The Pyongyang Declaration was a significant event in the world of international Marxism-Leninism when it was first introduced by North Korea in 1992.
In the last fifteen years the list of signatories to this rallying cry for socialism has risen to 270.
Now the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, one of Russia's several major communist parties and seemingly the best international networker, has re-affirmed its support for the Declaration.
From Korea News
Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- The Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union made public a statement on April 17 on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the publication of the Pyongyang Declaration.
The statement recalled that 70 communist and workers' parties of the world made public the Pyongyang Declaration "Let Us Defend and Advance the Cause of Socialism" on April 20, 1992, noting that its vitality and justice have been proved by the times.
The Workers' Party of Korea, the great party of President Kim Il Sung, equipped with the Juche idea and Songun idea, has confidently advanced along the road of socialism under the leadership of Kim Jong Il, the statement said, adding that the WPK has taught precious experience in defending and advancing the cause of socialism.
All seemingly insignificant to most observers, but very important to serious communist "spotters" like me.
Some commentators have speculated that the Communist party of the Soviet Union, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and others will run a united left ticket in the 2008 Russian presidential elections.
This year is the 80th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution and communists from all over the planet will be converging on Russia to celebrate. The world might be very surprised at the communists showing in 2008, if things go to plan.
Nearly 20 years have passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall. many of the horrors of communism have been forgotten in the West and in the third world were never even noticed by many.
Communism is doing exceedingly well at the moment in Latin America, China, parts of Asia and Africa and several countries in Europe, particularly Italy.
A re-surgence of communism in Russia over the next two years might just might help lift a growing movement back to a leading position on the world stage.
Is the "End of History" nearly over?
I don't think there is every going to be an "End of History". All that enables people to do is just make up a new history asserting their authority. That's what many of these "dead" and "former" Communists are doing.
ReplyDeleteSuch a sage while trite observation, Mah.
ReplyDeleteLike that Saddam Hussein being a three decades long commie sleeper, as you were telling me and the rest of the "blogsphere", just recently.
Gee Mah, give us a break - this twisted Zionist crap.
"Gee Mah, give us a break - this twisted Zionist crap."
ReplyDeleteGee, for someone who proclaims to be for freedom of expression and all such things like that, you do not seem to care about other people's opinion. Just simply make personal attacks like this.
Come on steve, if you keep on blabbing about how Israel is a "Nazi"/"fascist" state, I wonder can you tell me who made this statement about Israel:
ReplyDelete"The Jews are trying to destroy all other a survival mechanism...the only Nazi country in the world is Israel."
The answer is David Duke. Everytime you attack me with your vileness against Zionism, you do not even know what sort of rhetoric you are parrotting. You should be the one to lay off this rabid anti-Zionist crap (pardon my language for telling the truth).
Oh you're awake now MAH.
ReplyDeleteI think you are just missing Trev.
Only four more sleeps and he will be back MAH.
You are being dishonest Mah. None of what you claim I have said about Israel has been said by me.
ReplyDeleteI have said IDF:10 Palestinians:1 -(draw your own conclusions there...)
I have said I accept the existence of Israel.
I have said that "you" are a fantatic. I have defined the term "holocaust nazi" and applied it to "you". Do you think "you" reflect every jewish person ? How egocentric of you - watch that.
I've also said that in reality you love the existence of David Duke and similar fanatics: they're a cover for the fact that you sit on the same spectrum as them - "they" express their fantacism/naziism by "denying" the Holocaust - "you" express yours by "invoking" the Holocaust - as justification for IDF:10 Palestinians:1 - this being quite apart from all the horrible works conducted by "your" fascists of choice. I guess Duke and them have "theirs" as well. Whatever, all cruel people "you" and "them".
It's quite neat how you're so courtly when you're furious Mah - "Pardon me blah blah blah...", just for saying "crap".
PS - What's this about the Fetid Rummy: allowing, goodness, there's even the possibility of a likelihood that he conceived, all of those glossy lies about Private Lynch, and that football star. What you say to that Mah ? Mind you, the guy does have a questionable record - Baghdad '84 ? Yeah, there are photographs
I don't know why you bother Mah. You are, as I've said before, the "stand-out" fanatic on this blog site. Every time you post, you confirm it.
