Friday, June 08, 2007

I'm Not %^*#&# Happy!

I was doing deliveries in my van in central Christchurch this morning and let my attention lapse for a second.

Smash-I rear-ended a a brand new Camry at the Gloucester/Colombo lights.

The driver ran out and pounded on my window. He could just reach-he was a dwarf-no more than 4 feet tall.

I wound down my window.

"I'm not %^*#&# happy" he screamed at me.

I replied "well which one are you then?" .


  1. Definitely looks like Grumpy from here...

  2. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I read another version of this joke somewhere else recently. Where did you steal it from, Trev?

  3. A mate fooled me with it yesterday anon.

  4. Anonymous5:18 PM

    essentialy it mocks people afflicked with dwarfism. A cheap shot. How about some Jewish jokes?

  5. I was hoping someone would say something idiotic like that anon.

    Of course it mocks dwarves. Thats what jokes do-they mock.

    I swop Jewish jokes all the time with my Israeli friend Amit.

    There are very few ethnic groups, personality types, physical afflictions etc that I don't joke about.

    Except lefties. Socialists aren't usually funny.

  6. Anonymous5:31 PM

    the biggest joke of all would be the ACT party.
    When i remember the punchline I'll let ya know.


  7. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Gotta go and save my savs from boiling dry.
    That aint the punchline its my dinner.


  8. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Hey, that's Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf!

    Salient quote:
    "From the waist down, you're mine!"
    (I'm Gonna Git You Sucka!)

  9. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Looking forward to the incest, pedophile asthmatic and bipolar disorder jokes Trev. What a sour lot these leftists are. They wouldn't even crack a grin at a good leper joke. Wankers. Anyway, whats red and crawls across the carpet?
    A baby chewing razor blades. Ha ha.
    Did you hear the one about the epileptic who went into the Star Mart and ordered a wholewheat pastrami sandwhich?
    Neither did I.

  10. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Don't you think your time would be better spent trying to revive the dying ACT Party, Trev, than mocking little people?

  11. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Anon....pull the forest out of your own arse before suggesting that others remove trees from theirs...

  12. Anonymous2:31 PM

    It looks like Martyn Bradbury.

  13. Better looking than Bomber Bradbury, Blair.

  14. Hi Rick-you "sizist"-how ya doin?
