Friday, July 06, 2007

Hide on Therapeutic Remedies Bill.

As ACT is the free enterprise party, talk of Rodney Hide being willing to discuss the stymied Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill with Labour has upset many.

ACT's Heather Roy has strongly opposed this draconian bill for years.

Why would ACT even want to talk to Labour about it? Why would ACT look at a bill that could wipe out much of the natural remedies industry?

ACT leader Rodney Hide explains;

The opportunity to promote free enterprise, foster competition and promote choice is not something the ACT party could turn down. We agreed to look, in good faith, at the Theraputic Products and Medicines Bill and make recommendations on how the Bill could be changed.

Our concern has always been that the Bill is unnecessarily bureaucratic and restricts competition and choice in the market place. We are also concerned about the costs that could be imposed on businesses and consumers. When it comes to health supplements, we have considered the Bill a sledge hammer to crack a nut.

I have now written to the Minister with our suggestions for changes to the Bill that would see competition and choice fostered, rather than closed down. I have also recommended that the Bill be returned to Select Committee for a proper hearing given the extent of the changes suggested.

Thats what it means for ACT to be an independent party standing up for free enterprise in our Parliament. We work with all parties in the interests of fostering choice and competition but are tied to none.

Amen to that.

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