Sunday, March 18, 2007

Philippines Communists Praise Indian Massacre

Maoist rebels effectively now rule Nepal, large swathes of India and significant amounts of the Philippines countryside.

Maoists are known for their extreme violence and readiness to massacre and terrorise both the enemy and those who refuse to collaborate.

It is extremely difficult to believe denials denials of involvement in past massacres when the Communist Party of the Philippines issue press releases like this. on the recent Maoist atrocity in India.

Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP congratulates and salutes Indian Red fighters for March 14 victory
March 16, 2007

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today congratulated and saluted the Communist Party of India-Maoist and the Red fighters of India for carrying out successful tactical offensives against the reactionary and fascist state forces of India. In the Indian Maoist revolutionary fighters' most recent tactical offensive, they successfully overran a jungle security outpost of the fascist police in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh last Wednesday.

Scores of Red fighters under the leadership of the CPI-M launched an early morning raid against a police outpost located in a forested area of the Rani Bodli village in Raipur town of the Chhattisgarh's Dantewada district. They easily took control of the outpost manned by at least 75 policemen and seized a large cache of rifles and war materiƩl. More than 50 policemen were killed in the firefight, including 16 state police personnel and 37 special police officers.

Dedicatedly fighting for the rights and welfare of poor and landless farmers, neglected tribes and other impoverished Indian masses, the CPI-Maoist and its Red army have gained control of 10 of the state's 16 impoverished districts and is also present in 14 of India's states, covering huge swathes of India's central, eastern and southern regions.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal issued the following statement on this development:

"In behalf of the New People's Army (NPA), the Philippine revolutionary movement and the Filipino people, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) congratulates and salutes the Communist Party of India-Maoist and its Red fighters for the successful raid against an interior outpost of the the fascist Indian police force in the Dantewada district of the Indian state of Chhattisgarh last March 14.

The large cache of weapons seized in this latest successful tactical offensive against the reactionary fascist forces in India will help arm many more peasants, workers, national minority people and other downtrodden and oppressed Indian masses anxious to become Red fighters and join the people's war.

The imperialists and the reactionaries in India are trembling at how people's war in India has steadily marched forward and has been reaping one victory after another. The broad masses of the Indian people, on the other hand, together with other peoples around the world, celebrate these victories as they struggle to smash the prevailing backward and reactionary semifeudal rule, end the centuries-long system of exploitation and oppression of the people, and build a bright, revolutionary future in India.

The success of the March 14 tactical offensive of our Indian comrades reverberates all over the world and inspires all oppressed and exploited peoples to wage revolution and advance their struggles against the reactionary rule and system in their own countries. The victory of our Indian comrades is truly inspiring to Filipino communists, revolutionary fighters and masses as we wage our own people's war to end imperialist, feudal and fascist rule and oppression in the Philippines

New Zeal-Indian sources, in the Reuters article linked above claim that "some of the bodies were repeatedly axed and heads were smashed.". The rebels called the battle a "firefight".

How do people get axed and chopped to death during a "firefight".

Could there have been a little Marxist-Leninist "re-education" dished out to captured soldiers here?

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