrayal? Is he leading a march up Lambton Quay demanding that his Nepalese comrades abandon their heinous practices?

No, not yet anyway.

Here is an exchange from the comment thread from the article in question.

Anon what do you say to that workers party people. your guerilla heroes are the morality police in disguise.

Reply to this comment

Don Franks Re: Nepalese Maoists plan to wipe out homosexuality 08 Jan 2007 by Anonymous

Well, anonymous,I'm not an expert on Nepal, although I've found much to admire in first hand reports of the Maoist's antifeudal struggle.

If the report below is correct, then it is bad news. The history of revolutionary socialism is for gay rights. For example the bolshevik legislation after the 1917 revolution and recent gay marriage celebrated in the Communist New People's army of the Philipines. By contrast, Stalinists in power have opressed gay people.
The Workers Party stands for full gay liberation.

New Zeal Is the the strong uncompromising stand we expect from the champion of gay rights that Don claims to be?

There is a word for people who give moral aid and comfort to oppressors. People who at least turn a blind eye when confronted by plain evil. It is a very dirty word.

It is collaborator.

Hang your head in shame, Don Franks.


  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    "One way of testing the commitment of a state, a government or a movement to human freedom is to look at how it treats minorities who have suffered intense discrimination. A good example of such a minority is people who engage in same-sex activity."

    From Workers Party paper The Spark 22 June 2006.

  2. Couldn't agree more Byron.

    You guys will be cutting your ties with the Nepalese Maoists then?

    BTW, where's Don?

  3. Anonymous5:22 PM

    The WP doesn't have any official ties with the CPN(M) so don't know how we would cut them, there has been material supportive of them in our paper just as there has been stuff supportive of other groups fighting oppression (including homosexuals)

    We supported the Maoists struggle against the feudal oppression in Nepal but we don't support them in anyway being oppressors themselves- against homosexuals or whoever. However I'm still a little sceptical of these claims, would like to see something published by the Blue Diamond Group.

  4. Bit evasive Byron. You know that jared has met some of the maoist leaders and you guys (especially your Maoist people) are always giving them coverage in the Spark.

    Nobody else in NZ supports the Maoist cause in nepal like the Workers party.

    I think you may end up regretting that support.

  5. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Keep in mind that genetically speaking, our anatomical build is designed for heterosexual relations in order to reproduce our species. There were no "gay men" back in the days, as sex was not seen as an activity of "pleasure". With the commercialization of sex, homosexuality exploded onto society.
    What comrade Stalin did makes perfect sense.

  6. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Keep in mind that genetically speaking, our anatomical build is designed for heterosexual relations in order to reproduce our species. There were no "gay men" back in the days, as sex was not seen as an activity of "pleasure". With the commercialization of sex, homosexuality exploded onto society.
    What comrade Stalin did makes perfect sense.
