Friday, May 18, 2007

Farrar on Labour's Tax Extremism

David Farrar at Kiwiblog has written an excellent post budget post on Labour's extreme and greedy approach to taxes.

Check it out.

Why This is an Extremist Government

In eight years Dr Cullen has taken a Taliban approach to fiscal strategy. No one expects Labour to not spend more than National. No one expects Labour to give as big a tax cut as National would. That is why we have choice between parties. But to have $24.5 billion of extra tax revenue, and to refuse to give even 1% of it back let alone 10% or 20%. That is extreme.

It is the ideological equivalent of an ACT Government, not a National Government. An Act Government would probably have given back the entire $24.5 billion, and not increase spending by a single dollar. (Libertarianz members stop drooling). Labour doesn't cut income taxes by a single dollar and spends it all. This is not mainstream economic management.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Ah, Yes, It Is. Partcularly to the mainstream, which is a moving quantity.

    It touches a majority - forget your purism. Everyone else did a longtime ago.
