Thursday, April 19, 2007

Another Labour/Union Money Scam

Another Labour/union money-go-round scam, courtesy of David Farrar's Kiwiblog

CYFS has been a department under siege with critical report after critical report into it. So what are they spending their money on? A $650 bonus to PSA union members. Yes only to PSA members. They were not obligated to give it, they just decided to make it a birthday present to celebrate their partnership anniversary!

And this was all kept secret,and only came to light through a leaked memo. And unions complain about transparency of electoral donations. Let's look at the union financing scheme.

1) Labour elected to Government

2) Labour funnels state funds to unions through employment education funds

3) Labour funnels state funds to union members by approving special bonuses just to union members

4) Unions gain more members and more funds

5) Unions campaign for Labour

6) Labour elected to Government

No wonder the CTU wants to ban private donations to political parties!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Time to get on the gravey train Trev.
    Union of the United Bloggers collective . Sort of rolls off the tongue-dont ya think?

