Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Smart Poms Little Concerned Over Climate Change

Good to see the British haven't been totally sucked in by Al Gore and the Stern Report.

From the Guardian

The public remains unconvinced about warnings that the climate is being affected by global warming, according to a new poll.

Findings by Ipsos Mori show Britons believe that the issue is not as bad as the scientists and politicians claim.

There is also scepticism about "greenspin" and a feeling that the situation is being overstated in order to raise revenue rather than save the planet.

In fact climate change is not a priority for most people in the UK - terrorism, crime, graffiti and even dog mess are of more concern.

Ipsos Mori interviewed 2,031 adults in their homes between June 14 and 20, and found that 56% believe scientists themselves are still questioning climate change and believe there is a live debate going on, when in fact there is virtual scientific consensus.

Phil Downing, head of environmental research at Ipsos Mori, said: "Our research shows there is still a lot to do to win the public over on climate change and encourage low-carbon lifestyles.

Hat Tip Not PC


  1. Anonymous4:53 PM

    "Smart poms", Trev's little joke.

  2. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Or is it a clever oxymoron?

  3. Anonymous3:27 PM

    are you a climate skeptic trev?

  4. Am I a climate Change skeptic-A-a-a-y-e.