ReplyDeleteMy grounds for that: anyone who doesn't "hate" whom you do, or as broadly as you do, anyone who doesn't buy into your profoundly immature, tin soldier, armchair general dictates, anyone who notes and questions your denial of the inhumanity of your fascists of choice, is ipso facto a commie; is ipso facto an anti-semite; is ipso facto David Duke (whose existence you love anyway as I've remarked); is ipso facto "personal" and "bullying".
Talking to a friend the other day - not a commie, not anti-semite, not any of the things that regardless you'll probably say he is - "Boy, what a cry-baby that Mah fulla is !" said my friend.
Save your crying for refugee camp babies made "collateral" by the God-fearing Chickenhawk's Starfighters, Cruel One. Get a life with your spooky, egocentric notion that "you" as a zionist have some sort of "special" licence.
Like the now aging, still unrepentant Haganah terrorist who while acknowledging the unprovoked, murderous assault on Deir Yassin, lamented thus: "But we (Haganah terrorist forces) suffered 6 deaths and 14 casualties.....". Now for me, that is Holocaust Naziism ! We can for our "interests" initiate any cruelty we like, but woe betide any resistance. Self defence equals aggression when we're the aggressor.
Bottom line Mah - if we have any respect for humanity, if we can forgo the sick arrogance that we are not uniquely licensed to do against whomsoever just as we please, then we must be alarmed at IDF:10 Palestinians:1 - bus bombings pale !
And don't bother, in confirmation of the dire mental/moral challenges you face, coming back alleging that I support bus bombings !
Truth is your zionist heroes were murderous thugs way, way back Mah. In modern times they have set and maintained the standard for terrorism. Over half a century later IDF:10 Palestinians:1 proves that. So stop your stereotypical snivelling. Your fascists of choice are no less vile than any of the brutal dictators of modern times.
I do a wind up on a mad old zionist with blood in his eyes who apoplectically spits - "you're sad, sad, sad...." (12 consecutive times in the one sentence for God's Sake - I ask you - mad or what?). Suddenly all that matters is that Poor Mah feels uncomfortable and "bullied". Tough, Little Girl ! Fanatics frequently draw fire.
Strange when at your shrillest - "Trev, Trev, he's bullying me, you must suppress him....." - Trev just packed up and went on holiday.
Hey, you didn't answer my query about the fetid old war criminal Rummy. You gonna have a go at that one, or as a fascist of your choice would you rather not talk about him ?
"Truth is your zionist heroes were murderous thugs way, way back Mah. In modern times they have set and maintained the standard for terrorism. Over half a century later IDF:10 Palestinians:1 proves that. So stop your stereotypical snivelling. Your fascists of choice are no less vile than any of the brutal dictators of modern times."
ReplyDeleteOnce more steve, you are proving my point that you are not pro-Israel at all. You are lying about how you "support" Israel's existance and then go off into comparing Zionists to "mass murderers". Yea, how about Arafat and his 50 billion dollars stuck in Swiss bank accounts or how he flew that money to his wife who is living up in paradise in Paris while Arafat blamed Israel for the Palestinians' suffering? How about Palestinian children coming onto Palestinian Television and voicing to become future terrorists and their parents enjoying it? Do you care about that steve? You're "pro-Israel" stance and your denial of being an anti-Israel fanatic are being exposed right here, right now.
"Hey, you didn't answer my query about the fetid old war criminal Rummy. You gonna have a go at that one, or as a fascist of your choice would you rather not talk about him ?"
Cut the "fascist" talk with you steve. I'm not a fascist as I have made it quite clear on my blog. But you couldn't give a damn to look at it with your narrow-mindedness. Your attitude toward me exposes that you are the totalitarian one right here.
"Save your crying for refugee camp babies made "collateral" by the God-fearing Chickenhawk's Starfighters, Cruel One. Get a life with your spooky, egocentric notion that "you" as a zionist have some sort of "special" licence."
