The UN was to send a special "rapporteur" to investigate Cuban human rights abuses, but Castro and co. have succeeded in getting the project canned.
So the gutless UN can't even send someone to investigate one of the worst regimes on the planet. They're not even up to doing a "whitewash".
From Cuba's La Prensa Latina

Havana, Jun 20 Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque said on Wednesday that the United Nations Human Rights Council"s decision to cancel the mandate of the so-called special rapporteur on Cuba is an indispensable act of justice with the Caribbean island.
At a press conference at the headquarters of Cuba"s Foreign Ministry, Perez Roque said that the UNHRC"s decision, approved by all 47 member countries, is also "a resounding, undisputable and historic victory of Cuban diplomacy." The decision is an indispensable act of justice that the international community owed to the people of Cuba, said Perez Roque, adding that it is an end to 20 years of US manipulation of the human rights issue in the former UN Commission.
At the conclusion of the fifth session of the new Geneva-based committee, the members put an end to the mandate of the personal representative of the UN High Human Rights Commissioner, France"s Christine Chanet.
Perez Roque dedicated what he called a splendid victory to President Fidel Castro, who, he said, "with his teachings and leadership taught us to resist on the basis of truth, on the basis of principles, without getting down on our knees or yielding."
He also lauded the Cuban people"s sacrifice for more than 15 years of economic hardships, called Special Period, and added that the result has the additional value of having occurred "amid brutal pressure by the US government." According to the Cuban foreign minister, a cycle is over and Washington lacks pretexts to maintain the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed on Havana for nearly half a century.
The Cuban foreign minister pointed out that the countries of the European Union did not dare break the consensus and voted for Cuba, which was initially backed by more than 20 delegations, to which he expressed gratitude for their solidarity.
Just goes to show what a nest of Commie lickspittles the UN is and always has been.