Friday, March 09, 2007

National Backs Up On Tax Cuts-ACT Stands True

National's deputy leader, Bill English has backed away from one of his party's key election planks-tax cuts.

Will ACT be the only remaining party still committed to serious and substantial tax reduction?

From Rodney Hide's desk

ACT Leader Rodney Hide says he is saddened by Bill English's comment this morning that 'now is not the time to be giving extensive tax cuts'.

"The government is running a huge surplus, but many families are struggling to make ends meet. It is always a good time to give Kiwis a break from high taxes", Mr Hide said.

"It's clear that the ground is being set for an auction on government spending at the next election, but we can do much better than taking half of what Kiwis earn, washing it through the bureaucracy of government, and handing a fraction of it back.

"We should cap government spending with a Taxpayer Rights Bill and introduce lower, flatter taxes across the board.

"I predict that ACT will be the only party promoting tax cuts at the next election.

New Zeal I should be more grateful. As National relentlessly tries to stake out the Middle ground, more and more room is opening up for ACT to promote pro-freedom policies.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that ACT benefits from this sooner rather than later. How anybody can be a liberal, small govt supporter and in National is beyond me.

    Unless of course the idea of being in power outweighs their principles, in that case the kind of people we DON'T want in power.