Enough of this pathetic abuse steve. It's quite evident how you are quite offended by anyone who dares stands up to be a Zionist as I have. For you to suggest how you "promote" freedom of expression, well I guess some forms of expression are more equal than others.
"Like the now aging, still unrepentant Haganah terrorist who while acknowledging the unprovoked, murderous assault on Deir Yassin, lamented thus: "But we (Haganah terrorist forces) suffered 6 deaths and 14 casualties.....". Now for me, that is Holocaust Naziism ! We can for our "interests" initiate any cruelty we like, but woe betide any resistance. Self defence equals aggression when we're the aggressor."
Steve, knock this propaganda blitz off. This alone certainly proves you do not care whenever an Israeli bus is blown up by Palestinian terrorists. You are simply exposed for justifying Palestinian terrorism. I wonder steve you just take this into an account because the perpetrators happen to be Jews, but when it happens to other parts of the world, you ignore them? Such typical rhetoric coming from a an apologist for terrorism and then lectures how you are "against" terrorism but only when it suits you to bash Israel.
"Strange when at your shrillest - "Trev, Trev, he's bullying me, you must suppress him....." - Trev just packed up and went on holiday."
How about all those personal attacks on me? Calling me a "Nazi", a "fascist", a "holocaust Nazi", part of the "third Reich", "Skylock". Those don't qualify for Trev to come take a gander over what you are doing to other people on this blog?
"I do a wind up on a mad old zionist with blood in his eyes who apoplectically spits - "you're sad, sad, sad...." (12 consecutive times in the one sentence for God's Sake - I ask you - mad or what?). Suddenly all that matters is that Poor Mah feels uncomfortable and "bullied". Tough, Little Girl ! Fanatics frequently draw fire."
Please steve, knock of this sort of abush. This only justifies me calling on Trev to censor your comments because of your constant bullying.
You steve certainly are exposed that you are not pro-Israel at all. You do not care about the 50 billion bucks Arafat stored away that was suppose to go for the Palestinians and only give to his wife who lives in Paris. You are so blatantly unaware of how friendly George W. Bush, the "chickenhawk" you describe allocations money to the PLO under Abbas such as a one good wooping 100 million dollars which is misused like how his predecessor Arafat did to go to terrorists groups like Hamas that teach children to become future suicide bombers and to voice "Death to the Jews" on Palestinian television.
How about Condi Rice who has allowed Iran to be involved in a conference for the future of Iraq where Iran not only supports the terrorists insurgents in Iraq, you know the same ones you always seem to protect whenever you attack Bush as a "war criminal" but shy away from the terrorist insurgency? And also Iran is supporting the PLO and Hamas too along with Rice meeting with Syrian officals who also fund those Palestinian terrorists.
So steve, you're exposed to be a liar when you suggest how you "support" the existance of Israel. You're exposed as a liar when Zionist "mass murderers" like Olmert cower to Palestinian mass murdering terrorists like Hezbollah, Hamas or the PLO as how Hezbollah cheered Israel's failure. You steve attacked Israel for attempting to remove Hezbollah presence in Lebanon and that same terror group cheered Israel's failure. That alone tells me you are not pro-Israel, but are a rude, rabidly anti-Israel jerkface (pardon me).
You're attitude toward me certainly exposes that is to be the case and I do apologize for that comment to Trev the owner of the blog if he takes offense.
Tell me steve, do you care about Palestinians when they are taught to hate the Israelis and even have their own children being brainwashed to become future terrorists as this example here:
I myself am quite outraged by this sort of behavior and your lack of concern over Palestinians being taught to hate the Israelis with PLO-Hamas approval. Yes I can understand how there were radical Zionists (which I am not part of) took part in terrorism but if they were so genocidal as you always love to claim, why have they not destroyed the Palestinians as people like you often suggest they have? Why have "hardliners" such as Sharon, Olmert, Begin, Netanyahu have failed to destroy the PLO, Hamas and other affiliated radical groups?
ReplyDeleteWhy is the Palestinian population GROWING if you believe Israel is "committing" genocide against them when you stay very silent and then pretend to favor the Israelis when Palestinians commit terrorism against them?
