Sunday, August 05, 2007

NZ Communists and the Labour Party.

I have a memo in my possession that shows just how openly the Communist Party infiltrated the Labour Party in the '40s.

It is a "Weekly Bulletin to all branches" from the Auckland District Secretariat of the Communist Party, dated 16th August 1943.

The memo deals with Communist Party activity around the 1943 general Election. The report touches on Communist support for Labour and Communist activity within Labour Party branches.

ONEHUNGAis holding cottage metings in the area. Is holding a public meeting next Friday in the "Orphans" Hall on "Why the Communists support the Labour Party". Have offered 14 helpers to the Election Committee.
OTAHUHU AND PAPATOETOE each have one member on the Election Committee.
DEVONPORT has members functioning on a joint committee.
MT ALBERT AND EDEN-ROSKILLhave members on the Election Committee.
PONSONBY as four members on the Election Committee and are organising a public meeting.
NEWMARKET has given the Election Committee a list of helpers, some of whom are attending committee meetings.
PT.CHEVALIER are holding cottage meetings and are assisting at the Election rooms.


Comradely Greetings

District Secretariat

This kind of activity was occurring all over New Zealand. It shows how a small secretive party may manipulate a larger open party, yet remain unknown to the voting public.


  1. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Or how shareholders can manipulate the public using the media (which they own) and still remain unknown to the public.

    Trev I wish we ruled the world like you think we do but we can only mobilise a handfull of people at best. Labour is sliding to the right and your pals control more and more of the world every year.

    Stop whining about us and start partying, you guys have won.

  2. Amazing how we see the world so differently isnt it?

    I think part of the difference lies in that most leftists see socialism as something that will change ourwhole way of living in a positive and concrete manner.

    I see socialism as an unreal fantasy than can never become real.

    To me socialism is simply centralised state power.

    In your terms, "capitalism" is winning.

    In my terms. "socialism" is winning.
