Monday, March 19, 2007

ACT Conference

Still recovering from ACT's South Island conference in Christchurch on Saturday

Leader Rodney Hide addresses the faithful. Yours truly in white shirt, top extreme left

We had a very good turnout. Speakers included deputy leader Heather Roy, former MPs Muriel Newman and Gerry Eckhoff, ACT on Campus president Mike Bridge, party president Garry Mallett and Rodney Hide.

Rodney's address "Making Government Transparent And Accountable"
is here.

Gerry Eckhoff telling us "Why Jesus Drives a Hummer"

Dinner was at Pedro's Spanish Restaurant-a Christchurch icon. After dinner speaker was Canterbury University law lecturer David Round-he was brilliant.

Several thousand dollars were raised by auctioneer, Gerry Eckhoff towards ACT's coffers.

It was a great day and I was particularly rapt to see the large contingent of ACT on Campus agitators.


  1. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Whats your place on the list trevor?

  2. I'm not on any ACT list anon.

  3. Heh, I'd challenge anon to find any party with a list out this far from an election...

  4. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I suggest all parties have an active list of eager opportunists waiting their turn to ride the parlimentry gravey train. (no offence intended)

    I also suggest those lists would be updatted and or re-arranged as the infighting intensifies closer to the big day.


  5. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Describing yourself in the "top extreme left" Trevor? I'm concerned :)

    My faith in humanity is being tested... If you turn pink all is lost :-)

  6. Thought you'd appreciate the joke 76-but then you never know... Watch this space.