Seriously steve when you keep on calling me a "fascist", a "Nazi", a "holocaust Nazi", and so on when you ignore horrible reports of Palestinian children being taught to hate Jews or how aid money is stolen by their corrupt leaders for their own use and to be used for terrorism. I certainly wonder what sort of other horrible regime taught its children to hate Jews and pretend to favor that culture. It's N...A....Z....I...G...E....R...M...A...N...Y. But I have heard no complaints from the likes of how "pro-Israel" you are steve and then attack the same Israeli state while you ignore this sort of corruption among the PLO-Hamas government.
Reflect back Mah.
ReplyDeleteI never said I was pro-Israel Darling.
I just said I accepted the existence of Israel.
They are different.
That's the problem with you Mah.
It's always gotta be "all or bloody nothing..." or there's all sorts of unkindness flying.
That's your dilemma not mine but it does remind me of this anagram: CATFANI.....
Hear Ye, Hear Ye !!!
ReplyDeleteBurkes "Commie Sleepers of History" must be expanded to include the following names:
Saddam Hussein - thanks Mah
Henry Kissinger - thanks Mah
George Rosenberg - thanks Trev
Rotten Rumsfeld - thanks Mah - (Jeez - he didn't even notice - Ssssh !)
And Now, And Now, For the First Time, Courtesy of Mah......Wait For It - Ariel Sharon - yes, no yes, fuck, at Deir Yassin - funded by the bloody commies no less ! Jeez !!!
Well ya could've knocked me over with a feather !
And to think I was really manly about it Mah.
ReplyDeleteI gave you Anthony Blunt without a murmur.
You're takin' advantage Man.
C'mon Bro' - play sumfin' we all know !
Your fellows Sharon, Netanyahu et al have failed to despatch the Palestinians, ultimately, because of a karmic force.......Mah.
ReplyDeleteAnd neither you nor they ever will defeat the Palestinians. Perhaps that karmic force is the fire of humanity - burning alive in every human being. Not just the citizens of Israel and those possessing the "Right of Return".
You can't say your fellows (Sharon at least commie-backed apparently) haven't sought that goal of destruction with some unseemly alacrity though, can you ?
That they didn't succeed doesn't exonerate them. The Chickenhawk didn't succeed either. Perhaps his fate, karmically, is to go back to TX, have an outrageous and very public affair with a pimply bellhop, relapse into the piss and other substances, fall off a horse far too big for him, and expire. Oh, Chief Justice - and Barak - do hurry - we have a funeral.
Who knows My Esteemed Power Broker (Middle East - Gaza Office) Inc ?
To the "blogsphere" - Mah's word - thanks Mah - apologies for too many posts.
ReplyDeleteIt's just that we're in lockdown in NZ right now - yeah, fascist military takeover 90 minutes ago. Yeah, dunno where the Prime Minister is.
Thank God still got my web lifeline goin' though with my computer and dial-up and all that. Expect the security forces at anty time. Gotta be brief.
Mah, Mate, can you contact George Soros for me - I know you told me recently he's a commie sleeper but he will help me , I know he will.
Please Mah, Hurry !!! This aint't any dress rehearsal Man !!!
Gotta go now, I think they're on to me............ AaaHHhaahh ! They got me Mah, they got me.....
Nah Nah Nah Mah - I escaped. Thanks for gettin' in touch with George Soros though. I know he's a commie sleeper, you told me, just last week, but he helped me, he really did. C'mon Mah - George is OK.
ReplyDeleteRight now I'm 'laxin' back on a serious big mother of a motor yacht in Monte Carlo. Fabulous people all around. Damn, is that that Ozzie actor guy over there, what's his name, Hugh Grant, no, no, Mel, Mel Gibson. Yeah, that's him, that dirty anti-semite.
Jeez, call up The Chickenhawk, get some Starfighters down on his villa in Cap St Ferat. What ? No Palestinian children. Oh, OK, save your cluster bombs.
Attack off !
That's the way life should be, aye Mah ? Give 'em one chance. Otherwise Starfighter them. Choice ! That's the way ! Don't you fuck with us zionists ! You'll regret it !
And you can piss off with all your skunky, smelly, zionist web addresses Mah. Why in God's name would I want to get more of "your" crap.
ReplyDeleteWhat I do know is that Palestinian children aren't hardly gonna think the IDF is like, handing out free cans of Coke.
They, the IDF, flying the Chickenhawk's death machines, are gonna be viewed with a measure of suspicion I contemplate. Cos they killed their Daddy last week. And their Mum.
Have a heart you rotten, cruel little zionist fanatic Mah. Bet you're as ugly and decrepit as your sense of the world. Personal - yeah, I hope so !
Gotta shake you arrogant zionists to know that what you give you get ! Snivelling mongrels !
"Have a heart you rotten, cruel little zionist fanatic Mah. Bet you're as ugly and decrepit as your sense of the world. Personal - yeah, I hope so !"
ReplyDeleteSteve please shut your pile hole. Al-Qaeda's no. 2 just cheered on the Senate bill to withdraw from Iraq. You have the gall to attack Bush to be a "chickenhawk" while al-Zawahri sits in a comfortable room making his propaganda video while his radical followers die in battle as cannon fodder.
You accuse Bush to be a "war criminal" when you really echo for support for al-Zawahri who IS a war criminal when he's encouraging terrorism against U.S. troops and average Iraqis.
You are a pathetic example of someone on the dishonest far left. You don't give a damn if there happens to be a military pact by Moscow and Beijing or that you don't give a damn they are giving arms to the terrorist insurgency in Iraq.
You said you "support" freedom of expression. That means nothing because of your recent posts shows what complete bull that is.
"That they didn't succeed doesn't exonerate them. The Chickenhawk didn't succeed either. Perhaps his fate, karmically, is to go back to TX, have an outrageous and very public affair with a pimply bellhop, relapse into the piss and other substances, fall off a horse far too big for him, and expire. Oh, Chief Justice - and Barak - do hurry - we have a funeral."
ReplyDeleteThis post of yours utterly exposes what sort of arrogant anti-American fool you truly are. How many times have you ever protested al-Zawahri when he calls for more terrorism? Have you ever seen him on the battle field with the terrorist insurgency? He sits in a comfortable room making his propaganda videos while Bush even goes to travel to Iraq to meet with the troops.
Now seriously is that what a chickenhawk would do? Or would a chickenhawk be someone like al-Zawahri who would cowardly sit behind a camara promoting more death and destruction while his followers die as canon fodder?
"I just said I accepted the existence of Israel."
ReplyDeleteI doubt with your arrogant anti-Zionist attitude that you do not support the existance of Israel. You have attacked me and anyone who dares share a different view than your own.
"They, the IDF, flying the Chickenhawk's death machines, are gonna be viewed with a measure of suspicion I contemplate. Cos they killed their Daddy last week. And their Mum."
ReplyDeleteI wonder steve do you give a damn anytime a Palestinian teaches a child to become a future suicide bomber and blows himself up? This message of yours certainly exposes that you SUPPORT terrorism against Israel. You don't give a damn about terrorism's victims. When those victims happen to be Israeli, you laud attack against them, call them "fanatics" and "holocaust Nazis" and all that other sort of garbage.
You alone are an apologist when it comes to Palestinian terrorism. You do not even care what sort of culture these sort of terrorists like Hamas, PLO are doing to their own people. Can't the terms you certainly love to laud against me would certainly apply to you for your denial of the truth. For your utter discontempt for those poor souls who are brainwashed by this sort of garbage?
So it must be okay for people like you to support the brainwashing of Palestinians into this sort of garbage. Having Palestinian parents being encouraged to have their child throw a rock at a tank. Go on Palestinian Television and support terrorism against Israel. Openly go about and deny the holocaust on television. Allow their textbooks to have them be taught in this manner.
It's okay for you steve to support this sort of thing while you damn the IDF and the Israeli government itself. Just like how you call Bush to be a "war criminal", a "chickenhawk" while Zawahri who makes propaganda videos to hand over to his followers who die in battlefield as cannon fodder is not called a chickenhawk or a war criminal by the likes of you.
America has a free society and so does Israel. But it always certainly exposes what sort of society YOU and the rest of YOUR KIND would rather want to be imposed on the rest of the world. Tell me steve, do you support the Turkish government when they go after Kurdish terrorists? Or do you suggest how "oppressed" and "outnumbered" the Kurdish terrorists are? How about the Indian government going after the Naxalites steve? Do you suggest how "outnumbered" the Naxalites are even though the Naxalites murder innocent Indian civilians daily? How about the Sri Lankan government, are they "holocaust Nazis" when they go after the Tamil Tigers who also murder innocent civilians even other Tamil civilians? Would you even suggest that about the people in Corisca who have sought independence but some have used terrorism as a means to free themselves from France? Are you going to call the French government "holocaust Nazis"? Anyone who supports those governments who go against terrorism to be "fascists", "Nazis", "holocaust Nazis", "third Reichers"?
But when it involves the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, you surely do love to do that to anyone who dares stands up for Israel. I guess to people like you steve, it's okay to bash a government like Israel where its people have survived a holocaust and okay to support give some sway to genocidal terrorists more than it does with other similar conflicts around the globe.
Hey steve, do you give a damn about Arafat who used Swiss bank accounts to screw the Palestinians?
If you don't pay attention to this one steve, you really don't give a damn to the people you say are "oppressed" by Israel and the IDF. But rather pretend how you care to support Israel's right to exist when you really do not. I'm lauded by a "fascist", a "Nazi", a "third Reicher" and a "chickenhawk" by the likes of you, but when it comes to Arafat cowardly putting money that's suppose to go to his own people in Swiss banks there are no protests by the likes of you.
Just consider the word "terror-ist" Mah.
ReplyDeleteWho's more into "terror" than the rabid zionist practitioners of apartheid against the Palestinian people ? I remind you - IDF:10 Palestinians:1
Who's more into "terror" than The Chickenhawk, raining down cluster bombs on Iraqi people ? I remind you - pre-emptive slaughter rationalised by proven lies. Lies designed to conceal that it was always intended to hit Iraq in any event, as is now emerging.
Who do you think you are Mah - special, just because you're jewish ? The world doesn't buy that Mah and neither should it.
Enough of your pathetic zionist snivelling. You smash people over you get it back, and deservedly. Very deservedly. You'll never beat the Palestinians. Not with your 10:1, not with your reflexive arrogance, not with anything.
Glad to see you've stopped your whinging "bullying" allegations Mah.
Good Lad !
Oh, so we've got The Chickenhawk as some sort of hard-man military hero have we ?
ReplyDeleteBecause he's visited Iraq. Also, one assumes, because he zooms into some aircraft carrier somewhere off Long Beach - "Mission Accomplished!". What a sick joke, the exercise and the man !
You really do live in a strange B-grade movie consciousness Mah.
Steve, please stop blaming Zionists like me for the world's ills. How about the Slavic radicals such as those who started the Black Hand, assassinated a member of the Austrian-Hungary Empire and gave the right excuse for the Central Powers to intervne?
ReplyDeleteHow about Czarist Russia having some benefit of taking control of the Bulkan area steve? Why is it that it's okay for you to signal Zionists like me out, call me "fascist" and all sort of stupid terms but ignore things like that?
Face it steve, admimt it that something is clouding your judgement, and don't give me of how you "support" Israel's right to exist at the same time you are an apologist for Palestinian terrorists.
Look Mah, your disconcert, your pulse which races dangerously when I say I accept the existence of Israel speaks nothing about me. It speaks heaps about you though.
ReplyDeleteYou, being a zionist fanatic, cannot tolerate middle ground. It's got to be all or nothing with you. Much like the Chickenhawk. Either one is with the "willing" - viz, to do the "killing" - or one is indisputably "evil".
Grow up Darling ! The Chickenhawk is more "terror-ist" than anyone alive. I leave you with this - IDF:10 Palestinians: 1